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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
Dear Codex,
Today I got up and took a shower. I didn't really need to since I took one last night but it always makes my hair stick up and just in general makes me look unkempt. I like to kepe an air of modest civility about myself. I used the green shampoo instead of the weird orange one because I like the smell better.

I wore a white undershirt and a blue overshirt and a pair of jeans. The jeans used to be uncomfortable but since I've lost weight they fit much better. However, as you will see, this choice is one I would later regret. (je ne regrette rien!!)

My first class, at 8 o clock, was Calculus. I got my test back from the previous and was shocked to learn that I had made a 58. There was little feedback on the test to let me know why I had scored so poorly on a test which, as far as I could tell, had very few incorrect answers on it. Maybe I left off too much of my work? We went over taking the derivative of trigonometric functions which is old information for me.

In the half hour after Calculus I worked on my French homework. It was over partitive articles, y and en, and the vocabulary of l'epicerie (Fr: the urinal). On my way to French I saw one of my friends from high school. I had not taken French in my first two semesters, however, she told me that there was an advanced class that she would be taking and that I should take it as well. I agreed, for my French skills are quite good for my level (I got free credit for the first two semesters after testing out). I am currently on the fourth semester of French, however it is only the second semester I've taken.

In French we spent most of the class period going over the vocabulary and just general speech. When asked about non-vocabulary words, what would we buy at l'epicerie, I answered, "les feuilles de toilette." He told me that this was a new one. I corrected my mistake, of course, I had had a brain fart.

After French I drove myself home. I had an Italian Hero (a kindof small sandwich with provolone, salamis, ham, and bologne on white bread) and some ginger snaps.

While I was eating I corrected my paper for Speech. The lady who teaches that class is a total ditz. I've turned in three drafts so far and she likes to write in red pen: I don't know what your speech is about. I'm tempted to bold-face the parts where I explain (very clearly) what I'm talking about and turn it in again. She also likes to circle critical information and write, "No" next to it. "No" what? I don't know.

I went to school and sat through a boring Network and System Communications class. I don't really remember what they talked about. Then I went to turn in my homework from Logic and Design but the teacher wasn't there. I went across campus but the Speech teacher wasn't in her office either. :S

Then I went to see another professor. She isn't one of mine, but she was a friend of my mother's and I've known her ever since I moved here to Texas. She was in a hurry and she apologized for neither reading nor returning Perdido Street Station; she's been busy writing her dissertation for her PhD.

Finally I went around to the other professors again (of course, I had parkedin the central lot and the two buildings were on opposite sides. It would've been smarter to park in front of one of the buildings. It was also getting hot outside (because Bush didn't sign Kyoto) so the pants I was wearing overheating me a little bit.

So I went to my Speech professor's office and shoved the speech under her door for she wasn't there either. I crossed campus again and my Brazillian Logic and Design professor was there so I handed him my homework. It was over AND/OR/NOT gates and basic circuitry design as well as truth tables.

Then I went home. My mother is gone but she made home-made pizza for us. It's resting dans le frigo and just needs to be cooked.

Yours Truly,
Clayton Lee XOXO

Currently Listening To: Scourge of 1691
Current Mood: Whimsical/Helterskelter :cool: / :x


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
Funny joke:
Cheney goes into the Oval Office and says, "Sir, I have bad news. Three Brazillian soldiers died in Iraq today."
And Bush goes, "My God! That's terrible....how many is a brazillian?"


Sep 20, 2006
OverrideB1 said:
I'm also intrigued why there's no insta-ban for ESFMods making accounts here or, at the very least, precious princess-type auto-titles in the time-honoured ESF tradition of "I love Oblivion" for RPGCodex. Fair is, after all, fair...

I wouldn't have a problem with that, I am an eye for an eye type guy. However, there is a bit of a difference. When I made an account here to explain something to someone (you in fact) in a civil manner. We only insta-ban a handful of users, and they had at one time more than a few chances to not break the rules set forth at ESF. So why would I be a ban on sight? Or get a fucked up title? Just because I am a moderator somewhere else, I am automatically ridiculed or banned? Seems like a somewhat immature way to deal with things no?


Feb 21, 2007
Monica21 said:
Lumpy said:
dongle said:
Lumpy said:
Yeah, it's not like most trolls of the ESF come from the Codex...
Psst, Lumpy, one of their fucking moderators just came here and trolled. . . .
Trolled? Where?
If anybody said "channeled all that stupid" on the ESF, they'd get a warning for flaming. When HD signed up, he came here to explain a few things, whether people agreed with him or not. I'm not sure what's up with Attrebus just going off on people.
Well, that's not even in the vacinity of "going off on people". I just found it amusing. I can go off if you really like.

I didn't join just to troll. If I did, I'd have joined under a different name. Or something.

Anyway, contrary to popular belief, I do like RPGs. And this place talks about RPG's apparently.


Oct 16, 2005
Attrebus said:
Well, that's not even in the vacinity of "going off on people". I just found it amusing. I can go off if you really like.
It's not in the vicinity here, but it's close on the ESF. And feel free to go off. It would be amusing.

Anyway, contrary to popular belief, I do like RPGs. And this place talks about RPG's apparently.
Only sometimes.


Nov 22, 2006
this thread's not the place to discuss RPGs...just trolling and bitching.
(disclaimer: just pointing that out, not complaining)


Feb 21, 2007
Maybe if I get fired up enough I'll go off. I do go off at some people via PM's on the official forums. With enough venom to kill a cow. Way more than enough to get warnings if posted in a thread. But since it's PM's, it doesn't really count.

They call me the complaints and abuse department... you complain, I abuse.

And you should talk about my arid minge instead. Otherwise I might feel left out.

Thanks JoKa. I thought all RPG discussion was limited to this thread within the General RPG Discussion forums. Good thing you clarified.


Aug 27, 2006
KreideBein said:
Darkflame said:
Bethesda can't even keep a few abject Codexers off their forums, they won't be able to keep nudity off either... *goes to make an account with an avatar of a big penis*

I hope that you realize how infantile that is.

actually I was hoping someone would do it...


Oct 25, 2006
kingcomrade said:
Funny joke:
Cheney goes into the Oval Office and says, "Sir, I have bad news. Three Brazillian soldiers died in Iraq today."
And Bush goes, "My God! That's terrible....how many is a brazillian?"
Old joke, but hilarious none the less. :lol:


Jan 23, 2006
Attrebus said:
I didn't join just to troll.
And yet:
Attrebus said:
I'm so sorry your internets is such serious business.

Maybe if you channelled all that stupid into something useful the world will be a better place for everyone.

In other news, I find it ironic that you hate the Bethesda Official forums so much, yet try so hard to get back there.
You did just that.

Your first post here contains nothing interesting, constructive, polite, funny, or even worthwhile. I was worded solely to insult, hoping that would stir up defensive comments. Textbook trolling, plain and simple. No other reason for that post to exist.

Now HD, and I guess Dread, came here in the capacity of an ESF mod to try and give some of the ESF viewpoint. I can respect that, even if it amounts to no more than; "we don't make the rules, or even understand them, just enforce them, kthxby." Even still, respectable as they may be, one can't use that to defend Attrebus' posts.

Not that I care particularly if ESF mods troll here, might liven the old dump up a bit. The CODEX thrives on "channeling all that stupid" at something, so it's all good. Just found it funny that Lumps was lampooning CODEXers for trolling ESF, immediately after one of their mods trolled here.


Aug 18, 2005

Solomon Doone

Feb 12, 2007
dongle said:
Attrebus said:
I didn't join just to troll.
And yet:
Attrebus said:
I'm so sorry your internets is such serious business.

Maybe if you channelled all that stupid into something useful the world will be a better place for everyone.

In other news, I find it ironic that you hate the Bethesda Official forums so much, yet try so hard to get back there.
You did just that.

Your first post here contains nothing interesting, constructive, polite, funny, or even worthwhile. I was worded solely to insult, hoping that would stir up defensive comments. Textbook trolling, plain and simple. No other reason for that post to exist.

Now HD, and I guess Dread, came here in the capacity of an ESF mod to try and give some of the ESF viewpoint. I can respect that, even if it amounts to no more than; "we don't make the rules, or even understand them, just enforce them, kthxby." Even still, respectable as they may be, one can't use that to defend Attrebus' posts.

Not that I care particularly if ESF mods troll here, might liven the old dump up a bit. The CODEX thrives on "channeling all that stupid" at something, so it's all good. Just found it funny that Lumps was lampooning CODEXers for trolling ESF, immediately after one of their mods trolled here.

Obviously you failed when it came to getting the gist of "Sarcastic humour" as opposed to "trolling".


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Cheney goes into the Oval Office and says, "Sir, I have bad news. Three Brazillian soldiers died in Iraq today."
And Bush goes, "My God! That's terrible....how many is a brazillian?"

L0LLERZ! :lol:


Aug 23, 2005
Actually, I think that the ESF moderators coming over here is a good thing. Once they learn the hivemind way, they could ambush Bethesda from the inside :D

Anyway, perhaps they could learn lessons about fair and balanced discussion, learn not to lock threads because they say "Oblivion sucks" and may incite flaming without any flaming in the thread, etc. Actually, if the ESF mods just deleted the shit out of the threads with good discussion, then maybe some sense could be made at the ESF. For example, if someone criticizes Oblivion, delete all of the fanboi posts that say, "If you don't like it don't play!!11!!lolerz"

Anyway, it's just a matter of time until the Bethstapo Nazis ban ESF moderators from posting here, like they did with MSFD et al.


Feb 21, 2007
dongle said:
Attrebus said:
I didn't join just to troll.
And yet:
Attrebus said:
I'm so sorry your internets is such serious business.

Maybe if you channelled all that stupid into something useful the world will be a better place for everyone.

In other news, I find it ironic that you hate the Bethesda Official forums so much, yet try so hard to get back there.
You did just that.

Your first post here contains nothing interesting, constructive, polite, funny, or even worthwhile. I was worded solely to insult, hoping that would stir up defensive comments. Textbook trolling, plain and simple. No other reason for that post to exist.

Now HD, and I guess Dread, came here in the capacity of an ESF mod to try and give some of the ESF viewpoint. I can respect that, even if it amounts to no more than; "we don't make the rules, or even understand them, just enforce them, kthxby." Even still, respectable as they may be, one can't use that to defend Attrebus' posts.

Not that I care particularly if ESF mods troll here, might liven the old dump up a bit. The CODEX thrives on "channeling all that stupid" at something, so it's all good. Just found it funny that Lumps was lampooning CODEXers for trolling ESF, immediately after one of their mods trolled here.
I thought my post was both hilarious and insightful. Guess that's just me.

At any rate, I didn't come here as an ESF moderator. I didn't come here to provide insights into how moderation is done over there.

And I don't overly care what you think of me or how I post.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
ESF=Lots of diluted opinions saying the same boring stuff over and over.

Codex=Heated debates, where all opinions are never the same, that result in better understanding.

That's my experience between the two. There's just less freedom of thought on ESF, or less actual critical thinking - some here and there of course.

It's always a focus on the bad and the good but never a focus on the PR Hype stunts - unless it's to bash them for being stupid.

That's why I like the Codex.


Jan 23, 2006
Attrebus said:
Guess that's just me.
Pretty much.

So you're not here to discuss anything and don't care what anyone thinks of you. You're just here to call folks stupid, chide them for visiting ESF, and laugh uproariously at the results.

Good, glad you're not trolling, thanks for clearing that up. :roll:


Jan 23, 2006
HardCode said:
Anyway, perhaps they could learn lessons about fair and balanced discussion, learn not to lock threads because they say "Oblivion sucks" and may incite flaming without any flaming in the thread, etc.
Maybe we can invite them all to be guest mods on the CODEX for a week? That'll sort things out right quick. :D


Sep 4, 2006
East Texas
dongle said:
HardCode said:
Anyway, perhaps they could learn lessons about fair and balanced discussion, learn not to lock threads because they say "Oblivion sucks" and may incite flaming without any flaming in the thread, etc.
Maybe we can invite them all to be guest mods on the CODEX for a week? That'll sort things out right quick. :D


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