Well there was a stream of a leaked copy of this up. I watched for about an hour. It looks far more linear (And has a quest compass/breadcrumb trail to your objective) and has worse AI than Bioshock.
My interest dropped from "Maybe buy it for $40 from a ruskie and sell parts and try to get it for $20 total or ask for it for birthday" to "$10 shitty FPS standard price". Unless it dramatically improves later (Possible? Not sure how far in he was when I started watching but most of the time I spent watching was him first meeting Elizabeth and then not actually playing the game for 40 minutes and watching interactive cutscenes) which is highly unlikely. Oh well. Even Bioshock was better than this.
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/aliensvspredators Streamer's back up elsewhere, if you manage to catch him while he's still up and want to cringe for yourself.
Edit: Oh god it never stops. You cannot die. Even worse than Bioshock 1. If you fall off a bottomless cliff the game just says "No no baby, no no" and gently sets you back where you were. No quickloading or anything, it just sets you back. If you die in a hail of gunfire, Elizabeth apparently DRAGS YOU HOLE FILLED CORPSE AWAY AND STICKS A NEEDLE IN YOU AND NOW YOU'RE OK. Not only that, she throws shit at you. Guy at was at 1% health, she goes "CATCH THIS" and he goes up to 100%. Game goes "THIS IS A GOOD SNIPING AREA" and she throws a sniper rifle at the PC replacing his primary weapon with it.