Just finished the game. And the conclusion is that Levine cannot make a good game even if his life would depend on it. Bioshock Infinite is a definitely and without a doubt: a piece of shit. Well dressed and served, but nevertheless: a piece of shit.
There is no doubt that they invested a lot in the graphics, music, story and quality. But it has no souls. It mimics a soul very convincing, but ultimately it fails to possess one. It walks aimlessly through many themes and it fails to deliver on anything.
They try to hide mediocrity by throwing mountains of polished shit towards the player and it works for a while. But then the shit starts to pile and soon the emptiness of the game design can be admired in the open.
The game fails to deliver on its potential and this is one of the reasons why it makes me feel anger. So much money was wasted for this. And again, is nowhere near SS2. Taking about creative bankruptcy.
But let's clarify some points:
1) It is a decent shooter, not the best, but not the worst. My favorite weapon was Carbine, I don't know why. Sometimes the combat can be very fluid and this is one of the only good things I can say about this game.
2) Anyway, you are seriously overpowered. I think I've died 6-7 times during the entire game and most of the time because I was simply bored and inattentive. That Overkill piece makes serious damage. Another case of "Dishonored".
3) The pacing of the game is retarded. One fight, awkward silence, resupply, next fight. The entire game can be described in those terms. They try to break this monotony by putting a section without supplies towards the end of the game.
4) Level design. Retarded as fuck. One entry point followed by two ways converging in the same spot. Repeat this shit to infinite. * I know I'm exaggerating, but fuck the vistas. Outside or inside buildings, I always felt cramped as inside a corridor.
5) Loot Madness. I'm serious about this. If you are a hoarder like me, you will go insane. Looted all the shit I found and to be honest this is one reason I hate this game. Yeah, you cannot upgrade all weapons or plasmids, but you are pretty close to that shit. At the end of the game I think I had Life, Shield and Plasma on lvl 8 and only 4 plasmids which were not maximized. Also most weapons were upgraded to the max. I even upgraded weapons I never used. Full ammo on everything. Left lots of stuff on the ground. What the fuck.
6) Static world. Or should I say that the world is the same scripted shit glorified by lame fps in the last years. Customers serving tea on the terrace of a closed bar!? No problem. The game is filled with non-sensical shit like this.
7) Wanted hipsters. Or liberals. The game capitalize on cretinous cliches: segregated society, all religious people are nuts, capitalism is exploitation .. blablabla. Except romanceable npcs, this game is crafted for wannabe hipsters with the adequate level of inculture and emotional confusion.
And the last big offender is the story. Reminds me of Inception, but in this case is jumping between alternative universes. Doesn't feel special and it doesn't make sense. Except if you accept Anna as your Savior. Or God. Doesn't matter.
There is no choice. Plot happens because the script says so. The characters motivations are fuzzy and unclear. The moods are swinging like laser sabres in the wind. But all is good, as long as the plot advances.
And in the end no transgression from the invisible corridor is allowed. Not even the trendy multi-colored endings. There is only one ending for an infinite number of universes. Levine fails to comprehend his own work. A hack with too much publicity.
PS. There was one moment in the game when I actually believed for a second that it might be good. The transformation of Elisabeth in Comstock was genuinely scary and I loved the idea: make the player attached to a npc and then have the balls to take that npc from him.
Go towards a bleak ending. It might work in the right conditions, but no. We must all suffer the same inevitable happy ending. The eternal cop-out.
PS2. Perhaps my review is too harsh, but this game will not stand the test of time. It is derivative and forgettable. Or perhaps I approached the game with wrong expectations. I'm also tired. Sorry for my Engrish.