Thought Criminal #3333
Start by accepting some insults, faggot.Maybe if we all strive to make the codex a nicer and more accepting place
Start by accepting some insults, faggot.Maybe if we all strive to make the codex a nicer and more accepting place
Maybe if we all strive to make the codex a nicer and more accepting place we wouldn't have to worry about people besmirching our good name.Please tell ImprobableRealTimeWithPause not to besmirch our good name or we'll cancel his ass.
Good job modding this place, btw. We appreciate you.
discord is for trannies
OMG, they are crunching. Call Jim Sterling and Jason Schier!!!!
holy fuck you can't just deadname people like that, xer's name is James SterlingOMG, they are crunching. Call Jim Sterling and Jason Schier!!!!
a nicer and more accepting place we wouldn't have to worry about people besmirching our good name.
Bugger shoulda grown when he had the little panda dies!
fagMaybe if we all strive to make the codex a nicer and more accepting place we wouldn't have to worry about people besmirching our good name.
More people should be like this guy. I respect you! *dibs hat*Maybe if we all strive to make the codex a nicer and more accepting place we wouldn't have to worry about people besmirching our good name.Please tell ImprobableRealTimeWithPause not to besmirch our good name or we'll cancel his ass.
Good job modding this place, btw. We appreciate you.
Good, one less Chinese in the world!Every time someone bumps this tread and not providing true release date, one little panda dies!
Someone tell that peasant to wash his mouth before talking about CODEX, no one gives a shit about their game expect us.
What does "Prosper" mean as a topic tag?
Ohhh it will be a filthy place.......once the black geyxer erupts!Someone tell that peasant to wash his mouth before talking about CODEX, no one gives a shit about their game expect us.
We can design their RPG better than they can. Only if we weren't too busy posting here.
The first thing i would do is throw a big party with a lot of whores and coke! Nothing like slamming your dick in a tight teen pussy powdered in cokeSo much the better. If someone is stupid enough to donate money to a game I'm making, the last thing I would let him do is mess with the content of the game.
Backer input is stupid as fuck.So, apparently most of chapters are completely finished but without the backer input characters/quests lol
Backer input is stupid as fuck.So, apparently most of chapters are completely finished but without the backer input characters/quests lol
If I'm donating to something it's because I believe in the developer's vision, not because I want to put my ideas into it.
I believe in the crushmaster.