It looks like the devs didn't give up on it.
The feedback seems to be positive despite the fact that the game has no coherent story.
Mon, March 4
Combat Refinement
Combat, Camera and Controller improvements.
- Camera distance offset setting now also affects holstered camera.
- Added fading material to most props in the game, greatly assisting with camera clipping.
- New setting: Holster Type; Keyboard Default: Separate Input; Gamepad Default: Combined Input.
- While combined input is enabled, hold the switch weapon keybind to holster weapons.
- New setting: Parry Type; Keyboard Default: Separate Input; Gamepad Default: Combined Input.
- While combined input is enabled, press the block keybind to parry, hold to block.
- New setting: Mouse Aiming Sensitivity.
- Switch Shoulder Camera moved to Lock Target keybind.
- Changed icons for certain debuffs.
- Running Attacks.
- Fixed Tenderizer and Mechanical Tenderizer weapon holds and updated their moveset.
- Game now autosaves roughly every minute to prevent any potential progress loss during a crash.
- New mini boss in Ghost Town, requires Plagued Blood from Asylum to start the fight.
- Diminishing returns on experience removed from Final Zone.
- Added "Dual Wield" weapon sort in inventory.
- Pierce, Whiplash, and Heavy Strike received the same tracking as regular attacks.
- Turning in Handler Echoes in NG+ now gives Anomalous Fragments if the handler is already at max level.
- New item: Ring of Slumber; Prevents the wearer from obtaining any experience.
- Looted from Monastery.
- Smoothered and reduced the duration of aim assist.
- Controller Scheme: Simplified, renamed to Simplified Modifier.
- New Controller Scheme: Simplified; Fully avoids the modifier button.
- Removed healing potions from Restless in the Monastery.
- Added "Removes Invincibility Frames" warning on all Tacticians Amulets.
- Improved optimization during seamless travel.
- Improved weapon hitbox detection precision.
- Slightly edited unique helmets anomalous crystals.
- Duelist upgrade perk that removes the delay before stamina regeneration after a successful block now instead removes the penalty from stamina regen while blocking.
- Ring of Command now increases durations of all summons; Elementals, Illusions, and Reanimated Corpses, instead of the previous summons' cooldown reduction.
- Silence debuff no longer reduces the cast time of bosses but instead reduces their ability damage by 5% per stack.
- Reduced arrow speed of enemies by an additional 30%.
- Combo Points are now obtained by dealing damage with regular attacks and stack up to 15.
- Associated perks have been edited to better synergize with the new system.
- Combo System remains unchanged; only the acquisition of the points themselves has changed.
- Adjusted the damage of the Giant in the upper block.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the character would be rotated incorrectly while on a ladder.
- Fixed a crash caused by switching to a previously removed weapon set.
- Fixed a low camera angle on bigger enemies during lock-on.
- Fixed constant fade on Uranopolis -> Ghost Town transition with seamless transitions on.
- Fixed FPS drops in inventory while quickly hovering over several armor pieces.
- Fixed Archinquisitors Sentinels sometimes not working properly.
- Chronoblade Timewarp now properly gets teleport along with Archinquisitors' phase change.
- Archinquisitors' clone no longer displays his debuffs on the boss health bar.
- Fixed Duelist second upgrade not restoring stamina on weapon switch.
- Fixed Asklepious projectiles not leeching flux.
- Pestilence no longer affects out-of-combat enemies.
- Pestilence properly applies extra debuffs.
- Increased the volume of Wormlords' sound effects.
- Fixed an issue where enemy AI breaks if a perfect parry was performed with Claymore or Tenderizer.
- Fixed high bash chance against bigger enemies.
- Fixed the incorrect duration of certain concoctions when the Tinkerer perk is active.
- Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor would be lost during the fast travel menu.
- Gamepad vibrations will no longer trigger if the last input was from the keyboard.
- Fixed an issue that caused roll backward to root character in place for 0.1 of a second.
Wake up - and reap what you sow.