DragoFireheart +10 Ludwig's at 50 str / 50 skill with 2 +20.3% physical damage gems and a +12.6% physical damage gem = ITZ HEAVEN
attack rating = 768 lol
What soul level are you?
Have you used the Beast Claws?
What other weapons do you like besides Lud-Win Holy Blade?
I ended up at exactly level 150. Ended up leveling a lot because Chalices depth 4+ are essentially NG+/NG++ level, so it wouldn't be uncommon for me to get about 60k souls from clearing out a single room or something stupid like that. At one point, I also stacked all three "Lake" runes which gives an extra 60% to soul gain combined, lol. I also got stupidly mad at the Defiled Chalice, which was probably one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with in a vidya.
throughout both characters, I have extensively used:
Char 1:
- Saw Spear
- Kirkhammer
- Tonitrus
Char 2:
- Threaded Cane
- Blades of Mercy
- Burial Blade
- Ludwig's Holy Blade.
I have equipped and tried out all of the other weapons, except for the bloodtinge heavy ones (rifle spear, reitcherthing, etc) as I haven't done a bloodtinge build at all. The beast claw is interesting, but in PvE, having range that short will end up being really tough against some of the later chalice bosses.
I can tell you that of those, Ludwig's is just a stupid fucking weapon, at least in PVE. It's literally the Baldur Straight Sword that transforms into the Claymore from Dark Souls - 2 top, top tier weapons. On top of that, it scales well off of both STR/SKL so endgame it ends up just dealing so much damage. Even the S in BoM's SKL scaling just wasn't enough to outweigh the sheer amount of power a 50/50 Ludwig's ends up with. Then on top of doing more base damage, you can further enchant it with shell/paper. Herp. Honestly, I would not be surprised if FROM nerfs Ludwig's since they love to BALANCE stuff randomly.
I don't know about PVP and what weapons are good there, and frankly don't care about it at this point - especially with the minus percent health to invaders in place, and healing vials being as ridiculous as they are (parrying them is pretty damn hard in practice). Maybe a big patch or DLC will make PvP seem appealing.