Whoa, OK. I must've been doing something wrong; I've never managed to stagger an ogre.
Hunter Axe is amazing.
I have a question about shooting. I want to practice staggering enemies, but it seems the only ones I'm able to stagger are the medium sized humanoids which I can dispense with easily anyway, or the few ultra-fast hunters (but, as said, there are just a few). Is it even worth it to try to stagger bigger / multi-limbed enemies with a gun?
Hunter Axe is amazing.
Just a quick fact: You'll do more damage with the machete because of the speed utility, than you will with the axe. I would even be so comfortable with saying it's the best starting weapon.
DragoFireheart Is Eileen's target at the Grand Cathedral the toughest guy in the game? That guy hits hard and his gun is worse.
Question: Ludwig's Sword does more damage than the Mace because the Mace splits its damage between physical and bolt, whereas Ludwig's channels all of its damage to one type (fire, bolt, arcane, physical)?
Ebreitas died on my first try with electro Ludwig. EZ MODE ENGAGED
The Axe's moveset>all other weapons. I fucking love doing L2 swipes or or or attacking with the axe then extending it with L1 feels so good
So, are you guys in accordance with this being the best in the series so far?
It doesn't have such memorable characters and bosses as DaS had. And the gameplay doesn't feel fresh enough. The game is good tho, very good, doesn't have that much sharp corners the previous games had, it's still difficult but feels more casual.So, are you guys in accordance with this being the best in the series so far?
...it's still difficult but feels more casual.
Yup, but it's optional. I talked about the main game.For the main storyline? MAYBE.
The moment you go into chalice dungeons the casual goes away. Between the sheer difficulty of the bosses and the insanity that is FRC, it's easily the toughest Souls content to date.
Yup, but it's optional. I talked about the main game.For the main storyline? MAYBE.
The moment you go into chalice dungeons the casual goes away. Between the sheer difficulty of the bosses and the insanity that is FRC, it's easily the toughest Souls content to date.
Yup, but it's optional. I talked about the main game.For the main storyline? MAYBE.
The moment you go into chalice dungeons the casual goes away. Between the sheer difficulty of the bosses and the insanity that is FRC, it's easily the toughest Souls content to date.
Dark Souls 2 DLC and Dark Souls 1 Manus and co are also optional, but that doesn't stop people from doing comparisons. Most of the Dark Souls 1 bosses are piss easy (Capra Demon, S&O, and Bed of Cunt are the only hard things), and Dark Souls 2 is a joke for the most part.
If you don't platinum Bloodborne then you didn't do all of the mandatory stuff as far as I am concerned (fine to ask this since it doesn't require getting 100s of items for one trophy).
Nah, not my type of thing, man. I grow tired of games long before reaching Platinums. I'd probably go with Platinum here, but it requires 3 walkthroughs and a lot of chalice stuff to kill the queen - too much of the same for me.If you don't platinum Bloodborne then you didn't do all of the mandatory stuff as far as I am concerned (fine to ask this since it doesn't require getting 100s of items for one trophy).
I am strongly considering picking up a PS4 for this (and skipping DS 2 entirely). What do you think? I know I'll need one for P5 anyway.