If it is success they want, they should make easy games. Otherwise they will only satisfy a few hundred people on the Codex.
Fuck I hope not.
EDIT: Here's what I don't think that people are understanding. 'Easier' adventure games require MORE content to keep the story and the gaming moving along - thus 'Easier' adventure games are MUCH more expensive to make.
Adding in more challenge to an AG gives you more bang for your buck.
The amount of animated cut scenes and story content in Act 1 of Broken Age is insane. Its enough to make my artist-brain swell a little...this SHOULD have been
at least a 6 hour play experience with the amount of work they put into it. But instead, dumbing down the puzzles for easier 'casual consumption' just means you have to constantly add in more content to replace it.
Puzzles are free - content is expensive.
I really think that this is one of the main reasons why the budget blew up like it did. They had content creators in BEFORE they even had a game. You can see the same thing happen in film - bring in artists and start to 'make shit', and then take the script and try to fit it into the content. That's the difference between a Pixar film and Transformers. Pixar films are planned to the hilt before they even TOUCH a computer. Transformers they started filming without even knowing who the antagonist was.
They had a rough idea for a story, and then brought in artists and said 'make up some stuff and then we'll see which ones are appealing and fit them into the story'. Imagine is those artists had a clear script to work from...the work they produced would have been highly focused, more of it would have hit the correct notes, and more of it would have been ready to turn into production ready designs.
If you are throwing away most of your preproduction you are doing something wrong.