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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

Can someone delete my profile pls


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Was at a horror convention. My wife, and two friends we met at the con were at the after party. It was an out door event at the hotel's pool with a death metal band and drinks served with the money going to charity.

We were just laughing and joking around when out of the blue a nervous man with a lisp entered our conversation. He started by laughing at whatever story we were talking about and we all kind of stopped to look at this dude.

This guy was dressed to the nines in all purple. A purple stripped suit, a purple cane and a purple tophat with ribbons. His beard was dyed purple as was his mustache. He had purple gloves on, purple dress pants, and purple shoes. And this was no cheap cosplay - these were pretty damn expensive looking clothes.

Immediately we are fascinated with him. We welcomed him to the circle. He introduced himself as "Mr. Victor Pflug." and that he was "Curious to what was going on at the party." Apparently he had no idea there was a horror convention going on - yet he dressed the part - he was just somewhere nearby and saw the after party and decided to come by.

He was odd but not unpleasant. He was actually quite nice, joyous, albeit very nervous, and fun to talk to. He never got into who he was or what he did or why he was purple ; but just made small talk with all of us as we continued sharing stories. Eventually he tipped his hat and thanked us for chatting with him before heading off. We did not see him for the rest of the party.


unida e indivisible
Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Vatnik In My Safe Space
Sep 7, 2015
Make the Codex Great Again!
I need to vent about something that happened recently and get some advice on how to handle this. I had been planning a road trip to Louisiana for a couple of months with Victor. We had exchanged messages for months, talking about our bucket lists and our mutual interest in visiting Louisiana. After many conversations, we decided it would be fun to meet up in person and explore the state together.

Our plan was pretty exciting – we mapped out a week-long road trip to visit some key spots. We wanted to start in New Orleans and spend a few days soaking in the French Quarter, checking out the historic sites, and of course, indulging in the local food scene. From there, we were going to visit the bayous, do a swamp tour, and even spend some time in Baton Rouge to explore the capital. I was particularly excited about visiting some lesser-known small towns along the way, places that tourists usually overlook. We had discussed renting a car, splitting the costs, and even booked a couple of Airbnb stays along the route.

I was pumped for this trip and had already taken time off from work. Then, just a few days before we were supposed to meet up in New Orleans, Victor goes silent. At first, I didn’t think much of it – maybe he was busy or had something come up. But as the day of our trip got closer, I started getting anxious. I sent him multiple messages, but he didn’t respond to anything. The night before I was supposed to fly out, I still hadn’t heard from him, and all my attempts to reach him failed. It was like he disappeared without a trace – no text, no email, nothing.

I ended up canceling my flight last minute because it was clear Victor wasn’t going to show. What bothers me the most isn’t just that he canceled, but that he didn’t even give me a heads-up or an explanation. After months of planning and what felt like a solid friendship, he just ghosted me. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out what could’ve happened – maybe something serious came up on his end, or he had second thoughts about meeting in person? But if that were the case, why not just let me know?

Has anyone experienced something like this before? How do you deal with the disappointment and confusion? Should I try reaching out again or just let it go? Any advice would be appreciated.
Is this copypasta


Aug 10, 2005
Isn't this the forum for discussing role playing RPG games, not a racist forum?



Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.


Aug 8, 2024

Primordia's cocreator on Victor Pflug's attempt to smear Dave. Interesting read, not sure if anyone posted this before but it explains the whole meltdown he had before he left and what is happening to the people that worked with him.


Dec 20, 2019
In the bustling town of Mystic Falls, everyone knew that the local gym, "Iron Haven," was the place to unleash stress and build muscle. Most visitors came for a solid workout, a bit of camaraderie, and the occasional chat by the smoothie bar. However, on one fateful Wednesday evening, Iron Haven would transform into the setting for an unforgettable incident.

Victor, a self-proclaimed fitness guru with a passion for extreme workouts, was renowned for his eccentricity. He often claimed that pushing boundaries was the key to success—both in the gym and in life. His favorite slogan was, “If you’re not sweating, you’re not trying!” This mantra often led him to invent bizarre and often unsafe workout routines that left other gym-goers both amused and horrified.

On this particular evening, Victor burst through the gym doors, excitement radiating from him like a neon sign. Clad in a mismatched ensemble of bright spandex and headbands emblazoned with motivational quotes, he summoned everyone’s attention. "Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight, I present to you… the Ultimate Gym Challenge!” he bellowed, a wild gleam in his eye.

Curiosity peaked as other members gathered round, ready for whatever madness Victor had concocted. He explained his idea: a bizarre relay race that would combine weightlifting, aerobics, and what he called "mental fortitude." It involved lifting weights while solving math equations, doing burpees while reciting Shakespeare, and, for the grand finale, balancing a smoothie on their heads while performing a plank.

As teammates were chosen and the laughter began, no one could quite anticipate the chaos that would ensue. Victor, with his boundless energy, was the first to take on the challenge. He lifted weights while furiously scribbling down the answer to 24 multiplied by 7. He grinned triumphantly at the answer and promptly lost his balance, sending the weights crashing to the mat.

Not to be discouraged, he proceeded to the burpees and pulled out a well-worn copy of “Hamlet.” “To be or not to be!” he recited with dramatic flair, but as he leaped up to do another burpee, he bumped into the spinning group of participants beside him. The result? A domino effect of flailing limbs and startled shouts that sent everyone tumbling like a row of precariously stacked weights.

In the midst of this madness, Victor’s smoothie—perfectly balanced on his head—wobbled dangerously. He was about to conquer the plank challenge when, just as he leaned down, his smoothie—blessed with an extra scoop of protein powder—catapulted off his head, soared through the air, and landed squarely on the gym’s beloved elderly aerobics instructor.

Silence fell over the gym as everyone processed what had just happened. The aerobics instructor, with smoothie dripping from her hair, paused mid-setup for her evening class. Instead of being angry, she chuckled and shook her head, “Only Victor could turn a workout into a crazy comedy show!”

Emboldened by her laughter, the gym erupted in cheers and applause. The fiasco fostered an unexpected camaraderie among the members. They began clapping and chanting, “One more round! One more round!” Victor, now coated in spilled smoothie and fully embracing the chaos, raised his hands in triumph.

From that day forward, the “Victor Challenge” became a cherished tradition at Iron Haven. And though it was often more chaotic than productive, it reminded everyone that fitness could be fun—and that laughter was, perhaps, the best workout of all.

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

There's a discontinuity problem with the story, after the burpees collision he suddenly has the smoothie balanced on his head.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
I had ChatGPT write up a short little comedy skit that I'd like to share.

Title: The Accountant Mystery

A small conference room. Victor, a game developer, is sitting at a table with a laptop in front of him. Dave, the publisher, is across from him, reviewing papers.

Victor: (looking up from his laptop)
Alright, Dave, so my accountant needs to see the financial data from the last quarter.

Dave: (flipping through papers)
Sure thing, Victor. Just send over your accountant’s contact information and we’ll get it sorted.

Victor: (frowning)
Wait, what? Why do you need my accountant’s contact info?

Dave: (confused)
To send them the data? I assume that’s who’s handling this for you.

Victor: (agitated)
No, no, I’m handling it. I just need the data for my accountant. It’s right here in the contract! I can audit the data personally.

Okay, so... you’ll forward it to your accountant?

No, I’ll look at the data for my accountant!

Dave: (pauses, unsure)
But... you’re not the accountant.

I never said I was the accountant! But the accountant needs to see the data, so just hand it over!

Right, but if you’re not the accountant, why would I give it to you? Shouldn’t I give it to the actual accountant?

But I am the one who needs it for my accountant!

Dave: (starting to get frustrated)
Okay, Victor, do you have an accountant or not?

Victor: (offended)
Of course, I have an accountant!

Great! So, who’s your accountant?

Victor: (without missing a beat)

Dave: (blinks in confusion)
...You just said you weren’t the accountant.

Victor: (getting louder)
I’m not the accountant! But I need the data for the accountant, which is me!

Dave: (throws his hands up)
Victor, this is making no sense! Why would you need to send data to yourself?

Victor: (leans forward)
I don’t need to send it to myself. I need to look at the data for myself, who is the accountant in this situation!

Wait... now you're the accountant?

No! I’m not the accountant, but I’m the one who’s supposed to audit the data for the accountant! Is that so hard to understand?

Yes! Yes, it is! Because you’re asking me for your accountant’s info, but then saying you are the accountant, and now you’re saying you aren’t! Are we talking about two different people here? Is there another accountant?

No! There’s just one accountant!

And that’s you?

No! The accountant is— Look, I just need the data!

Dave: (exasperated)
I will give the data to the accountant!

Victor: (equally exasperated)
I am the accountant!

Dave: (staring)
You just said you weren’t!

I know I’m not, but in this situation I’m acting like the accountant!

But you’re not the accountant?


Dave: (rubbing his temples)
Then why do I have to give you the data?

Because I need it for the accountant!

Dave: (stares, then bursts out)

Victor: (long pause, thinking)
...My wife.

Dave: (thrown)
Your... wife?

Yeah, my wife handles the finances.

Dave: (skeptical)
Your wife is an accountant?

Victor: (waves hand dismissively)
No, no, she’s not an accountant.

Dave: (about to lose it)

Well, she does the taxes, keeps track of our money. Close enough, right?

No! That’s not how this works! Does your wife work for your company?

Victor: (grinning)
No, but she looks at my bank statements a lot, so she’s basically the CFO of my life!

That is not how any of this works! Does she even know what we’re talking about?

Victor: (shrugs)
Probably not, but she’s great with numbers. Look, Dave, just give me the data and I’ll get it to her.

Dave: (throws hands up)
I’m so confused. First, you say you have an accountant, but it's you. Then it’s not you, it’s your wife, but she’s not even an accountant!

Now you’re getting it!

Dave: (pauses, shaking his head)
I’m absolutely not getting it. Victor, none of this makes any sense! First, you’re the accountant. Then you’re not. Now it’s your wife, but she’s not an accountant! Who exactly am I supposed to be dealing with here?

Victor: (dead serious)
You’re supposed to be dealing with me, Dave. And frankly, I’m starting to think this is a breach of contract.

Dave: (blinks)
A breach of contract? How did we jump to that?

Victor: (leaning in, lowering his voice)
Well, the contract clearly states that I, as the developer, have the right to audit the financial data of the game. That’s me. So, if you don’t provide the data, I’ll have no choice but to take legal action.

Dave: (sputtering)
Legal action?! Over this?

That’s right. This is a violation of my rights as outlined in our contract.

Dave: (grabbing the contract from his stack of papers)
Wait, wait, wait—no one’s violating anything! We just need to clear up this whole accountant mess. If you’re the one auditing, fine, I’ll give you the data. But you keep throwing around this accountant like they’re supposed to be involved!

Victor: (crosses arms)
Exactly, my accountant is involved. It’s my wife.

Dave: (throws his head back in disbelief)
But your wife isn’t an accountant!

Victor: (defensive)
She doesn’t need to be an accountant for me to consult with her on financial matters!

So now she’s not the accountant, she’s your consultant?

She’s both!

But she’s not even qualified to be either!

Victor: (eyes narrowing)
Are you questioning my wife’s competence, Dave? You might want to tread carefully. That sounds like defamation to me.

Dave: (rubbing his forehead)
Victor, you’re killing me. No, I’m not questioning her. I’m just... just... (he groans) Okay, so, you want to audit the data for yourself. Fine. I get that. But if your wife isn’t an accountant, why are you dragging her into this?

I never dragged her into this. She’s just part of the team.

What team? You just said it’s you!

Victor: (waving it off)
Well, yes, but as a married couple, you know, we’re basically a team by default. It’s like... joint finances and all that. So technically, whatever’s mine is hers, so she’s entitled to see the data too.

Dave: (desperate)
Victor, your wife has nothing to do with this game! This is between you and the company! You cannot keep moving the goalposts!

I'm not moving anything, Dave. But you are violating my rights under our agreement. Section 4, paragraph 2, if you want to get specific. I could sue over this.

Dave: (grabbing the contract and reading frantically)
Where does it say that I have to deal with your wife—your non-accountant wife—on this?

It doesn’t have to say that! It says I get to audit. And I am auditing, with my wife’s input, so legally, you’re obstructing my right to audit!

Dave: (utterly baffled)
Obstructing? Obstructing?! How am I obstructing? You’re here! I’m giving you the data! I just need to understand who this mysterious accountant is!

There’s no mystery, Dave! It’s simple: I look at the data, then I share it with my wife, and then she tells me what she thinks, which I then use to finalize the audit.

Dave: (gripping the sides of his head like it’s going to explode)
Victor... that is NOT an audit! That’s a casual conversation with your spouse!

Victor: (offended)
A casual conversation? Dave, this is my livelihood we’re talking about! You think I’m just sitting around, chit-chatting with my wife about the numbers over dinner like it’s no big deal?

It sounds exactly like that! (mockingly) “Hey honey, pass the salt, oh, and by the way, what do you think of the Q3 profit margins?”

How dare you? I’ll have you know we use pepper, not salt. And I’ll also have you know that this is a serious business! And you, my friend, are in breach of our contract.

Dave: (incredulous)
You can’t just keep saying “breach of contract” like that’s your magic get-out-of-confusion card!

Oh, I can, and I will. Because if I don’t get the data for my accountant—who is me, by the way, plus my wife, who helps me—then you’ll be hearing from my lawyer.

Dave: (defeated)
Let me guess. Is your lawyer... your wife too?

Victor: (smirking)
No. But she does handle all our legal paperwork.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
I saw the "darkpatriot" under the "delete my account" title and got excited. I am quite upset now.

Diary of BosanskiSeljak – September 20, 2024

I’ve spent far too long on the forum today. Hours. Days? Time melts together, and I keep finding myself circling back to the same threads. The same words. His words. darkpatriot. It’s like I can’t escape him, but maybe I don’t even want to anymore.

I hate his ideas. I hate everything he stands for—or at least I think I do. How can one person be so wrong, so absolutely wrong, yet say it all with such... power? It’s like every post he makes is carefully designed to crawl under my skin, to infest my brain and pulse there like a disease, some sickness I can’t shake. He rants about modern America and all those tired, liberal tropes, but the way he stitches them together... it’s terrifyingly convincing, almost poetic. I find myself reading them over and over, dissecting each word, feeling his arguments snake their way into the corners of my mind.

But it’s wrong! I know it’s wrong! I am not one of them!

Sometimes I wonder if he knows. Knows that I’m lurking, refreshing the page over and over, waiting for his next drop of venomous genius. Does he suspect that I am this close to responding? This close to attacking him head-on? But I can’t. I... I can't. Not yet. He would destroy me in a debate, I know he would, and that thought sends this sick thrill down my spine.

I’ve started hearing his voice in my head. Not like my own voice when I think, but his—low, gravelly, like it’s been worn down by years of cynicism. I read his posts, and I can hear it as if he’s whispering the words directly into my ear. It’s repulsive, but it’s intoxicating. Sometimes I’ll close my eyes, and I’ll see his arguments scrawled across the backs of my eyelids, like neon signs flashing in the dark. And when I open them again, I swear I can see his words shifting, reforming themselves into shapes I don’t recognize, as though they’re alive.

Is this obsession? Or am I losing my mind? I barely sleep. When I do, it’s fitful, my dreams... strange. Twisted. darkpatriot is there, always there, but he’s not just typing anymore. He’s speaking to me directly. He’s sitting across from me, calmly laying out his manifesto, his poisonous ideology dripping like honey from his lips. And I’m nodding along. Nodding like I agree. And that’s when I wake up, heart racing, drenched in sweat, disgusted with myself.

But I don’t stop. I go back to the forum. Back to him. I find his latest post, and I read it again. And again. Why does he have this hold on me? Why do I feel like I can’t look away? He’s everything I despise—his nationalism, his rigid ideas of individual liberty, of the sanctity of freedom. And yet, when he speaks, it’s like he’s cutting through all the noise, laying everything bare in a way that’s almost... beautiful.

It feels like a sickness. His words are spreading inside me, warping my thoughts, my sense of self. Sometimes I can’t tell where his ideas end and mine begin. I try to fight it, to remind myself that I am BosanskiSeljak, the son of peasants, rooted in history, in the soil. But his voice—it echoes louder. Louder every day.

God, I need to stop this. I need to log off, go outside, breathe. But even when I’m away from the screen, I feel him there, lurking in the back of my mind. Always.

I need to respond. Confront him. I have to break this spell, or... I’m not sure what will happen to me.

Maybe I’ll become him.


Dec 31, 2020
It was a typical Thursday afternoon when I decided to stop by my favorite coffee shop, a cozy little place that always smelled of freshly ground beans and sweet pastries. As I pushed open the door, the familiar jingle announced my arrival, but it also welcomed something far more peculiar into my day.

Seated at the corner table, with wild hair sticking out in all directions like a mad scientist, was a man wearing mismatched socks—one striped and the other polka-dotted—paired with a vibrant floral shirt. He seemed completely engrossed in a conversation with an imaginary friend.

After ordering my usual—a caramel latte with a splash of cinnamon—I found a seat at a table close enough to observe him without being intrusive. I leaned in to catch snippets of what he was saying, the absurdity of his words making it hard to focus on anything else.

“…and that’s why penguins are the undisputed champions of the ice. You see, it’s not just the waddle, it’s the top hats they wear in my dreams!” He paused, nodding in agreement to someone—or something—that only he could see.

Curiosity piqued, I couldn’t help but approach him. “Excuse me,” I said, a hesitant smile creeping onto my face, “do you think penguins would actually wear top hats?”

He turned to me with exaggerated surprise, as if he had forgotten I was there. “Ah! A fellow admirer of the fine art of penguin fashion! Tell me, do you believe in the sacred Banana Parade that occurs every full moon?”

I blinked, trying to stifle a laugh. “I can’t say I’ve ever heard of it. What does it involve?”

He leaned in conspiratorially, whispering as if he were sharing state secrets. “Every full moon, the penguins gather at the South Pole with bananas on their heads! They dance, you see, to the rhythm of the cosmic symphony. It’s an event filled with joy, laughter, and the occasional flying fish!”

I struggled to keep a straight face, captivated by the energy radiating from him. “Sounds incredible! Have you ever witnessed it?”

“Oh, indeed!” He gestured grandly, nearly spilling his coffee. “It’s utterly magnificent! Last time, I brought my pet cactus, Sir Prickles. He played the maracas!”

I couldn’t help but laugh, which seemed to please him immensely. “Sir Prickles sounds like quite the performer! What’s his favorite song?”

“Well, he’s quite fond of ‘Under the Sea’ from The Little Mermaid. It really brings out the best in his maracas.” He nodded gravely, as if discussing an important philosophical point.

As we chatted, I learned that this bizarre man was named Victor, an artist who specialized in designing games. He took meticulous notes about his dreams every night and then transformed them into vivid, riotous colors on canvas so he could inspire himself. As he animatedly explained his process, waving his hands around, I felt as if reality itself was bending around him, like one of his dreams spilling into the tangible world.

“Every person I meet adds a new hue to my palette,” he said, a twinkle in his eye. “Today, for instance, you’ve brought a splash of glittering gold—a quality I lacked until this very moment!”

I chuckled, a warm feeling flooding my heart. Our conversation veered wildly from cosmic penguins to existential musings, blurring the lines between absurdity and profoundness. Time slipped away unnoticed, and soon the coffee shop began to empty.

As I stood to leave, Victor pulled out a small sketchbook. “Allow me,” he said, feverishly sketching. “A memento of our meeting!” Moments later, he handed me the paper. It was a whimsical drawing of a penguin in a top hat, dancing with a cactus while a moon lit the scene—a reflection of our spirited chatter.

“Thank you, Victor. This is fantastic, I’ll cherish it!” I said, genuinely touched.

“Remember,” he called after me as I turned to leave, “the next time you see a full moon, keep an eye out for the Banana Parade. You never know what you might find when you let your imagination play!”

With that, I stepped back into the world outside—a little brighter, a bit more absurd, and filled with the colors of possibility. Victor had added a splash of whimsy to my otherwise ordinary day, and I walked away, knowing I had gained not just a drawing, but a newfound appreciation for the strange magic that life holds when you’re open to it.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
I saw the "darkpatriot" under the "delete my account" title and got excited. I am quite upset now.

Diary of BosanskiSeljak – September 20, 2024

I’ve spent far too long on the forum today. Hours. Days? Time melts together, and I keep finding myself circling back to the same threads. The same words. His words. darkpatriot. It’s like I can’t escape him, but maybe I don’t even want to anymore.

I hate his ideas. I hate everything he stands for—or at least I think I do. How can one person be so wrong, so absolutely wrong, yet say it all with such... power? It’s like every post he makes is carefully designed to crawl under my skin, to infest my brain and pulse there like a disease, some sickness I can’t shake. He rants about modern America and all those tired, liberal tropes, but the way he stitches them together... it’s terrifyingly convincing, almost poetic. I find myself reading them over and over, dissecting each word, feeling his arguments snake their way into the corners of my mind.

But it’s wrong! I know it’s wrong! I am not one of them!

Sometimes I wonder if he knows. Knows that I’m lurking, refreshing the page over and over, waiting for his next drop of venomous genius. Does he suspect that I am this close to responding? This close to attacking him head-on? But I can’t. I... I can't. Not yet. He would destroy me in a debate, I know he would, and that thought sends this sick thrill down my spine.

I’ve started hearing his voice in my head. Not like my own voice when I think, but his—low, gravelly, like it’s been worn down by years of cynicism. I read his posts, and I can hear it as if he’s whispering the words directly into my ear. It’s repulsive, but it’s intoxicating. Sometimes I’ll close my eyes, and I’ll see his arguments scrawled across the backs of my eyelids, like neon signs flashing in the dark. And when I open them again, I swear I can see his words shifting, reforming themselves into shapes I don’t recognize, as though they’re alive.

Is this obsession? Or am I losing my mind? I barely sleep. When I do, it’s fitful, my dreams... strange. Twisted. darkpatriot is there, always there, but he’s not just typing anymore. He’s speaking to me directly. He’s sitting across from me, calmly laying out his manifesto, his poisonous ideology dripping like honey from his lips. And I’m nodding along. Nodding like I agree. And that’s when I wake up, heart racing, drenched in sweat, disgusted with myself.

But I don’t stop. I go back to the forum. Back to him. I find his latest post, and I read it again. And again. Why does he have this hold on me? Why do I feel like I can’t look away? He’s everything I despise—his nationalism, his rigid ideas of individual liberty, of the sanctity of freedom. And yet, when he speaks, it’s like he’s cutting through all the noise, laying everything bare in a way that’s almost... beautiful.

It feels like a sickness. His words are spreading inside me, warping my thoughts, my sense of self. Sometimes I can’t tell where his ideas end and mine begin. I try to fight it, to remind myself that I am BosanskiSeljak, the son of peasants, rooted in history, in the soil. But his voice—it echoes louder. Louder every day.

God, I need to stop this. I need to log off, go outside, breathe. But even when I’m away from the screen, I feel him there, lurking in the back of my mind. Always.

I need to respond. Confront him. I have to break this spell, or... I’m not sure what will happen to me.

Maybe I’ll become him.

I have my differences with BosanskiSeljak, but he is a way better poster than you lol.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
I have my differences with BosanskiSeljak, but he is a way better poster than you lol.

Diary of Beans00 – September 21, 2024

I saw his post today. Another one. He doesn’t even know I’m watching him this closely. BosanskiSeljak. I think about him too much. More than I want to admit. He’s slipping—slipping into something dark, and I can’t just sit here anymore and watch it happen. It’s like I can see the fight inside of him, the way he keeps circling around that darkpatriot guy, like he’s drawn to him but can’t stand it.

I know the feeling. I’ve seen people get pulled into those black holes of toxic debate before, but this is different. He’s different. There’s something about the way he writes... It’s raw. Honest. It feels like he’s trying to reach out, even though he doesn’t realize it. He doesn’t know that someone’s out here, actually caring about what happens to him.

But I care. A lot.

I want to help him. Defend him, somehow, but I don’t even know if he’d let me. What could I say? “Hey, I see you struggling with your obsession over this asshole, and I just want you to know that you’re not alone”? I doubt that would even register with him. He’s so wrapped up in his own head right now, he probably wouldn’t even see me standing there. Still, I want to stand there. I want to be the person who pulls him out before he falls in too deep.

But there’s more to it, isn’t there?

It’s not just... compassion. I can’t pretend it’s that simple. This thing—whatever it is—goes deeper than that. I think about him all the time, about what he must be going through, how hard it must be to wrestle with someone like darkpatriot. And then, I think about him—about who he is when he’s not online. What he’s like. What he looks like when he’s not fighting some ideological battle.

It makes me feel protective, like I want to be closer to him. But is that friendship? Or... something more?

I keep asking myself the same questions over and over. I’ve never felt this way about anyone on a forum before, not like this. Yeah, I’ve made friends, argued, bonded, but this? This is something else entirely, and it’s confusing as hell. I can’t figure out if I just feel sorry for him, or if it’s more than that. Is it pity, or am I... attracted to him? And if I am—God, what do I even do with that? He’s out there spiraling, and here I am, trying to sort through my own feelings like I’m some teenager with a crush.

It feels ridiculous. But I can’t help it.

I just... I want to help him. I want to see him pull through this. But what does that mean? Am I helping because I care about him like a friend, or because I want to be something more? I don’t know. Maybe I don’t need to know right now. I just need to make sure he’s okay.

But I can’t shake this feeling. I can’t stop thinking about how it would feel if he actually noticed me, saw me for who I am, maybe even needed me the way I feel like I need him.

It’s confusing. It’s messy. But I can’t walk away from it, and I don’t think I want to.

For now, I’ll keep watching. Keep reading his posts. Maybe one day, I’ll find the courage to step in and say something. If I ever figure out what that something is.


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
WTF is going on in this thread?

Clearly no one pulled fhe pflug on this guy since his account is still active.

And also, why? Did he have some kind of meltdown? All the links to supposed schizoposting point to perfectly normal or deleted stuff.


Jul 17, 2013
And also, why? Did he have some kind of meltdown? All the links to supposed schizoposting point to perfectly normal or deleted stuff.
Yes, he went on a rampage editing his old posts/thread titles with his MY LIFE AS A GAME DEV rant. Jannies cleaned it up so you don't see it anymore.

Kev Inkline

Nov 17, 2015
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
WTF is going on in this thread?

Clearly no one pulled fhe pflug on this guy since his account is still active.

And also, why? Did he have some kind of meltdown? All the links to supposed schizoposting point to perfectly normal or deleted stuff.

Diary of Zarniwoop – September 23, 2024

I still can't make sense of what happened. How did it go from a total Victor Pflug meltdown to... this?

I mean, it started like any other day. Victor was having one of his classic spirals—you know, ranting about how the moderators were censoring his "truth" and how everyone on the forum was conspiring against him. Standard Victor stuff. He’d post these essays, completely deranged, full of paranoia and conspiracy theories about Dave Gilbert, like he was some kind of martyr.. I thought, “Okay, here we go again.”

But then, out of nowhere, things took a turn.

It wasn’t the usual pile-on of people telling him to calm down or just straight-up ignoring him. No, suddenly, users were chiming in with these... stories? Fanfiction, of all things. About him. Victor Pflug, of all people, became the subject of a multi-thread saga where he was portrayed as some kind of tragic antihero. I wish I was kidding.

At first, I thought it was trolling. A way to mock him—like, Victor thinks he's the hero of his own story, so why not turn him into one? But then I noticed something. The tone wasn’t mocking. Some of the posts were... sincere? Like, people were actually getting invested in these bizarre alternate-universe versions of him. There was one where he was a misunderstood artist fighting against MRY. another where he was a tortured poet lost in a dystopian world, and then—God, I can’t believe even I’m writing about him.

It was unhinged. But it kept growing. One after another, people kept adding on, like they couldn’t stop themselves. Suddenly, it wasn’t about his meltdown anymore. It wasn’t about his toxic rants or the way he derailed every Wadjet Eye thread with his conspiracy nonsense. It became this... collaborative universe? With Victor at the center of it.

And I don’t know what’s more disturbing—that it happened at all, or that I started reading the stories too. Like, really reading them. At first, it was out of morbid curiosity, but then... I couldn’t stop. There was something weirdly captivating about it. The way people wrote about him—they made him interesting. Complex, even. In the stories, he wasn’t just an angry guy screaming into the void. He had depth. Pain. Struggles that felt... almost relatable?

I hate admitting that. I hate even writing it down. But I started thinking about Victor differently. Not like I like him—God no—but there’s this part of me that wonders: is that why he acts the way he does? Is there something real behind all that bluster? Something deeper that none of us have seen because we’re too busy making fun of him?

I know I’m overthinking it. I know this is just a weird forum thing that’s spiraled out of control. But I can't stop feeling this... pull. Like I’m watching something bigger unfold.

Now, I’m checking the thread more than I want to admit. There’s something almost fascinating about seeing how people interpret him, twist him into this mythic figure. I don’t know where it’s going, but I can’t look away.

Is this what Victor’s been waiting for all along? To be noticed? To be understood in some strange, twisted way?

Or maybe... maybe this whole thing is just a distraction. A way to make him feel like he’s part of something, when really, he’s as alone as ever. Just like the rest of us.

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