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The Witcher CD Projekt Red EXPOSED!

Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Hey hey people!

I was playin some old quality RPGs and when I got back to Two Worlds it hit me like a sledgehammer crushes your nuts during a CBT session, CD Projekt Red never made an original fucking game. I have some explaining to do niggas, so before I drag you into my corvette on the trip of your gamer life I'm giving you the short of it since kids have ADHD these days and shit. The Witcher 3 is a clone of Two Worlds!

Okay homie, roll back your Rolex to the dark ages of 2005. Poland was not a country full of troons yet and they weren't faggier than commiefornians. This shit is a tale of two companies, Reality Pump and CDPR. CDPR were translating games to Polish, hiring VA and all that shit, they weren't an original company, they just made BioWare games accessible for the people to come last on every spelling bee since they started having them. Reality Pump though had been making PC master race titles, a series of RTS games called Earth. They had just fixed up the enhanced edition (Polish tradition) of their decent selling foray into the RPG genre. Stealing a cue card out of backpocket of Blizzard (also a Polish tradition) they had put together an RTS-RPG a year after Warcraft 3 came out. Knightshift, check it out if you're hankering for that kind of game.

So they be like, hey bros, RPGs are the next big thing. Big open world fuckhuge RPGs. So they get to work on their fucking masterpiece, the Oblivion killer, Two Worlds. Turns out though that this shit is hard and they didn't beat Oblivion to the punch, while the console kiddies were playing babbies first RPG the fucking machines at RP were crunching out a superior game. It was going to have everything and more, real factions, a big fuckhuge world, that you could see all at once from mountains and shit, an innovative spell system, Diablo style loot, horse riding, even mounted combat, sidequests up the ass, you name it, they fucking had it in there. They let it loose 2007, a year after Gothic 3 and Oblivion had come and gone and was ridiculed in the press for being late but sold great.

Meanwhile the troons over at CDPR had decided that they were going to make their own BioWare game. How hard could it be? So they got the fucking Neverwinter Nights engine and started making their own module. Just in case you don't know how much of a fucking Neverwinter Nights mod Twitcher really is, look at this alpha video. If you bruthas played NWN you'll see what is going on under the hood there.

Took them until late 2007 to get the content in there but after Two Worlds was released early in the year The Witcher gave us the second Polish RPG hit. The fags at CDPR didn't have an original fucking bone in their body, so they had bought the rights to some toilet paper book series nobody fucking cared about and after another company fucked up the console port of Twitcher they knew they had to let go of the whole NWN modding thang.

They looked around and at their old lolcow BioWare. While they were patching together the dumpsterfire that was the original release of Twitcher for a year the BioBois had released their next big thing. Mass Effect, the name on everybody's lips. Hubs, more action oriented combat, cinematic focus, slick console gameplay. Instant bestseller baby! RP didn't care, they had found the perfect formula, after making the epic edition of their own hit they went to work on a direct sequel.

Fast forward to 2010, boom, another smash hit from Reality Pump, Two Worlds 2. Go forward another year, the Mass Effect clone that saved CDPR, The Witcher 2. If there's one thing that Slavs are good at it's graphics coding and holy shit, it came out in the same year as Dragon Age 2, can you believe it? Look at those fucking games side by side mane. They finally got their consolekid audience and made bank.

Here's where the fucking gaming industry coup of the fucking century happened. Reality Pump wanted to work on another fucking awesome open world fantasy game or one of their passion projects they had on ice. Their publisher had another dev studio, Octane Games, who had one game under their belt when they were tasked with making an open-world pirate game. Shit was a fucking dumpsterfire so they pushed it onto RP. That's how the best fucking pirate RPG ever made got started. Raven's Cry, it's fucking legendary. Meanwhile CDPR were getting desperate, cuz you know what happened while they were trying to put a sequel together? Mass Effect 3 came out and fucking bombed. They needed a new formula and stale ass BioWare cookie cutter bullshit didn't do it anymore. So they looked around and shopped for ideas. The bottle stopped at Two Worlds, their own Polish competitor's game.

There they were, the mom and pop shop going for the best pirate RPG ever made and the rich hacks at CDPR, trying to recapture old Polish glory. No matter how many niggas they threw at The Witcher 3 nobody could make that shit work, it would take fucking genius game devs to make that open world shit work right. So what did they do? They used the fat stacks they had made with The Witcher 2 to hire the team that was making Raven's Cry. These were some cold ass thugs, not just stealing the ideas and formulas but the peeps responsible for them.

Both games were done in 2015. The spiritual sequel to Two Worlds with the Sapowski IP stapled on to it came out to 10/10s, everyone loved it. Everything people said was the shit about it, everything they hated, it was all there in Two Worlds. The Diablo style loot, shiieeet, that's from Two Worlds. The horse? Two Worlds. Even the alchemy system made the move from that NWN copy to a Two Worlds style alchemy system. Big steps from the Mass Effect clone the second game had been for sure. RP had done it all in 2007 already tho.

At the same time you got Raven's Cry, the most underrated game of all time, the press fucking shat on it. When everyone at RP were being fucking kidnapped and bribed to work on the polished version of Two Worlds, even the fucking big man of the company, some grunt called Tadeusz Zuber was left as the CEO holding the shit sandwich. They didn't have enough people, there wasn't anyone who could use a computer left in Poland that wasn't working on the AAA monster at CDPR. Somehow they kept at it and released their final enhanced version of the game before going under quickly after. Vendetta, cuz you know they had one.

It was the storybook end for Marcin Iwiński and his gang, only after having stolen everything back home they had to dig for their next game. They already taken the most casual elements of Ubisoft titles for TW3, question marks for fucking chests and shit. So now they were going full Ubisoft, Far Cry mixed with open world Deus Ex. Stealing the work of the Black man and his kickass Cyberpunk P&P game instead of Soapbrowski. After the release of it they went from the hack darlings of the press and gamers everywhere into people finally waking up to the fugly chick the morning after. Nobody respects their ass anymore and respect is everything.

So what's the point of this shit? Dats right motherfuckers, Two Worlds Epic Edition is 50% off at GOG right now. You know it makes sense.


And Raven's Cry is a whopping 75% off. The pirate RPG we don't deserve but got thanks to the last chads in Poland.

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Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Have a quote before some sperg goes citation needed on my ass. I be like the most trustworthy guy on this entire site mane.

The situation of Reality Pump started to grow dire a few years ago. In 2013, Mirosław Dymek, the main pillar of the company, left, taking along a number of talented developers. They moved together to the newly created Kraków branch of CD Projekt RED. Tadeusz Zuber, who became the new CEO of Reality Pump, assured us in an interview given last year that the company was starting to get back on its feet and had plans for further projects, including Two Worlds III and possibly a new game in the Earth series.

Unfortunately, after the exodus of some employees to CD Projekt, a team of only about 30 people remained in the studio, who all got down to work on the pirate-themed sandbox entitled Raven's Cry. It was this title that probably sealed the fate of the developer. The game was allocated to the Polish studio by the German publisher after its original developers failed to rise to the challenge. In Poland, the production had to be completed within a very short period of time and virtually from scratch, while having a limited budget. Without much publicity or a marketing campaign, Raven's Cry finally launched in January this year on PC, following a string of postponed release dates. Underdeveloped and full of bugs, the game met with an extremely cold reception of the players and reviewers alike.


Sep 11, 2022
The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.

I have read Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" yesterday, I enjoyed it. Never heard of Elric of Melnibone though, how good is it compared to Last Wish? Currently reading "Sword of Destiny" -Sapkowski's other short story book-, I may check Eric of Melnibone if you recommend it.


Apr 1, 2022
The Witcher 3 is a clone of Two Worlds!
The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.

On the subject: how we never got any Elric video games is beyond me.

The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.

I have read Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" yesterday, I enjoyed it. Never heard of Elric of Melnibone though, how good is it compared to Last Wish? Currently reading "Sword of Destiny" -Sapkowski's other short story book-, I may check Eric of Melnibone if you recommend it.

Not the guy you asked, but I would recommend Elric. It has its ups and downs, but is overall very good, with many memorable stories like The Fortress Of The Pearl.
Gollancz offers the whole saga in chronological order—i.e. as the story unfold, rather than as as Moorcock wrote it over the span of decades—starting with this volume.

While you're at it and if you've never heard of it either (I've noticed that people who don't know of Moorcock often don't know of Leiber), I would strongly recommend Fafhrd And The Gray Mouser. Strongly. In my opinion, Lean Times In Lankhmar and The Lords Of Quarmall are some of the greatest sword-and-sorcery fantasy ever written, leagues above anything Sapkowski wrote. All their adventures are collected in the pages of a two-volumes set in Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks collection, respectively titled The First and The Second Book Of Lankhmar (ISBN 978-1-857-98357-2 and ISBN 978-0-575-07358-6).


Jan 4, 2019
I have read Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" yesterday, I enjoyed it. Never heard of Elric of Melnibone though, how good is it compared to Last Wish? Currently reading "Sword of Destiny" -Sapkowski's other short story book-, I may check Eric of Melnibone if you recommend it.

If you're one of those pretentious types who don't actually like fantasy but using it like a disguise frame for their mundane, trivial and postmodernist stories you will like Elric. Whatever you liked about The Witcher, you're likely to find it there, but to a lesser extent.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.
and Geralt is Elric

Elric and Geralt, together at last:


I have read Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" yesterday, I enjoyed it. Never heard of Elric of Melnibone though, how good is it compared to Last Wish? Currently reading "Sword of Destiny" -Sapkowski's other short story book-, I may check Eric of Melnibone if you recommend it.
Assuming this is not a joke and you've actually never heard of Michael Moorcock's Elric stories, they're among the best of fantasy literature's sword-and-sorcery subgenre, alongside Robert E. Howard's Conan stories, Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories, and Roger Zelazny's Dilvish the Damned stories. The Elric stories are generally published in chronological order from Elric's perspective, but first-time readers are probably better served by chronological order in terms of Moorcock's writing, which would be:
  • The Dreaming City (found in the book The Weird of the White Wolf)
  • While the Gods Laugh (The Weird of the White Wolf)
  • The Stealer of Souls (The Bane of the Black Sword)
  • Kings in Darkness (The Bane of the Black Sword)
  • The Flamebringers (The Bane of the Black Sword)
  • Stormbringer (novel, but first published as four stories)
  • Prologue: The Dream of Earl Aubec (The Weird of the White Wolf)
  • The Singing Citadel (The Weird of the White Wolf)
  • The Torment of the Last Lord (The Vanishing Tower)
  • To Snare the Pale Prince (The Vanishing Tower)
  • Three Heroes with a Single Aim (The Vanishing Tower)
  • Elric of Melniboné (novel)
  • Sailing to the Past: The Jade Man's Eyes (The Sailor on the Seas of Fate)
  • Sailing to the Future: Voyage on a Dark Ship (The Sailor on the Seas of Fate)
  • Sailing to the Present: The Lands beyond the World (The Sailor on the Seas of Fate)
  • Epilogue: To Rescue Tanelorn (The Bane of the Black Sword)
There are also a few even later novels, written from the 1980s onward; the stories and novels listed above were written from 1961 through 1977, with Stormbringer published in novel form in 1965.


Sep 11, 2022
If you're one of those pretentious types who don't actually like fantasy but using it like a disguise frame for their mundane, trivial and postmodernist stories you will like Elric. Whatever you liked about The Witcher, you're likely to find it there, but to a lesser extent.
Thanks for the answer; and no, I'm not one of these pretentious types.

Assuming this is not a joke and you've actually never heard of Michael Moorcock's Elric stories

It was a geniune question; thanks for the detailed answer. I'll read it's first book when I finish the books I'm currently reading / hold in waiting.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Hey hey people!

I was playin some old quality RPGs and when I got back to Two Worlds it hit me like a sledgehammer crushes your nuts during a CBT session, CD Projekt Red never made an original fucking game. I have some explaining to do niggas, so before I drag you into my corvette on the trip of your gamer life I'm giving you the short of it since kids have ADHD these days and shit. The Witcher 3 is a clone of Two Worlds!

Okay homie, roll back your Rolex to the dark ages of 2005. Poland was not a country full of troons yet and they weren't faggier than commiefornians. This shit is a tale of two companies, Reality Pump and CDPR. CDPR were translating games to Polish, hiring VA and all that shit, they weren't an original company, they just made BioWare games accessible for the people to come last on every spelling bee since they started having them. Reality Pump though had been making PC master race titles, a series of RTS games called Earth. They had just fixed up the enhanced edition (Polish tradition) of their decent selling foray into the RPG genre. Stealing a cue card out of backpocket of Blizzard (also a Polish tradition) they had put together an RTS-RPG a year after Warcraft 3 came out. Knightshift, check it out if you're hankering for that kind of game.

So they be like, hey bros, RPGs are the next big thing. Big open world fuckhuge RPGs. So they get to work on their fucking masterpiece, the Oblivion killer, Two Worlds. Turns out though that this shit is hard and they didn't beat Oblivion to the punch, while the console kiddies were playing babbies first RPG the fucking machines at RP were crunching out a superior game. It was going to have everything and more, real factions, a big fuckhuge world, that you could see all at once from mountains and shit, an innovative spell system, Diablo style loot, horse riding, even mounted combat, sidequests up the ass, you name it, they fucking had it in there. They let it loose 2007, a year after Gothic 3 and Oblivion had come and gone and was ridiculed in the press for being late but sold great.

Meanwhile the troons over at CDPR had decided that they were going to make their own BioWare game. How hard could it be? So they got the fucking Neverwinter Nights engine and started making their own module. Just in case you don't know how much of a fucking Neverwinter Nights mod Twitcher really is, look at this alpha video. If you bruthas played NWN you'll see what is going on under the hood there.

Took them until late 2007 to get the content in there but after Two Worlds was released early in the year The Witcher gave us the second Polish RPG hit. The fags at CDPR didn't have an original fucking bone in their body, so they had bought the rights to some toilet paper book series nobody fucking cared about and after another company fucked up the console port of Twitcher they knew they had to let go of the whole NWN modding thang.

They looked around and at their old lolcow BioWare. While they were patching together the dumpsterfire that was the original release of Twitcher for a year the BioBois had released their next big thing. Mass Effect, the name on everybody's lips. Hubs, more action oriented combat, cinematic focus, slick console gameplay. Instant bestseller baby! RP didn't care, they had found the perfect formula, after making the epic edition of their own hit they went to work on a direct sequel.

Fast forward to 2010, boom, another smash hit from Reality Pump, Two Worlds 2. Go forward another year, the Mass Effect clone that saved CDPR, The Witcher 2. If there's one thing that Slavs are good at it's graphics coding and holy shit, it came out in the same year as Dragon Age 2, can you believe it? Look at those fucking games side by side mane. They finally got their consolekid audience and made bank.

Here's where the fucking gaming industry coup of the fucking century happened. Reality Pump wanted to work on another fucking awesome open world fantasy game or one of their passion projects they had on ice. Their publisher had another dev studio, Octane Games, who had one game under their belt when they were tasked with making an open-world pirate game. Shit was a fucking dumpsterfire so they pushed it onto RP. That's how the best fucking pirate RPG ever made got started. Raven's Cry, it's fucking legendary. Meanwhile CDPR were getting desperate, cuz you know what happened while they were trying to put a sequel together? Mass Effect 3 came out and fucking bombed. They needed a new formula and stale ass BioWare cookie cutter bullshit didn't do it anymore. So they looked around and shopped for ideas. The bottle stopped at Two Worlds, their own Polish competitor's game.

There they were, the mom and pop shop going for the best pirate RPG ever made and the rich hacks at CDPR, trying to recapture old Polish glory. No matter how many niggas they threw at The Witcher 3 nobody could make that shit work, it would take fucking genius game devs to make that open world shit work right. So what did they do? They used the fat stacks they had made with The Witcher 2 to hire the team that was making Raven's Cry. These were some cold ass thugs, not just stealing the ideas and formulas but the peeps responsible for them.

Both games were done in 2015. The spiritual sequel to Two Worlds with the Sapowski IP stapled on to it came out to 10/10s, everyone loved it. Everything people said was the shit about it, everything they hated, it was all there in Two Worlds. The Diablo style loot, shiieeet, that's from Two Worlds. The horse? Two Worlds. Even the alchemy system made the move from that NWN copy to a Two Worlds style alchemy system. Big steps from the Mass Effect clone the second game had been for sure. RP had done it all in 2007 already tho.

At the same time you got Raven's Cry, the most underrated game of all time, the press fucking shat on it. When everyone at RP were being fucking kidnapped and bribed to work on the polished version of Two Worlds, even the fucking big man of the company, some grunt called Tadeusz Zuber was left as the CEO holding the shit sandwich. They didn't have enough people, there wasn't anyone who could use a computer left in Poland that wasn't working on the AAA monster at CDPR. Somehow they kept at it and released their final enhanced version of the game before going under quickly after. Vendetta, cuz you know they had one.

It was the storybook end for Marcin Iwiński and his gang, only after having stolen everything back home they had to dig for their next game. They already taken the most casual elements of Ubisoft titles for TW3, question marks for fucking chests and shit. So now they were going full Ubisoft, Far Cry mixed with open world Deus Ex. Stealing the work of the Black man and his kickass Cyberpunk P&P game instead of Soapbrowski. After the release of it they went from the hack darlings of the press and gamers everywhere into people finally waking up to the fugly chick the morning after. Nobody respects their ass anymore and respect is everything.

So what's the point of this shit? Dats right motherfuckers, Two Worlds Epic Edition is 50% off at GOG right now. You know it makes sense.


And Raven's Cry is a whopping 75% off. The pirate RPG we don't deserve but got thanks to the last chads in Poland.

The problem is that other Polish studios are always underfunded and quality programmers leave for CDP (or at least it was so, CP might have changed my mind :lol: ) because it has infinite money cheat due to their previous translations and foreign investments. Hence other companies had to scale down or have quality issues, especially since they were selling out to - often German - publishers. CDP is the most modern (in a bad way) company that hires all the qualified and intelligent people, then tells them to shut up, because management knows better, and everybody's okay because money checks out. Meanwhile other studios struggle because there are no seniors to hire, sell out to foreigners (who just bring misery) and release alpha-turds which take years to fix (even though they can be great games, once fixed).

Hence Raven's Cry and similar. Raven's Cry is one of the best RPGs released last decade (and definitely one of the best pirate RPGs), but on release it sucked because it was just all broken. It took a long time to fix it, but word of mouth already says it's bad so people don't want to give it a try, even though nowadays there are few bugs and the gameplay, the writing are top-notch. Anyway, I don't want to focus on this one game, but if you're interested here's my steam review:
This is honestly the best pirate RPG I've ever played. It has low Steam ratings because of a really botched release version, but as of late 2020 all bugs seem to have been squashed. Although I haven't finished the game yet, after hours of play I did not encounter a single issue with the game at all, not even a minor bug, so it seems all is fine by now.

The atmosphere of the game is superb. It feels quite grim and violent, which fits the pirate theme perfectly. It's more akin to Black Sails TV series than any other pirate game I ever played. Music is very pleasant, from calm ambient sounds and quiet theme to tavern sordid songs sung and played by NPCs, it all fits perfectly. Visuals are just as good, the game is fairly gloomy, nonetheless, there are not only dark jungles or dirty docks, but also beautiful beaches and wealthier town parts which look authentic and pleasant.

The main storyline might not be the most interesting one with its theme of vengeance, but it is properly delivered and side quests can be quite interesting. Moreover, the main character, who is a pirate, acts like one. A deranged man with no morals and you get to play the bad guy, which is rare even in pirate games - which usually while allowing you piracy, have storylines about saving someone or the world or you always act like the nice guy helping others and just receiving payment as a reward, or becoming a merchant. In Vendetta it's the complete opposite. I especially appreciate the complete lack of any political correctness and realistic portrayal of the times. Lots of swearing from pirates, as well as "dirty talk", no "poor and defensless native people" just trying to stay alive against evil colonizers like in Risens. Here they are portrayed in a more authentic way of the brutal world and in their interactions with outsiders. They are depicted as uncivilized and often as immoral as invaders, if not more. Women are clearly presented in the game more to be either wives or prostitutes, there's only one female captain. Piracy is more profitable than trade as well. While this all might sound a little harsh and degrading, it is a realistic depiction of the times and places.

Combat is outstanding. Both land fights and sea battles are enjoyable and challenging. A lot of people in Steam reviews complain about the combat - I suspect these people don't enjoy the challenge. When you fight in melee you need to time your attacks correctly and block properly. Mashing LMB will get you killed quickly. Fights require patience, not throwing yourself at the enemy. When fighting multiple enemies, they will not allow you to duel them in succession, but instead stab you in the back as soon as they can. To win unfair fights you're often going to need some dirty tricks, including kicking, using second weapon that is your hook, or using pistols - and you can carry up to three of them loaded simultaneously. There are skills improving your possibilities in combat, but more important are the player's skills.

Sea battles are also well made, but more similar to other pirate games. You press a button to give command to shoot from left, right or front, and have option to use three different kinds of ammunition. Boarding is also possible, although you don't take a part in it directly, but just give orders. There are different ships to use in the game and each of them can be upgraded so as to make it better in some ways, such as you can sacrifice some space for cargo to load more cannons on the ship. My only complaint is that you can only have one ship. There is no way to hire another captain and create a fleet, which is a shame because I'd really like to make a fleet and besiege a town, but I guess that was beyond developers' time or capabilities.

There are also multiple factions to join, but you don't need to join anyone and are able to remain a lone wolf throughout the game, however, you can get more quests if you join one of them, i.e. the French. In addition, you never have too much money in Raven's Cry, as often is the case in other RPGs. There are always multiple things to spend money on, and ships can be very expensive.

Recapitulating, this is a properly done Role-Playing as well as pirate game with fantastic land and sea combat, marvelous realism and authenticity of the world and decent enough story. All activities in this game give plenty of entertainment, whether it is combat, dialogues, exploration or piracy. There are no weak or poorly made parts of the game, which is extremely rare in pirate games. Bugs seem to have been fixed too. Overall, it's a really great game worth time and money. Unquestionably the best game from Reality Pump. If you enjoy RPGs, then I strongly recommend playing Vendetta as it's an engrossing and gratifying experience.

In the meantime, CDP has infinite amount to hype their half-baked turds (like Cyberprank) and everybody loves them. Why? TBH I have no idea, that game was utter garbage besides graphics and the fact that it didn't crash, but hype boosts the reception, which we can see i.e. in other foreign cases (Call of Duty, TES, Mass Effect etc.). In the end CDP is like a black hole for Polish gamedev, they devour all the talent while giving only turds back (well, ok, twitchers weren't turds, but they were just okay after the first one - which clearly had low budget).

Just compare the Raven's Cry opinion against Cyberpunk. Raven's Cry was broken but is fixed now and it's a great game, Cyberpunk was a turd, is a turd and most likely will remain a turd, but the first one is considered terrible, while the second one of the best games, in the mainstream. That's something I cannot comprehend. It just says how "journalists" just take bribes and write whatever they are asked to. Meanwhile people just mostly play what "journalists" say is good.


Apr 24, 2012
Little Vienna
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker
The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.

I have read Sapkowski's "The Last Wish" yesterday, I enjoyed it. Never heard of Elric of Melnibone though, how good is it compared to Last Wish? Currently reading "Sword of Destiny" -Sapkowski's other short story book-, I may check Eric of Melnibone if you recommend it.
Geralt is a cuck, Ciri is a dyke, here I saved you the reading.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
Exhibit number two bitches, the story of Two Worlds and The Witcher 3 are exactly the same. You play as some mercenary guy so you have an excuse to do sidequests and shit but the main story is about some hot hoe disappearing on you that you can't fuck cuz she be your sister/adoptive daughter. There's a plot involving masked mystery men and another dimension. There's also some political intrigue going on in the background and northern lords fighting against southern rule. Dats rite, we got the original Ciri in Two Worlds.

Except Two Worlds is a game for big donkey dick bros, so you get to fucking destroy entire cities with necromancy and raise undead armies and shit while Gerald simps for sum witch bitches that cuck him on the regular.

Plus if you scratch away the Desu Sex and Ubisoft casual surface off Cyberpunk 2077 it's exactly the same fucking game as Sabotain. The CDPR frauds must have been more desperate for game ideas than Crispy is for a fuck to copy a game from 2004 that almost nobody played.

Shieeet, even before Cyberskunk 2077 came out Russkies who had played the original game were onto what they were doing.


What is a nigga to do to get the tards to listen? Guess who brought it up in the CP77 megathread at the time? Dats rite, the Donut did but nobody cared cuz you couldn't put a cock on the female character in Sabotain.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I liked Two Worlds, I completed it not long after it was released. I also completed (more or less) Oblivion, Witcher, and Gothic 3 at the same time. I kinda hated them all except Two Worlds which I liked. But it needed a better sequel and TW2 was total shit.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
The Witcher 3 is a clone of Two Worlds!
The Witcher novels themselves are clones of Elric of Melniboné.
No, they really aren't. They are VASTLY different in setting, tone and style.
And arguably on intent as well. But things become always a big dodgy when you attempt to infer intent in an author's work, because a lot of it is personal interpretation unless confirmed by the source.

"White haired main character" is pretty much the only thing the two sagas have in common.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I did read the ENITRE cycle of Elric from start to finish. I read more about it than about The Witcher, in fact, where my direct experience is limited to a couple of books and a summary of the rest.
I know what I'm talking about.

Not only the starting premises aren't THAT similar to begin with (starting from the fact that Elric is basically decayed royalty while Geralt is implied to be a peasant) but the two series diverge more and more in their focus as the time goes.
Last edited:


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
I don't know what the OP is talking about, from what I recall Two Worlds was a buggy, shitty mess. And how is Raven's Cry underrated? It is rated perfectly, i.e. poorly. This reads like Elex-level cope to me.
Oct 29, 2020
Free Market Paradise
So dis is who CDPR sends to defend their gay shit. Notice how he aint got no bite at all and is just vaguely talking about bugs or sumfin. So scared of a big dick gremlin like the Donut that he was afraid to tag or quote me. Guess what faggot this bogeyman will blast your ass anyway so prepare for my donkey dick.

CDPR shill argument: Waah waah buggy releases muh glorious CDPR would never release a half finished game!


Reality Pump released TWO games that were buggy on launch enough that they had to fix that shit up in a year and after that they were bug free.
  • Two Worlds got an Epic Edition that fixed every single fucking flaw the original release had
  • Raven's Cry they spit shined so hard before going under it went from a gem in the rough to the best pirate RPG ever made that BTFOs anything CDPR has ever done
CDPR made exactly ONE game that didn't need one year plus of dev time after release.
  • The Witcher was a broken piece of shit on release and they never really fully fixed it so they are trying to fix it for a second time now
  • The Witcher 2 was a dumpsterfire on release and they had to crank out an enhanced edition to make it half decent
  • The Witcher 3 was only good day1 thanks to CDPR stealing the Raven's Cry devs
  • Cyberpunk was a fuckin disaster on launch and they will NEVER fix it in a million years, so retardedly bad they decided to go full Unreal Engine shovelware devs after it
I played through all of Two Worlds without getting a single bug, The Witcher is still janky as shit.

CDPR shill argument: TW3 (Two Worlds 3 or The Witcher 3?) is a totally original game and has nothing in common with other games!11!


CDPR has never made an original game and they always had to steal to get by.
  • The Witcher 1 was a fucking vaporware NWN 1 module like a paid Swordflight with a Slav magic renderer attached
  • The Witcher 2 was a clone of Bioware hit games that were selling at the time
  • Everything that changed between Witcher 2 and 3 they stole from Two Worlds with some small things from Ubisoft since Reality Pump would never do dumb shit like that
  • Cyberpunk 2077 was just Sabotain done Ubisoft style
  • They also released some shit card game they copied from Blizzard or sumfin but nobody gives a shit about that
  • Even Sloppy Cowardsky or what the writer is called just photocopied Elric for his OC

CDPR shill argument: Everyone who thinks Skyrim is the best RPG evur and think whatever game journos tell them to think said Raven's Cry was a bad gaem!!!!!!!


Nobody who says this shit has even played Vendetta, Konjad's ultimate review is the last word on this game and it belongs on the Codex top 100 list now. You see these fuckin assholes saying all the time how they're so bored of these same old orc and elf retard basic bitch settings so if those peeps are legit at all they'd be crowning Vendetta as the new RPG king mane. Not a single fucking elf or dwarf in sight, real pirate setting with ship to ship combat that ain't some CYOA shit. See those retarded islanders that grunt gibberish to speak? You can kill them for loot.

This is just one of the most underrated games of all time that retards will ignore and then continue to whine how original good games aren't being made anymore.



Sep 6, 2022
So much dedication to hating and shitting all over CDPR and Glitcher.
I am awed.
Not even I have this kind of passion, and, believe me, I loathe them with every fiber of my being and I see them as they truly are...
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Did you watch the video? That was addressed.
For as long as I could bear it, as I don't like Youtube "screamers".
it's... not good. It was "addressed" poorly. Even the attempt to claim that Gaunter O'Dimm is a parallel with Stormbringer since "he steals souls" sounds deluded at best, given how that character 1) is indeed an explicit and deliberate reference to other literature 2) It's NOT a creation of the original author of the series, 3) It has nothing to do with Elric, Stormbringer and how "soul sucking" works in this saga and it's a far closer reference to Goethe's Faust (or even more specifically to a popular Polish production that was itself a Faust derivate).

But to be clear, I don't particularly question the idea that SapWhatever the pompous prick MAY have initially robbed the entire concept from Elric, I just question any claim that the parallel goes past any superficial initial resemblance, no matter how hard this raging alcoholic is trying to make a point for the opposite argument in the video.
As I said I read EVERY SINGLE story in the Elric cycle years before even discovering that a "Witcher" character existed and there's a reason if despise both being white haired and nicknamed "White Wolf" I never really cared about drawing analogies between them. These books couldn't really be more different in tone, style, setting .

All the meta-narrative, all that lysergic "eternal champion" bullshit that takes over the Elric saga for a good chunk and keeps re-emerging randomly, the completely inhuman and antediluvial setting making it closer to some of the Howard stuff rather than The Witcher, the apocalyptic vibe it takes by the end...
They all couldn't be more different if they tried.

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