fantadomat you were right about the witcher 3 team leaving, but not right that the "woke" elements were coming from the new hires
EARLY 2016
Owners want to transgenders to be chosen in the game, different voice options, etc.
This is very obviously Fake News and indicates the entire post is bullshit, there was no Tranny shit or any indication of Tranny shit in the Gameplay Demo they released to the public in August 2018 where you can see the Male/Female Options in the character screen:
All of that came after the Journoshits started to cry and bombard them with loaded questions about it in interviews afterwards and while it's obvious they gave in, as other people have said it mostly seems like window dressing added after the fact and not built in.
On another note, it's funny watching the 40 minute Gameplay Demo from 2018 with all the promises they made and features they talked about with the benefit of Hindsight.