looks like the free dlc is about to drop pretty soon
my guess for what this all means
1.)dlc1_swp -> weapon pack for smartguns
2)dlc2_jposes -> new poses for photomode (lol)
3) dlc3_kab01 -> some new gig in kabuki
4) dlc4_quartz -> new variant of the archer quartz car
5) dlc5_jackets -> new clothing/jackets
6)dlc6_apart -> something new for the apartment? a new housing system sounds like way too much to work it's probably just going to be some decorations for V's current appartment or something like that
7)dlc7_pwp -> weapon pack for power weapons
8)dlc8_mirror -> my guess is that you'll be able to change your hair and shit like that in front of every mirror
9) dlc9_arr06 -> new gig in arroyo
10) dlc10_monster -> no idea what this is, could be a cyberpsycho or new dick size option
11) dlc11_jlook -> another new gig probably
12) dlc12_mfinish -> new melee finishers like in the free dlc for witcher 3
13) dlc13_twp -> tech weapon pack
14)dlc14_arr12 -> another new gig
15) dlc15_ngplus -> obviously new game plus mode
16) dlc16_jpn06 -> another shitty gig
17) dlc17_bwp -> blunt weapon pack
so yeah it's pretty much the same shit that came with witcher 3, not enough to make me install the game again but better than nothing i guess