I don't think any of these changes are "casualization" in and of themselves, they're just "changes". However I don't remember something: what are they changing to be per-encounter? Is it "You now have 2 per-encounter 9th level spells" or is it "You now have 2 individual per encounter charges of any spell in your spell list"?How is exactly is PoE2 being casualized?
Everything per encounter, including spells. Endurance/Health mechanic replaced by a single health bar which always replenishes after combat, with knockout injuries serving the purpose of strategic health management.
Lots of other changes but they're not obvious casualisation, like those two.
edit: roguey'ed
If it's the former how casualized it'll be will depend on how many "per level charges" you're granted. If it's the latter it's absolutely retarded and might as well give me cooldowns to prevent spamming.
But as others have expressed, I don't have much hope for PoE2. I expect it to be a fully mediocre game, actually weaker than PoE1 in many aspects. The only hope I have is that Sawyer, as Narrative Lead/Director, same role he fulfilled in New Vegas, manages to contain the SJW retard spasms that the writers will inevitably have, as he also did for New Vegas.