Then it's an interesting one considering that he seems to want Nok-Nok to be capable in combat, in order that players use him more.In a way it was his decision since he decided to write Durance as a character with great resolve.I'm thinking of Durance mainly and his insanely high Resolve which is not exactly a high priority for Priests in that game, Sawyer Balance be damned. Just wondering if that was a decision on your part to make his stat spread the way it was, or whether it was given to you or decided for you.
Since he seems to have taken the opposite route with Durance - he created a Priest with quite possibly the worst stats that it is possible to have. I don't deny that 19 Resolve fits Durance's personality. My point is, it makes him a shit Priest, combat-wise. Same with his awful Perception & Dexterity.