slept and this topic's number of posts became two fold overnight.
Frankly pretty much anything. That's my main problem with Bethesda games, their core design and in particular how they do "exploration": it's not that I don't think they are the best... I rate them among the worst.So, what's *your* alternative?
Do you know the original farsi text? I can't find a reference to this.A Persian proverb says : "A potter drinks from a broken bowl"
We have an italian equivalent. "In casa del fabbro lo spiedo è di legno"... Which translates roughly as "In the blacksmith's home the skewer is made of wood".A Persian proverb says : "A potter drinks from a broken bowl"
Devs can sometimes have shit taste in games.
It shows that he can into semantics and he is a meticulous person.I like how Bester put quotation marks around "wants"
YourFTFY.He probably also likes Bethesda's exploration more because Bethesda, unlike Obshitian, gives you plenty of empty places to explore.
Nope, it's the other way around. Countless times I've wandered the NV map looking for points of interest only to find out they're a wrecked building (as in, just the corner standing or something) or abandoned shack with nothing interesting there.
I realize I'm oversimplifying and there are probably exceptions to almost any point I'm listing, but to summarize: good exploration should make me feel like I'm living an exciting adventure, not like I was just exploring 3D environment in some sort of over-decorated development toolset, as Bethesda games feel to me thanks to their dreadful combat, dull quests, non-existing dungeon design and absolutely broken and unbalanced subsystems.
I would suggest Bethesda would do better to make a smaller world of much better quality with locations with soul rather than a vast world where the same regions are cut and pasted everywhere.
I would suggest Bethesda would do better to make a smaller world of much better quality with locations with soul rather than a vast world where the same regions are cut and pasted everywhere.
It is too late now. We are way past that. Popamole gamers were “educated” in the culture of exploration of vast worlds with awesome graphics and tons of fetch quests. If they had the audacity to make a triple-A game with more nuance they would lose everything. In the year 2055, cRPGs will play themselves. Gamers will just watch cinematic expositions and asked to press “A” sometimes. There is a selective pressure to ruin everything with popamolism. The most adapted are the likes of Bethesda and Bioware.
Avellone has always been critical about this work and projects, this is just a bad interviewer who was trying to bait. But at least it couples nicely with the sensationalist garbage title of this thread.
Avellone has always been critical about this work and projects, this is just a bad interviewer who was trying to bait. But at least it couples nicely with the sensationalist garbage title of this thread.
I notice that there are two types of posters that always deny unpleasant facts about developers. The fanboys and the politicians. Fanboys are irrational, while politicians are self-interested. Fanboys just think developers are sacred and deserve blind adoration, while politicians treat every post as an opportunity to ass kiss forum moderators. They are opportunists who always walk on eggshells around polemic topics. Fanboys have a stupid spontaneity about them that is sincere, even if it is unjustified, while politicians have a calculated and careerist mentality that is completely rotten.
Avellone has always been critical about this work and projects, this is just a bad interviewer who was trying to bait. But at least it couples nicely with the sensationalist garbage title of this thread.
politicians have a calculated and careerist mentality that is completely rotten.
Multiple personality disorder