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People News Chris Avellone wins settlement after lawsuit over sexual assault accusations


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
In his favor? He cucked out. I can understand it to some degree (lawsuits are never a time well spend, even if you are guaranteed to win) but the statement he wrested from the two... women of questionable character after years of smears, litigation (and the California court nonsense) amounts to 'we said bad things but we were two stupid girls so we didn't understand what we were saying teehee'. Lame. I hope this ordeal has changed their character but I doubt it. While MCA will need to continue to wash off the dirt, because the hyena mob is still out there.

He should've went for maximum damage, because that's what they did too, right until the very end, without remorse.
A big time bleeding heart pussy licker would never do anything like that no matter how much damage they inflicted on him. It'd be different if it was Feargus, but it wasn't.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
It's a little vague but we've been able to confirm that the settlement is in Chris Avellone's favour.
In his favor? He cucked out. I can understand it to some degree (lawsuits are never a time well spend, even if you are guaranteed to win) but the statement he wrested from the two... women of questionable character after years of smears, litigation (and the California court nonsense) amounts to 'we said bad things but we were two stupid girls so we didn't understand what we were saying teehee'. Lame. I hope this ordeal has changed their character but I doubt it. While MCA will need to continue to wash off the dirt, because the hyena mob is still out there.

He should've went for maximum damage, because that's what they did too, right until the very end, without remorse.
Yeah but on Twitter that's great. You do that to a court and the judge is likely to fuck you over three ways from Sunday.


Aug 10, 2005
Another insight of groundbreaking intelligence

That seems actually to be a sarcastic response

He wasn't banned, so probably not.

Dave the Druid

Dec 29, 2022
I dunno, dude, this guy kind of seems like a winner

View attachment 34755
What the actual fuck?


For shits and giggles I counted up how many times this person tweeted in one day: on March 22 they tweeted a grand total of 53 times. Fucking hilarious too since most of it was some long elaborate rant about the dangers of echo chambers and rape culture... while also making it all about themselves, how they sexually identify as a dragon and you can only reply if they mentioned you thus making the whole thing a massive echo chamber. Where the fuck do these people come from?

I did some quick maths as well. Using a small sample of tweets the average word length seemed to be somewhere between 45-50 words. I decided to low-ball it and go with 45 on average. Multiplied by 37,300 that gives us an approximate total word count of 1,678,500. That's approximately how many words this person's tweeted in the last 3 years. For comparison the complete surviving works of William Shakespeare clocks in at 884,647 words. Marcel Proust's 7 volume long epic, In Search of Lost Time clocks in at somewhere between 1.2 million to 1.5 million words (Wikipedia has it at 1,267,069 words but there's no citation and, y'know, it's Wikipedia.) By my calculations this guy has beaten both of them. Let that sink in for a second.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I dunno, dude, this guy kind of seems like a winner

View attachment 34755
What the actual fuck?


For shits and giggles I counted up how many times this person tweeted in one day: on March 22 they tweeted a grand total of 53 times. Fucking hilarious too since most of it was some long elaborate rant about the dangers of echo chambers and rape culture... while also making it all about themselves, how they sexually identify as a dragon and you can only reply if they mentioned you thus making the whole thing a massive echo chamber. Where the fuck do these people come from?

I did some quick maths as well. Using a small sample of tweets the average word length seemed to be somewhere between 45-50 words. I decided to low-ball it and go with 45 on average. Multiplied by 37,300 that gives us an approximate total word count of 1,678,500. That's approximately how many words this person's tweeted in the last 3 years. For comparison the complete surviving works of William Shakespeare clocks in at 884,647 words. Marcel Proust's 7 volume long epic, In Search of Lost Time clocks in at somewhere between 1.2 million to 1.5 million words (Wikipedia has it at 1,267,069 words but there's no citation and, y'know, it's Wikipedia.) By my calculations this guy has beaten both of them. Let that sink in for a second.

By your own admission, we are in the e-presence of the Shakespeare of our times. Show some respect.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
It's a little vague but we've been able to confirm that the settlement is in Chris Avellone's favour.
In his favor? He cucked out. I can understand it to some degree (lawsuits are never a time well spend, even if you are guaranteed to win) but the statement he wrested from the two... women of questionable character after years of smears, litigation (and the California court nonsense) amounts to 'we said bad things but we were two stupid girls so we didn't understand what we were saying teehee'. Lame. I hope this ordeal has changed their character but I doubt it. While MCA will need to continue to wash off the dirt, because the hyena mob is still out there.

He should've went for maximum damage, because that's what they did too, right until the very end, without remorse.
Should have went for maximum damage? :lol:
Wake up, this is the real world, and not a movie. What could he expect for drawing out the lawsuit for an extra one or two years? More money? Unlikely, and the bitches couldn't pay him more anyway. Jailtime for the women? LOL, nobody is going to jail for things like that. Public apologies? Maybe, but the statements the women had to make are as good as that, so wouldn't make a difference.

Pure and simple, no sane men would draw out this mess further, when there is a chance for a settlement like this.


Oct 12, 2010
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Grab the Codex by the pussy RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
LOL, nobody is going to jail for things like that.

Indeed. Especially not off of a civil case. At best they would have been given a slap on the wrist for perjury if there was enough proof they had lied when giving testimony.

Dave the Druid

Dec 29, 2022
What the actual fuck?


I did some quick maths as well. Using a small sample of tweets the average word length seemed to be somewhere between 45-50 words. I decided to low-ball it and go with 45 on average. Multiplied by 37,300 that gives us an approximate total word count of 1,678,500. That's approximately how many words this person's tweeted in the last 3 years. For comparison the complete surviving works of William Shakespeare clocks in at 884,647 words. Marcel Proust's 7 volume long epic, In Search of Lost Time clocks in at somewhere between 1.2 million to 1.5 million words (Wikipedia has it at 1,267,069 words but there's no citation and, y'know, it's Wikipedia.) By my calculations this guy has beaten both of them. Let that sink in for a second.

By your own admission, we are in the e-presence of the Shakespeare of our times. Show some respect.
I dunno mate, I've always felt that quality>quantity. I mean let's just compare Lupine to Proust:

“The idea that one will die is more painful than dying, but less painful than the idea that another person is dead, that, becoming once more a still, plane surface after having engulfed a person, a reality extends, without even a ripple at the point of disappearance from which that person is excluded, in which there no longer exists any will, any knowledge, and from which it is as difficult to reascend to the idea that that person has lived as, from the still recent memory of his life, it is to think that he is comparable with the insubstantial images, the memories, left us by the characters in a novel we have been reading.”
- Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
"I mean, I've mentioned that I'm plural and I have a couple in here that love to identify as dragons. As I've also mentioned, one of them saved me from a very bad situation of physical abuse. And both of them love to ruminate, it's their bread and butter, and highly encouraged. "Don't merely react. Think. Impulsivity is a convenient luxury that we allow ourselves all too often, it's the easiest thing in the world." It's why I try to challenge myself. Which... isn't always easy, mind you. But I try. It can be vexing when I can only find confirmations. I mean, the connections between low-empathy, human exceptionalism, and bio-essentialism resulting in monsters is a belief I have that I can find nothing but confirmations for, in peer-reviewed research and my own amateur efforts alike. So, that's a whole thing. I mean, I'd always suspected that someone who just hates dragons and orcs would be some kind of bigot in reality, but it was sobering to see hundreds (as many as I could stand to read) of examples of exactly that on Reddit. Reddit post-histories are incredibly revealing."
- Lupine Pariah, Twitter

Tough call but I think I'm gonna give Proust the point here


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I dunno mate, I've always felt that quality>quantity. I mean let's just compare Lupine to Proust:

“The idea that one will die is more painful than dying, but less painful than the idea that another person is dead, that, becoming once more a still, plane surface after having engulfed a person, a reality extends, without even a ripple at the point of disappearance from which that person is excluded, in which there no longer exists any will, any knowledge, and from which it is as difficult to reascend to the idea that that person has lived as, from the still recent memory of his life, it is to think that he is comparable with the insubstantial images, the memories, left us by the characters in a novel we have been reading.”
- Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time
"I mean, I've mentioned that I'm plural and I have a couple in here that love to identify as dragons. As I've also mentioned, one of them saved me from a very bad situation of physical abuse. And both of them love to ruminate, it's their bread and butter, and highly encouraged. "Don't merely react. Think. Impulsivity is a convenient luxury that we allow ourselves all too often, it's the easiest thing in the world." It's why I try to challenge myself. Which... isn't always easy, mind you. But I try. It can be vexing when I can only find confirmations. I mean, the connections between low-empathy, human exceptionalism, and bio-essentialism resulting in monsters is a belief I have that I can find nothing but confirmations for, in peer-reviewed research and my own amateur efforts alike. So, that's a whole thing. I mean, I'd always suspected that someone who just hates dragons and orcs would be some kind of bigot in reality, but it was sobering to see hundreds (as many as I could stand to read) of examples of exactly that on Reddit. Reddit post-histories are incredibly revealing."
- Lupine Pariah, Twitter

Tough call but I think I'm gonna give Proust the point here

Typical cisthet patriarchobigot agenda. Get with the times, grandpa. Proust has been dead for over 100 years and was white, therefore, Lupine Pariah is clearly the superior writer and the only one worth study.


Anyway, seriously, while I don't want to derail this thread anymore, this twitter user seems fascinating and should be studied in a lab. That's fucking mental.


Feb 25, 2023
Codex is not "nazi-friendly", it is "anything-tolerant" because it has almost nonexistant moderation. That has good and bad sides to it. But considering every other forum on the net is heavily moderated, codex is refreshing, even if it brings higher amount of eyerolling as a result.
Very on point.
Women don't deserve any rights.
Because when it costs you nothing to destroy someone's life and the low IQ emotional retarded children with tits we call wahmen have free reign they will not hesitate to erase you on a whim.


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
I am trying to recall what set Lupine Pariah off about Avellone. Was it something Avellone said about intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2? I also remember this guy being a furry, which is par for the course.


Aug 20, 2022
I am trying to recall what set Lupine Pariah off about Avellone. Was it something Avellone said about intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2? I also remember this guy being a furry, which is par for the course.
Maybe Chris neglected to include plural representation. Lupine is plural as he's mentioned.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
They've got nothing going for them in their lives and seek attention on social media.

I dunno, dude, this guy kind of seems like a winner

View attachment 34755

<mental illness> <mental illness> <mental illness> <mental illness> < furry > :ukraine_flag: :blm: :LGBT_Rainbow: <mental illness> <mental illness>

Like Clockwork.
You forgot proudly vaxxed & boosted.
Also LGBT rainbow is a mental illness.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
They've got nothing going for them in their lives and seek attention on social media.

I dunno, dude, this guy kind of seems like a winner

View attachment 34755

<mental illness> <mental illness> <mental illness> <mental illness> < furry > :ukraine_flag: :blm: :LGBT_Rainbow: <mental illness> <mental illness>

Like Clockwork.
You forgot proudly vaxxed & boosted.
Also LGBT rainbow is a mental illness.

:syringe: :syringe:


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I am trying to recall what set Lupine Pariah off about Avellone. Was it something Avellone said about intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2? I also remember this guy being a furry, which is par for the course.
He killed all the talking deathclaws in the Fallout bible.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
I am trying to recall what set Lupine Pariah off about Avellone. Was it something Avellone said about intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2? I also remember this guy being a furry, which is par for the course.
He killed all the talking deathclaws in the Fallout bible.

The best part about this.. is it's actually true.. and we allow these people to walk our streets without a strait jacket and tracking device.


Jun 23, 2020

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
I am trying to recall what set Lupine Pariah off about Avellone. Was it something Avellone said about intelligent deathclaws in Fallout 2? I also remember this guy being a furry, which is par for the course.
Maybe Chris neglected to include plural representation. Lupine is plural as he's mentioned.
He just wanted Fujiko


Feb 8, 2020
down under
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Anyway, seriously, while I don't want to derail this thread anymore, this twitter user seems fascinating and should be studied in a lab. That's fucking mental.
Some Codexers have alarmingly high message counts too. No, not the joke 1mill+ counters, but some dudes have amassed post counts in the ten thousand range over just a few years, which seems to be realistic (but weird).

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