New video in German only.
Major points:
- roads will be auto-created by the way merchants travel.
- combat experience goes into military techs instead of promotions for units.
- there will be a linear tech tree with 50% less technologies. (no tech web)
- no more one or two dominant strategies to win the game.
- it's unclear if there will be a city screen to assign citizens on city tiles.
- 2 upt instead of 1 upt.
So it looks like they are making the exploration gimmick the major point of the game,which means anything beside the first 50 turns will be absolute boredom compared to even civ v.
Wait just a moment,that is the same flaw stellaris has,are new 4x developers now sacrificing everything for a fun early game and bare bones mid and late game.
Well at least we still have alpha centauri.
Fucking Stellaris man. What a nightmare. It has nothing they gave the illusion that it would have. They never promised explicitly of course, just encouraged the hype.