TLDR: Bare bones shouldn't have been released in its current form needed more time to add basic features, ESPECIALLY for this egregious price.
Mechanics are fine and change is necessary and will always divide the community at the start (civ 5 to 6), this isnt my problem. My problem is there is 0 customisation to the game your about to play, I can't change resource distribution, change my map size beyond 3 types (really...) or even pick something as basic as a f***ing map... really theres no variety in map choice. Don't even get me started on no quick combat or quick movement, makes the game feel clunky... let alone this awful UI.
Game needed another 3 months to add these basic features, anyone who uses the excuse 'early access' for the exclusion of the most basic features is deluded. I haven't even mentioned some game play flaws as largely I expect these with an early access same with the bugs and crashing that does occasionally accompany this game.
Edit 1: Just won on 20fps with a 4080 might I add (Late game performance is utter S**t) and there isn't even the famous 'One More Turn...' button, incredibly disappointed again