How are y'all playing the Civ games? Do you always go for Domination victory? Seems like the proper way to do it?
I havent completed a campaign in a Civ game in a decade. The exploration part is my favourite anyway, so no surprise that I always drop my playthrough and do a new one.
The 4X thing, eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate, breaks down in the middle of the campaign.
You are done exploring relatively quickly, depending on the map size and the game. You are done expanding usually 1/3 into the game. You are already exploiting all your resources about 1/2 into the game, and you are just left with exterminating others.
In a traditional game, you start with few game mechanics, and new are added over time (like unlocking a jet pack or whatever). With 4X games, usually game mechanics are removed from the game over time, as explained above. Civilization series has done damage control, introducing spying, ideologies, monopolies, aircraft, etc, over time to replace the stuff removed. But I doubt anyone will agree that the thrill of exploring and seeing what kind of world you are stuck in can be adequately replaced by a new unit type being unlocked.