- From what I understand that the guy who created portraits is a big fan of Tom Hardy (or his "budget" version - Logan Marshall-Green), as I counted at least three of them in the demo:
- You need to work a bit on the visual settings. "Shadow Quality" starting from 3 is enabling volumetric lighting I think, but those should probably be separated and this option should only affect shadow resolution. The same with "Post-Processing". I see that it's affecting SSAO resolution mostly, but whatever is in there, it should be separated into different settings. Speaking of SSAO, it doesn't really look good, like straight out of AoD. Overall, if you would somehow be able to lighten the GPU load, a lot of players will thank you (I'm not counting on it, but it would be nice). Also, a customizable (like "Bloom" and "Motion Blur") sharpen filter would be welcome.
- I noticed that if shots will hit a shield from "behind" for some reason they won't damage it, which is weird for me but may be intentional.
- Not really sure what's the point of changing position of your character, if you cannot start a combat behind a cover. Currently I'm a bit puzzled with the 4th fight. You start, you immediately getting hit 2 times (if you're unlucky) from an enemy guy behind a cover, which leaves you with 3 hp.
- Starting with a rifle was clearly a mistake. The weapon is slow, has only 1 shot and a better rifle is extremely costly. Luckily, you can switch between weapons and having 8 Per means that you can shoot with anything.
- Speaking of combat, it's a bit on that side:
The arena is extremely small and you can't even 100% shoot an enemy that is a few feet away.
Overall, it looks solid. Writing is good and the atmosphere is there. Although the things that bothered me in AoD are also there. The world seem non-interactive and you can't do anything (other than walk and talk) unless a script allows you to. I'm also worrying about the reputation stats. It looks great on paper, but from my experience in AoD, the only things you needed were a bit of "Word of Honor" in the beginning and "Body Count" in a couple of places. Other than that, reputation hardly mattered.