About the same as Encased but not as good as Trudograd and sure as hell not nearly the same level as Underail. Disappointing.
How you even could set this game on the same level with Encased? Encased is a sad, failed project basically. Text book example of too many cooks in the kitchen case, feature bloat, balance being out of whack, wasted potential (with the setting primarily but with everything else too), extreme amateurish design like stealing cooldowns for example or the sweet offering to loot approximately 2 millions containers as the gameplay part. There're some good things in there but they're drowning under all the shit. And I see as people complaining again about "portals" but I take "portals any day over slow running around vast but completely empty Encased's locations for tens of minutes (good bless speedhack) just in order to complete some main quest objective.
In opposition, CSG is a game made by a competent devs with strong vision and it shows. Yeah, it clearly suffers from lack of budget but again I'd say better this than Encased's compromises with the publishers which helped to finish off the end product. Voice over is all we need, right?
As for Trudograd. Again, not even fair to compare because while that game has plenty of really good-looking locations it's all pointless because a) it's laughably easy not even compared to ITS games, just in general and b) the wirting there is some cringe-inducing pretentious self-obssessing purple prose shit most of the times. And the setting is some weird wacky but post post apoc. Again, pointless.
Three games inspired by Fallout and yet only CSG is really just inspired while the other two are sad clones.
how do you even survive the grazes?
how do you survive the neurals? zen is enough?
I wore more armor in some fights but mostly was just blazing from cloacking and then throwing a smoke under cover and finishing the rest, usually that was enough. Really tough one was the 2 turrets and robot which I did before I could bring a meatshield so I had to use energy vest. Zen + implant upgrade + special forces helmet later on and it's more than enough yeah. Had to use meatshield vs 3 worms prior to Factory.