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Incline Colony Ship RELEASE THREAD

Dec 18, 2022
I stopped my playthrough around launch specifically because of reports of the second half of the game feeling rushed, unfinished, and scant in content. It seemed to be a fairly unanimous criticism around here. I've been waiting until they fully wrapped up development before doing my proper full playthrough because I'd rather remember this game I waited so long to play fondly rather than it falling flat.

So, is the above poster blinded by his optimism for the game, or were the majority of the reports of the second half feeling unfinished hyperbolic negativity?
First chapter is the peak of the game. But there have been updates (and probably more coming) for the later areas so still better to wait and play it in its best condition. It won't be a complete overhaul but make it less shit in terms of layout/content.


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
it is pronounced if your character relies on sneakery
So you'll essentially end up getting more out of the game if you avoid a stealth build?
Not speaking for anyone else, but I had no agency at the end of the game because I hadn't built my team strong enough in combat. It was fucking infuriating. Last hour or so ended up being autoplay.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
it is pronounced if your character relies on sneakery
So you'll essentially end up getting more out of the game if you avoid a stealth build?

The combat is trash, the writing is trash, the choices are mostly trash and most of all, the factions are trash.

It's a bad game, which has a dozen or so fanboys on this site. Which fair enough if they enjoy it. In my opinion it is one of the worst rpg's released post 2012 from the indie era.

I wasn't crazy about AOD, I would say I enjoyed it. DR was a fun game. Colony ship is a 4.5/10 rpg at best.


Aug 26, 2012
I bought into this game during the early access but didn't actually play it at all until today. I just built my character.
How is the state of the game nowadays? Did the devs ever get around to finishing up the final areas? IIRC there were reports here that they were unfinished or something like that.
I played shortly after release and the game was finished. It was uneven as far as some areas having much more to do than others. The Pit (starting area) is the most fleshed out area of the game as far as interacting with NPCS and having stuff to do. There is also less content locked behind choices in this area. When you move on, the locations get larger with not as much to do and more content locked behind build and faction choices. The further you move along, the more you feel on the rails based on decisions you've made.

It is a good game and has always been completable so I would take the "unfinished" claims with a grain of salt. But definitely fair to say that some areas feel "empty" compared to others.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
it is pronounced if your character relies on sneakery
So you'll essentially end up getting more out of the game if you avoid a stealth build?
when you phrase it like that, then not really. There are some sneak exclusive content and frankly - i like sneaking in here. A lot.

However, in 2nd half of the game sneaking options are missing, you are forced into failed speech and resulting combat. It becomes a game of frustration and trying hard to find ANY path towards end credits. And there is one, where you basically follow along without doing anything.

Then there is an issue of it becoming squad based gaym. As in other such gaymz, spread your skills across whole party to cover all the bases(your character does the talking). This way you can experience everything most.

Or play solo chad, always


Mar 1, 2021
So you'll essentially end up getting more out of the game if you avoid a stealth build?
The emphasis on stealth can, reputably, significantly reduce the play time.
Honestly, that doesn't sound too good, yup. Maybe as a kind of a 'replay value' thing, then?
Anyway, I wouldn't know myself. I don't like stealth in games much. I don't mean to say the stealth is bad or nothing, it's just that it's not my thing.
I played as a guy focusing on bonuses on learning and EXP and as an off-marksman.


Jun 30, 2019
If you play with a full squad and build it intelligently, you will cover every area of the game. You'll have a dedicated stealth monkey that can breeze through any stealth-based challenge, a skill and speech monkey that can take on any other check in the game, and of course a pair of meatheads to rape any enemy that comes along. It's a major departure from AoD in that you indeed can be great at everything.

Faction choice matters little - not only are the factions all the same, but even in the ending slides, it's hammered in that it literally doesn't matter.

Game structure as it was on release:
First act (starting area) - absolutely amazing, tons of interesting and varied content, lots of exploration, a great freedom in where to go, what to do, and how to do it
Second act (the hub) - a massive nose dive in terms of quality, tons of uninteresting and boring content, virtually no exploration
Third act (return to starting area) - you finish the stuff you didn't manage during first act, so you get great content again, exploration, etc. There's a lot less quantity compared to the first act, but it's still all great
Fourt act (mutant town) - it's like an attempt to replicate first act but inside a shoebox. There is only one area with little to do, and while the content it offers is significantly better than that of act 2, it's just too sparse, and there's no exploration
Fifth act (endgame) - everything is 100% on rails, and the ride on those rails takes FOREVER. You'll be tying up all those loose ends for hours with virtually nothing to do but walk along mostly linear corridors and shoot enemies.


Oct 21, 2019
The combat is trash, the writing is trash, the choices are mostly trash and most of all, the factions are trash.

It's a bad game, which has a dozen or so fanboys on this site. Which fair enough if they enjoy it. In my opinion it is one of the worst rpg's released post 2012 from the indie era.

I wasn't crazy about AOD, I would say I enjoyed it. DR was a fun game. Colony ship is a 4.5/10 rpg at best.
You're such an annoying retard, it's amazing in its own special way.


Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
The expanded dialogues that got added since release are nice and help flesh out the factions in the habitat when deciding which faction to opt for, but doesn't change that after the 3rd act it's downhill and mostly just finishing the sidequests and exploration you weren't allowed to finish in act 1.

5th act needed more things to do big time . Including more enemies to shoot because if you did the shadow and old beeb stuff in chap 3 (it is very doable if you got the repeater energy rifle) then what other big fights or secrets do you have left to uncover in this game? Nothing other then the monk fight.

Considering that AoD had you optionally duelling a god right after they woke up from hibernation I was expecting some similar secret to be found, the music as you reach the bridge is so tense in CS you expect shit to go down but nothing happens, its just a mostly open route to your chosen ending.


Jun 30, 2019
Otherwise concur with thesecret1' assesment and particularly need to highlight that the 5th act needed more things to do. Including more enemies to shoot because if you did the shadow and old beeb stuff in chap 3 (it is very doable if you got the repeater energy rifle) then what other big fights or secrets do you have left to uncover in this game? Nothing other then the monk fight.
It's all easily doable in chapter 3, especially if you use the robot (he turns ol'bub into a cakewalk, pretty much). In act 5, you go through the hydroponics, but the fights there were easy and unmemorable – it was one of the few points in the game where rather than having solid encounter design with interesting fights, it felt like I was fighting trashmobs. There's the optional bossfight at the end of red zone, but I found it far, far too easy by that point in the game. Then it's more piss-easy fights until, finally, you get to the monk fight, which isn't hard if you've built your characters right, but relies on RNG a lot (basically, you need to disable them ASAP. If you give them a couple rounds act, they'll massacre everything. Hope you stocked up on all those cool grenades, they're super useful here). But then you get to the ending and the monks win anyway because reasons, which honestly made that whole bossfight feel especially unrewarding.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
You're such an annoying retard, it's amazing in its own special way.

You and I don't even disagree that much about rpg's. Obviously some difference in rankings but we generally like similar style games.

You are simply in pure cope mode about colony ship.


Jul 11, 2022
I stopped my playthrough around launch specifically because of reports of the second half of the game feeling rushed, unfinished, and scant in content. It seemed to be a fairly unanimous criticism around here. I've been waiting until they fully wrapped up development before doing my proper full playthrough because I'd rather remember this game I waited so long to play fondly rather than it falling flat.

So, is the above poster blinded by his optimism for the game, or were the majority of the reports of the second half feeling unfinished hyperbolic negativity?
First chapter is the peak of the game. But there have been updates (and probably more coming) for the later areas so still better to wait and play it in its best condition. It won't be a complete overhaul but make it less shit in terms of layout/content.
I liked the habitat the most, just wished there was more content for the major factions.


Dec 22, 2018
I dunno about complete garbage but I definitely lost all interest about 17 hrs in

I feel like I got my money's worth but I was disappointed by it tbh
It's not the worst game, but it's far from being good. AoD was a flawed gem, but still a gem, it had problems, but there was something magical hiddden beneath them. CS has all AoD's problems, while removing all the parts that made it great. It just feels like a souless slop, it's edible, but not tasty. I replayed AoD like 8+ times at this point, but left Colonoscopy Shit after 16 hours, and I doubt I will ever touch it again.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
i think its aod level good up to the point you arrive in habitat. At least when playing solo, dunno much about squad stuff


Aug 30, 2008
AoD was ultimately better but CS is still worth a play.

The end game is a lot more rail-roaded (and most of your factional decisions turn out irrelevant) compared to AoD. Combat is good (right balance of needing a few reloads to figure out how to deal with these guys using the tools I've got without feeling impossible).

Still felt I got my money's worth and would love to see more games of a similar vein.


Jul 22, 2024
i felt railroaded right from the beginning with this game. i suppose thats a consequence of being in a hierarchically-organized space ship tho.


Sep 18, 2017
I liked it enough to play it two times in a row with different builds. I wish they leaned more into detailing life on the ship and more ambient things though. Like that personality "quiz" at the start I don't think it really changes anything.


Apr 12, 2013
I liked it enough to play it two times in a row with different builds. I wish they leaned more into detailing life on the ship and more ambient things though. Like that personality "quiz" at the start I don't think it really changes anything.
it meant to establish a reputation with each faction, or you can disregard the questions and begin with zero.

To my knowledge, there's no noticeable difference when having a negative reputation, particularly since you can betray your faction at any time and ally with the faction that despises you.


Jan 4, 2019
I was thinking about this game the other day and realized how much better it would've been if it was another entry on the late Roman setting of AoD. Rome and historical settings are just much better than standard sci-fi fare.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
I was excited to play a second time up until a certain point in the game. At that point I couldn't wait for it to end and I'm kind of butthurt about the way the game jilted me.

The game would be better if it ended after chapter 1. The rest of the game is basically unplayable garbage.

After short debate with Marat, I have decided to recant my statement that the rest of CS is unplayable. I will simply call it garbage.
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