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Wasteland Commander Retard's Wasteland 2 Impressions

Commander Retard

Jan 12, 2015
Dear Codex,

I'm one of those invisible Codexers who don't do any kind of posting but are visiting this glorious last standing bastion of rpg fairly frequently.

So, regarding this review and some of the post, I say to you, dear Codex:


Guys, I mean seriously, this game is absolute and total CRAP (We'll get to this in a while). But what really pains me is how much praise this piece of turd game receives on GOD DAMN CODEX. If this was a Biofag forums then fine, we all know how utterly retarded and braindead humans can be. But this is CODEX. C-O-D-E-X.

I played the game about 2 weeks ago. Didn't finish it. Read this review yesterday.
Time for some essentials:

1) Questing.

"Banal. Shit. Boring." as you like to describe such sad state of affairs here. Game full of boring ass fedex quests. Linear. Didn't spot any serious reactivity, aside from some minor comments and something that i would call "gimmick reactivity", meaning that it feels like it is almost FUCKING FORCED into the game because it's cool and so rpg, right? And it certainly feels like it is forced. Every piece of gimmick reactivity is fractured, incoherent and doesn't give any kind of major consequence(s).
Afwul set of random "go there, do that". Everything is simple and straightforward, unimaginative.

2) Dialogues & Writing.

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.
If I had to compare W2's writing to any existing game, I'd say Morrowind. Which means: shit. Additionaly, everything is veiled in that fucking awful Texas, cowboy theme: "I'm gonna shoot you with my trusty cowboy repeater and do some rodeo. And then I'm gonna vote for Republicans and god bless America pardner". Disguisting. Unoriginal. Fallout 1&2 only touched that. Same New Vegas. Didn't go overboard like this W2 crap.
I could honestly use one of those youtube plugins that change text in comments to random "herp", "derp" in W2 conversations, and it wouldn't change much. Everything seems empty and... meaningless. You know, I recently replayed Kotor 2 (with restored content for the first time) and literally spent a lot of time in certain conversation, namely: the one with Atris or just chatting with Atton, and had a lot of fun just trying to figure out what my character would do/say. In W2? Nope. Game feels to me like it's focused around boring ass quests instead of story, meaning that dialogues are just there to mend together the unimpressively designed areas and the combat. Oh yes, the combat...

3) Combat

Not much to say here. Truly an abortion of the new X-COM. Suicidal and DUMB AI. Awesome % to hit chance mechanics (oh how I fucking love this). 95% percent change to hit. You miss. Well fuck you. You miss again with 95% and you loose, cause it was a close fight. Then you reload and do EXACTLY THE SAME, which seems to be the best tactics (not that there is any tactics involved in W2, you just shoot) . You win this time. Yay!
If you're going to implement any kind of randomness in fights, in a rpg, do it right, namely by mitigating it's direct influence on player actions. Example: incoming PoE. Additionaly, if you decide to rely on % you just HAVE TO give players wide array of tactical actions.

4) Skills & stats

Lots of weapon profficiency choices. 3 social skills that have the same outcome. Feels like Fallout 3. Some utilities. Classic repair/science split into gazillion sub-skills because why not. % to be succesful on skill check. Definetely a design flaw. Skill check mechanics that make you even think about reloading to get better outcome is in fact, a lazy and flawed design. "-Hey Brian, so what do you think about making some cool and innovative skill check mechanics? -Nah just slap % on it". How about I don't know, something like consumables that require more/less units to use as an interaction between your character's skill and check difficulty. I mean fucking SOMETHING. Failing because RNG decides so isn't fun.
Stats - simply amazing. You can be super smart ass, bad ass and kiss ass having 1 charisma and everyone will fall upon your godly social skills. You can have 1 intelligence and apparently be a smart ass. That makes sense. Being charismatic also makes you learn faster. Other stats very lightly affect anything. You can't really gimp a character, for example make a very slow but hitting like a truck brute with a sword. Can't make a very fast moving medic who can't hit shit. Everyone, no matter how you manage their stats, will be very similiar. No ability to choose negative traits, or any traits really. Feels extremely shallow. Stat system is worse than Oblivion's - at least it made sense there.

5) Conclusion

Game fails to be even shadow of the old Fallouts. It plays like isometric Oblivion with turn based combat. Which makes me seriously question Codex objectivity on evaulating RPGs. Because you know, if something is advertised as a succesor to Fallout and features isometric view and turn based combat, it doesn't mean it's good, right? RIGHT? This Codex W2 review is one of the biggest piece of shit i have ever read, regarding game reviews. Unobjective and highly biased.
Calling the character creation "the most enjoyable systems in recent memory (if not the most)" is a FUCKING CRIME. I've read many reviews and comments here on Codex and you certainly can bash some shitty games. This one deserves a lot of bashing, while the review is so polite and so "I'm gonna kiss you in the ass Mr. Farggot for making AWESUM turn based, isometric experience!!!!" Face it. It's shit. If Wasteland 2 was 1 person with awesome dx 15 gfx, made by Biofags, you'd all hate it.

Either that or,

Your standards are getting low, Codex.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Not much to say here. Truly an abortion of the new X-COM. Suicidal and DUMB AI. Awesome % to hit chance mechanics (oh how I fucking love this). 95% percent change to hit. You miss. Well fuck you. You miss again with 95% and you loose, cause it was a close fight. Then you reload and do EXACTLY THE SAME, which seems to be the best tactics (not that there is any tactics involved in W2, you just shoot) . You win this time. Yay!
If you're going to implement any kind of randomness in fights, in a rpg, do it right, namely by mitigating it's direct influence on player actions. Example: incoming PoE. Additionaly, if you decide to rely on % you just HAVE TO give players wide array of tactical actions.
Not sure exactly what the complaint is, sometimes a character dies because of bad dice rolls, and that's something that should never happen?

Lots of weapon profficiency choices. 3 social skills that have the same outcome. Feels like Fallout 3.
This is incorrect. I know for a fact that intimidate has some unique outcomes. I'm sure the other two do as well.

can't really gimp a character, for example make a very slow but hitting like a truck brute with a sword.
You can definitely make this—although a melee guy who can't catch his enemies isn't going to be very useful.

Can't make a very fast moving medic who can't hit shit.
You can definitley make this too.

Everyone, no matter how you manage their stats, will be very similiar. No ability to choose negative traits, or any traits really. Feels extremely shallow. Stat system is worse than Oblivion's - at least it made sense there.
Care to link screenshots of your character sheets? I'm pretty sure you made similar characters which is why they're similar.

Game fails to be even shadow of the old Fallouts. It plays like isometric Oblivion with turn based combat. Which makes me seriously question Codex objectivity on evaulating RPGs. Because you know, if something is advertised as a succesor to Fallout and features isometric view and turn based combat, it doesn't mean it's good, right? RIGHT? This Codex W2 review is one of the biggest piece of shit i have ever read, regarding game reviews. Unobjective and highly biased.
Calling the character creation "the most enjoyable systems in recent memory (if not the most)" is a FUCKING CRIME. I've read many reviews and comments here on Codex and you certainly can bash some shitty games. This one deserves a lot of bashing, while the review is so polite and so "I'm gonna kiss you in the ass Mr. Farggot for making AWESUM turn based, isometric experience!!!!" Face it. It's shit. If Wasteland 2 was 1 person with awesome dx 15 gfx, made by Biofags, you'd all hate it.
I'm not sure what Oblivion has to do with anything. Other than being boring, WL2 has nothing in common with it.

If WL2 was first person it would be a completely different game.

Either that or,

Your standards are getting low, Codex.
What if I told you we always had low standards, and RPG makers failed to even meet those.

Anyways, you made a lot of good points, but you are just plain wrong about these things I mentioned.
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Dec 17, 2013
The rest of the Codex expends its bile in the Beamdog threads but we young'uns gotta
Jul 27, 2013
Wether edgy newfag or not, it doesnt make his points less correct.
True, what makes his points incorrect is the fact that most of them are incorrect.

I'm one of those invisible Codexers who don't do any kind of posting
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I played the game about 2 weeks ago. Didn't finish it.
That's clear, how little did you actually play before deciding your opinion was well formed enough to write this awful wall of text?
Didn't spot any serious reactivity, aside from some minor comments and something that i would call "gimmick reactivity", meaning that it feels like it is almost FUCKING FORCED into the game because it's cool and so rpg, right?
Yeah, there's really fucking big reactivity to what you do, to the point where whole areas can be changed drastically, to ghost towns or even craters. You'd have to outline what is and isn't forced or gimmicky reactivity, as anything provided could be debunked with your shitty arbitrary value system.
2) Dialogues & Writing.
Hard to defend writing, since it's oh so subjective. But your gripes sound really retarded to me.
Chance to hit and randomness are bad because reasons, got it. Also LOL @ talking about tactics when you clearly haven't even left Arizona.
3 social skills that have the same outcome.
No, they have different outcomes.
Feels like Fallout 3.
Shitty comparisons, the post.
Oblivion with turn based combat.
Here's another one. The only valid point you've made is about the character creation, traits would be nice to have, stats governing skills would be too, and to add my own critique I would love if they fixed the derived stats to have a fraction based effect every level instead of every two or three or whatever it is now. The characters are very diverse though, not quite sure what the fuck you're on about, they don't feel the same at all, at least, mine don't, because I don't make them the same.

Coming in here when the game is about to be named GOTY and dropping mad truth bombs is definitely trying too hard tho.
I think re-posting this same joke without anybody laughing, getting mad, or being affected in any way could also be labelled as such.
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Apr 18, 2008
If you're going to implement any kind of randomness in fights, in a rpg, do it right, namely by mitigating it's direct influence on player actions. Example: incoming PoE.

Commander Roguey.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Dear Codex,

I'm one of those invisible Codexers who don't do any kind of posting but are visiting this glorious last standing bastion of rpg fairly frequently.

So, regarding this review and some of the post, I say to you, dear Codex:


Guys, I mean seriously, this game is absolute and total CRAP (We'll get to this in a while). But what really pains me is how much praise this piece of turd game receives on GOD DAMN CODEX. If this was a Biofag forums then fine, we all know how utterly retarded and braindead humans can be. But this is CODEX. C-O-D-E-X.

I played the game about 2 weeks ago. Didn't finish it. Read this review yesterday.
Time for some essentials:

1) Questing.

"Banal. Shit. Boring." as you like to describe such sad state of affairs here. Game full of boring ass fedex quests. Linear. Didn't spot any serious reactivity, aside from some minor comments and something that i would call "gimmick reactivity", meaning that it feels like it is almost FUCKING FORCED into the game because it's cool and so rpg, right? And it certainly feels like it is forced. Every piece of gimmick reactivity is fractured, incoherent and doesn't give any kind of major consequence(s).
Afwul set of random "go there, do that". Everything is simple and straightforward, unimaginative.

2) Dialogues & Writing.

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.
If I had to compare W2's writing to any existing game, I'd say Morrowind. Which means: shit. Additionaly, everything is veiled in that fucking awful Texas, cowboy theme: "I'm gonna shoot you with my trusty cowboy repeater and do some rodeo. And then I'm gonna vote for Republicans and god bless America pardner". Disguisting. Unoriginal. Fallout 1&2 only touched that. Same New Vegas. Didn't go overboard like this W2 crap.
I could honestly use one of those youtube plugins that change text in comments to random "herp", "derp" in W2 conversations, and it wouldn't change much. Everything seems empty and... meaningless. You know, I recently replayed Kotor 2 (with restored content for the first time) and literally spent a lot of time in certain conversation, namely: the one with Atris or just chatting with Atton, and had a lot of fun just trying to figure out what my character would do/say. In W2? Nope. Game feels to me like it's focused around boring ass quests instead of story, meaning that dialogues are just there to mend together the unimpressively designed areas and the combat. Oh yes, the combat...

3) Combat

Not much to say here. Truly an abortion of the new X-COM. Suicidal and DUMB AI. Awesome % to hit chance mechanics (oh how I fucking love this). 95% percent change to hit. You miss. Well fuck you. You miss again with 95% and you loose, cause it was a close fight. Then you reload and do EXACTLY THE SAME, which seems to be the best tactics (not that there is any tactics involved in W2, you just shoot) . You win this time. Yay!
If you're going to implement any kind of randomness in fights, in a rpg, do it right, namely by mitigating it's direct influence on player actions. Example: incoming PoE. Additionaly, if you decide to rely on % you just HAVE TO give players wide array of tactical actions.

4) Skills & stats

Lots of weapon profficiency choices. 3 social skills that have the same outcome. Feels like Fallout 3. Some utilities. Classic repair/science split into gazillion sub-skills because why not. % to be succesful on skill check. Definetely a design flaw. Skill check mechanics that make you even think about reloading to get better outcome is in fact, a lazy and flawed design. "-Hey Brian, so what do you think about making some cool and innovative skill check mechanics? -Nah just slap % on it". How about I don't know, something like consumables that require more/less units to use as an interaction between your character's skill and check difficulty. I mean fucking SOMETHING. Failing because RNG decides so isn't fun.
Stats - simply amazing. You can be super smart ass, bad ass and kiss ass having 1 charisma and everyone will fall upon your godly social skills. You can have 1 intelligence and apparently be a smart ass. That makes sense. Being charismatic also makes you learn faster. Other stats very lightly affect anything. You can't really gimp a character, for example make a very slow but hitting like a truck brute with a sword. Can't make a very fast moving medic who can't hit shit. Everyone, no matter how you manage their stats, will be very similiar. No ability to choose negative traits, or any traits really. Feels extremely shallow. Stat system is worse than Oblivion's - at least it made sense there.

5) Conclusion

Game fails to be even shadow of the old Fallouts. It plays like isometric Oblivion with turn based combat. Which makes me seriously question Codex objectivity on evaulating RPGs. Because you know, if something is advertised as a succesor to Fallout and features isometric view and turn based combat, it doesn't mean it's good, right? RIGHT? This Codex W2 review is one of the biggest piece of shit i have ever read, regarding game reviews. Unobjective and highly biased.
Calling the character creation "the most enjoyable systems in recent memory (if not the most)" is a FUCKING CRIME. I've read many reviews and comments here on Codex and you certainly can bash some shitty games. This one deserves a lot of bashing, while the review is so polite and so "I'm gonna kiss you in the ass Mr. Farggot for making AWESUM turn based, isometric experience!!!!" Face it. It's shit. If Wasteland 2 was 1 person with awesome dx 15 gfx, made by Biofags, you'd all hate it.

Either that or,

Your standards are getting low, Codex.

sup drog


Aug 26, 2014
Marseilles, France
Wasteland 2 isn't a Fallout sequel. The title of the game should give you a clue of which sequel it is.
The "%" doesn't means it sucks. There are people who can't stand the lack of "%" and people who can't stand the existence of "%".


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Some people itt cheering on a textbook idiot, social quotient check - fail.

Codex brass should consider a nice tag to go with his SN/MO.

Thumbs up to Onholyservicebound for a detailed analysis of this pile of vomit. It's like shoveling shit, someone has to do it.

Commander Retard

Jan 12, 2015
Not sure exactly what the complaint is, sometimes a character dies because of bad dice rolls, and that's something that should never happen?

It should happen. Altough as I said, relying too much on flat % chance is just lazy and bad game design. Look at D:OS, I don't like the game personally, but the combat mechanics are just great. So much stuff to do. The way how you can make environment your own playground, how many different skills you can mix up and use. That awful miss at 95% just doesn't feel all that significant. You can shape the outcome of the battle in so many different ways.

This is incorrect. I know for a fact that intimidate has some unique outcomes. I'm sure the other two do as well.

Yeah. Some.
Admit it: persuasion, intimidation and other social skills shouldn't exist as a different skill. Instead, it should be similar to Kotor 2, where skills like awareness (which are mainly usable outside of combat, but ulimately describe your character's specific way of interacting with the world) give you additonal informations to use in conversation, unlocking new dialogue options. It means that you can persuade or intimdate NPC by simply choosing a fitting response, therefore avoiding awful [YOU ARE AWSUM U GOT 10 PERZUATION SKILZ KLICK DIS] before the dialogue lines. Even though your character is very aware of the environment and people usual behaviour etc, you can still screw up at persuading someone by... simply failing to do it (choosing unfitting dialogue options). Now that's role playing. Now that's how you fucking implement skill checks in dialogues. +1 to lazy ass design for W2.

You can definitely make this—although a melee guy who can't catch his enemies isn't going to be very useful.

You can definitley make this too.

It didn't really feel like it to me.
Additionaly, you can give everyone like 10 INT and CHA, gimping every other stat and then just pumping up your weapon skills. They're going to be fine in combat. Considering the awful AI. Stats don't do much and may as well not be in the game. How about some actual character creation? Maybe some classes? Maybe some backgrounds to choose (Vtm:bloodlines). Maybe some traits? Passive skill tree? Maybe something... I don't know, worthy of an rpg? Isn't it just lazy?

Care to link screenshots of your character sheets? I'm pretty sure you made similar characters which is why they're similar.

Don't have any screenshots.
Had one strong and durable club wielding guy, one intellectual leader-social guy, one high coordination sniper lady and a quick medic guy. The point is, that if I had taken sniper rifle skill for my strong and durable guy or club combat for my medic - it wouldn't have changed much. There is no interaction between skills and stats. They both overlap each other too much, therefore one of them is pointless.

I'm not sure what Oblivion has to do with anything. Other than being boring, WL2 has nothing in common with it.

If WL2 was first person it would be a completely different game.

If W2 was in 1st person, then it would simply be a W2 in a 1st person. It would have the exact same awful writing, uncreative and lazy mechanics, cheap character customization etc. Having a game in isometric view doesn't make it instantly rpg. Turn based, isometric Oblivion would have the same awful charactersitics of our real world Oblivion. Only thing really differend would be controls. I'm bringing up Oblivion because it's labelled as rpg and IMO it's as bad of an rpg as W2. Uninspired. Totally uncreative. Relying on nostalgia. Just in 1st person.


You do realize that we need some actually good rpgs, right? VTM:B level of writing and atmosphere, D:OS level of combat mechanics or Gothic 2 NOTR skill-based combat (if you're into action rpgs), PS:T plot, BG2 semi-open world or Fallout 2 open world. It's all been already done. Now how about improving those?

Side note: oldfags getting reactionary. Unable to differentiate between shit and and actual good rpg. I just hope you're not gonna join social.bioware.com anytime soon. I'm looking forward to seeing your opinions about some of the upcoming games.
Dec 12, 2013
Commander Retard : You stupid fuck, you don't know how to troll, don't you? After making an alternative account use it to post like 50 normal posts, then let it sleep for few months and then troll with it. Are you so incompetent, or just drunk?

1 extra troll for trying hard and writing a wall of text.


Jan 13, 2014
Commander Retard : You stupid fuck, you don't know how to troll, don't you? After making an alternative account use it to post like 50 normal posts, then let it sleep for few months and then troll with it. Are you so incompetent, or just drunk?

1 extra troll for trying hard and writing a wall of text.
Who gives a flying fuck about whether it's an alt or not? As long as the wall of text has a valid point or two (it does), you can't just write it off. Address the post, don't crucify the poster.

Commander Retard

Jan 12, 2015
Thumbs up to Onholyservicebound for a detailed analysis of this pile of vomit. It's like shoveling shit, someone has to do it.

You call this shitpost "a detalied analysis"? No wonder Codex's going shit. Stopped reading after this:

Yeah, there's really fucking big reactivity to what you do, to the point where whole areas can be changed drastically, to ghost towns or even craters.

Yeah. JUST LIKE FALLOUT 3? Gimmick reactivity at its best.

So guys, are you going to project your inner, autistic W2 fanboism into anything substantial and meaningful or just keep shitposting?

Commander Retard

Jan 12, 2015
What I'm talking about is reactivity for the sake of reactivity. W2 is a game definitely not built around its dialogues, narrative, story, setting or questing - it all sucks. It's just some boring ass fetch-boy-in-training simulator. It's like finishing civil war questline in Skyrim - you choose a side, you do some boring shit and you finish it. That's all. No actual meaningful changes to the world around you. No changes in narrative. No changes in character defining. Companion interaction etc. W2 feels to me like randomly generated world with random, uninspired stuff thrown into it. IT FEELS SHALLOW, therefore any kind of reactivity based upon it is also shallow and meaningless. It's like adding 50 000 shiny effects to minesweeper or pong. Now how about improving the base itself instead of obscuring it with tons of flashy gimmicks?
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