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Wasteland Commander Retard's Wasteland 2 Impressions

Jul 27, 2013
Someone's :butthurt:
Is it hiver?

And whats the deal with your insults all the time? Are you some kind of retard? Do you suffer some kind of literary tourette syndrome or something? Do you actually believe those words do have any impact other than making everyone here realize what a missraised dickhead you are?
This kind of gives it away.


Jul 10, 2013
Someone's :butthurt:
Is it hiver?

And whats the deal with your insults all the time? Are you some kind of retard? Do you suffer some kind of literary tourette syndrome or something? Do you actually believe those words do have any impact other than making everyone here realize what a missraised dickhead you are?
This kind of gives it away.
I have hiver on ignore so I thought Doktor Best was losing his shit at me for a few sarcastic comments :lol:


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
This kind of gives it away.
I have hiver on ignore so I thought Doktor Best was losing his shit at me for a few sarcastic comments :lol:
Haha, I thought the same thing.
Wow look, hiver still has a boner for me a year later, that's adorable
Jul 27, 2013
I didn't even check, I've got a shit barometer you see, measures the shit pressure in the atmosphere, it was rising at a level I had not seen since..
Wow look, hiver still has a boner for me a year later, that's adorable
Pretty masochistic use of the ignore button, might as well save yourself the extra clicks and not ignore anyone if you're just gonna read everything anyway.

Anyways, I recently finished the game, was a victim of patching culture in that I never went further in LA due to game breaking bug reports that left me waiting for fixes instead of continuing. But since the engine update was coming I figured I'd finish it, since my save files would be seriously outdated at that point.

I still don't think the way the rangers dealt with LA was some huge plot failure. The only choppers they sent there were destroyed by heat-seeking missiles. Why would the rangers put all of their eggs into one basket by sending more choppers after their recon boys and ranger team echo were both shot down? I doubt they have the resources to pull more choppers out of their asses to deal with the threat in LA, especially when they didn't know the severity of it at the time. Echo one has likely proven themselves resourceful enough to find out what needs to be dealt with in the region and deal with it, though I suppose, like most things in the game that's pretty dynamic. A bit of reactivity to your success in the core region might have been nice, if you are really thorough and get the best outcomes they could send more resources to LA, not that it matters if it all gets shot down to shit. Maybe it'd just cause more complaining about "gimmicky reactivity". :roll:

I was really satisfied with my ending, felt very personalized, I left the Wasteland in a pretty wretched state, and not entirely on purpose. In Damonta I really needed to resupply so I abandoned the town to tend to my severely wounded rangers, causing the robots to massacre the remaining citizens, in canyon of titan I couldn't manage to clear the base of the Diamondback militia, so I ended up just sending the mad monks their nuke, seeing the canyon reduced to a crater was pretty great. I like how willing the game was to cut off so much potentially unfinished content with that. Overall my exploits in the Wasteland were very flawed and pretty terrible, but they were a result of my actions and were pretty dynamic outside of just my intentions.

I did purposefully aid in the restructuring of god's militia though, and their crusade at the end was glorious, even if I mostly did it to be contrarian. :D
At the end of the game I was ready to play again, but want to pace myself so I don't get sick of it when the big update comes.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Your first quest is to close holes with wood... jeez... that required a ton of criativity to make. You have to do everything alone again... and gather 56 pounds of cat litter, my God how am I excited by this quest...:roll: Actually, I thought... hey... why I need the rangers anyway? They are so fucking useless anyway and I have to do everything by myself that I could start my own protection scheme. Actually I was begging for the game to allow myself to say screw you, your useless cunts, now I am DeepOcean police now, thank you.

My team worked as Mercenary Band in California with only connection to Desert Ranger Militia (they are not state military in any fation) being irregular transitions with Science! Advice from Ranger Centre, picking the tools and even goals to solve the problems more akin to an Inquisitor from WH40K not policeman and lets face it RP-ing modern military unit with its strict ROEs, bureaucracy and insane PC stamped on the top of it would be as fun and exciting as Accountant simulator. You have good point about California base complete being bad joke though, vast industrial complex with too many entry points which were barricaded by :lol: wooden boards is last location you went to set up the base camp; they should either choose some concealed Ranger style hideout in cave or old bunker going under cover and fighting guerrilla style or take some easily defensible structure like the Police Station or Prison and try to conquer the land more conventional style; I always dreaded that rats would eat throu those boards and eat my radio and radioman while I was out on looting expeditions missions. :lol:

Also the OP is edgy as frack faggot who didn't played neither Wasteland 2 nor Morrowind, Wasteland two was much less diss-pointing than PoE was.


Year later or whatever later you are still the same cheap stupid shit as you ever were.

Nice friends you have there, the laughable faggot and the moron.


Jan 6, 2015
Wow, this should've been the Codex review. I felt the same about it being too kiss-assey. This guy got it right, and as I said, I'm surprised how well WL2 was received on this board when it wasn't that fucking good. A bit over-the-top on his review, but hell, that's how like 90% of these boards write.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I like how people find it stupid that in wasteland 2 you get sent out as rookie with basic training to respond to a radiocall and investigate the death of some ranger (doesnt sound too urgent and life threatening to me) while everyone here is okay that the main plotline of our beloved fallout1 starts with the protagonist being thrown out of the vault alone, with no weapon, in his fuckin piyamas, to deal with a time sensitive issue threatening everyones lives despite of the fact that he most likely doesnt have a goddamn clue what a waterchip is ;)

Dont get me wrong, i love fallout ofc. its a better game than wasteland2 in almost every way. But if you break down the premise of the plotline its not any smarter than wasteland2, and it isnt meant to be. Both are super trashy roadtrips in a postapocalyptic world, like mad max but without cars.
If you're going to try to make a point this like you should at least try to get the facts right.

You are given a pistol and a knife when you leave Vault 13 — as well as a trusty canteen :obviously:

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Well, it was an exaggeration. A toy gun and a butter knife, i dont count those as weapons. My point about you being sent out totally unprepared still stands.


Apr 23, 2015
This game isnt perfect , but it made me comeback to gaming after 5 years break , and i really thought all the games made nowdays are complete shit , WL2 had something in it ... something more than lets say D:OS does... ( even if D:OS is technically best isometric game ever made , i cant even force myself to finish it for the sake of bashing it forever ever after )
Maybe it was Fallout/Commandos nostalgia or just need to play a proper rpg i dont know .. but this game got me hooked up again... also you can look for problems with WL2 and you will find many but then take any other game and you will find MORE .
and btw Codex has its own shrine in this game :D AND u expect bad reviews lol , this doesnt look like much but it probably got to those writing review in a good way !


May 8, 2015
Why the aggressive negativity, gentlemen? :)

Idk, my experience with WL2 so far was kinda sad. I tried real hard to love it. Was very excited when it was announced. Stayed the hell away from the beta to get the best experience upon release. And in the end it was just meh.

Here is the experience for ya: I start up the game, chuckle at the red boots gag, admire the badass scorpitron (screw those things). New game! (Btw didn't mind the character creation screen some complain about, though the lack of a connection between stats and skills seemed kind of strange). So I get a nice balanced party rolling no problem (reading the manual goes a long way) and start playing, supreme jerk difficulty.

One long weekend later I am in damonta, feeling completely exhausted with trying to love WL2. I keep reminding myself that the writing is awesome, the lore is deep, the world is very reactive and whatever else. And it just doesn't amount to an enjoyable experience - the UI keeps getting in the way, combat is unsatisfying and samey, and the story just doesn't have the momentum it desperately needs.

What had gone wrong? I blamed it on high expectations with a high multiplier of nostalgia goggles. So i decided to check just to be sure - maybe my preferences just changed? So I fire up a game of FO2, since trying out that killap mod was loooong overdue anyway.

Nope. FO still doesn't fail to engage, entertain or surprise, and the restored content bits felt awesomely fresh next to the klamath-den-modoc parts I could probably do with my eyes closed at this point.

Point is, WL2 ultimately fails to deliver despite the pedigree and all the good stuff in it, and is imo not worth the time investment, which is a sad, sad thing to admit. And you guys bickering over the OP is just a symptom of not being able to come to grips with that. Just sayin.

Still, fingers crossed for Numenera, oh please, please, please be good :)


Mar 16, 2015
This kind of gives it away.
I have hiver on ignore so I thought Doktor Best was losing his shit at me for a few sarcastic comments :lol:
Haha, I thought the same thing.
Wow look, hiver still has a boner for me a year later, that's adorable
I managed to outdo you guys, I trolled Hiver so much he put ME on ignore :D :D
Now I never have to suffer his reply to one of my posts. That guy is such a tool
Jul 27, 2013
Point is, WL2 ultimately fails to deliver despite the pedigree and all the good stuff in it, and is imo not worth the time investment, which is a sad, sad thing to admit. And you guys bickering over the OP is just a symptom of not being able to come to grips with that. Just sayin.
That's stupid and you're stupid, I can easily come to grips with the fact that you were disappointed with the game, in fact I couldn't care less.
It's once you go full autistic retard and project your shitty opinions and mental defects onto me. I don't have to admit anything, I didn't put 200+ hours into the game and enjoy it in order to be contrary to some mouthbreathing shits on the Codex.

The reason people are responding to OP is because he's wrong and
Trigger warning:
, not much more to it than that. :D
One long weekend later I am in damonta, feeling completely exhausted with trying to love WL2. I keep reminding myself that the writing is awesome, the lore is deep, the world is very reactive and whatever else.
The problem here is that you mistakenly believe that everyone is going through the same mental gymnastics that you went through. Perfect example of the dunning-kruger effect, nobody does this, nobody has the time and care to do something so stupid, this is a result of your own flawed character.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
While I think that PoE is a higher quality game then Wasteland 2 (Better Artwork / Better Performance / Looks Better Overall / More In depth dialogue / companions ).. I still like Wasteland 2 more..

Wasteland 2 was really fun and I don't know why.. The combat was pretty basic / bare bones.. The game had lots of empty space and missed opportunities.. but overall it's just more fun and I care more what happens in the world. When I find a new item in Wasteland 2 I gave a shit.. When I leveled up or killed a strong opponent I felt rewarded.

This kind of gives it away.
I have hiver on ignore so I thought Doktor Best was losing his shit at me for a few sarcastic comments :lol:
Haha, I thought the same thing.
Wow look, hiver still has a boner for me a year later, that's adorable
I managed to outdo you guys, I trolled Hiver so much he put ME on ignore :D :D
Now I never have to suffer his reply to one of my posts. That guy is such a tool

I got Hiver to put me on ignore before it was cool. :cool:

(in before joined date)

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
One day he will realize that he talked to himself for years because nobody can see what he writes, and those who can are ignored by him :P

Lord Azlan

Jun 4, 2014
To the OP

The release thread had loads of "I love WL2" posts. Apparently that's normal for some games on release.

If you read the more considered Codex Review you would have seen it was quite critical of the game.

IMO - decent first attempt in the Wasteland franchise - probably not in my top 5 RPG of this year - but decent game. For some reason I enjoyed it and completed it.

The game is better than the some of its individual parts.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
I like how people find it stupid that in wasteland 2 you get sent out as rookie with basic training to respond to a radiocall and investigate the death of some ranger (doesnt sound too urgent and life threatening to me) while everyone here is okay that the main plotline of our beloved fallout1 starts with the protagonist being thrown out of the vault alone, with no weapon, in his fuckin piyamas, to deal with a time sensitive issue threatening everyones lives despite of the fact that he most likely doesnt have a goddamn clue what a waterchip is ;)

Dont get me wrong, i love fallout ofc. its a better game than wasteland2 in almost every way. But if you break down the premise of the plotline its not any smarter than wasteland2, and it isnt meant to be. Both are super trashy roadtrips in a postapocalyptic world, like mad max but without cars.
If you're going to try to make a point this like you should at least try to get the facts right.

You are given a pistol and a knife when you leave Vault 13 — as well as a trusty canteen :obviously:

And depend on skill picks, you can get more items. A 'Doc' char or a Science/Repairman got quite the luxurious bag. Anyhow, a different char got a different starting inventory~

In that sole aspect I admit F1 got F2 beaten. F2's Chosen One must earn his/her own lootbag, so almost every char got quite the same inventory leaving Arroyo.


May 8, 2015
In that sole aspect I admit F1 got F2 beaten. F2's Chosen One must earn his/her own lootbag, so almost every char got quite the same inventory leaving Arroyo.

True. However, F2 makes up for that through the optional stuff: free meelee and unarmed training, a better spear, near free xp for minor quests. So in a way chosen one is actually better equipped :)


Aug 28, 2013
So are people wlling to accept the game is crap yet? feels like enough time has passed.
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
Wow, this should've been the Codex review. I felt the same about it being too kiss-assey. This guy got it right, and as I said, I'm surprised how well WL2 was received on this board when it wasn't that fucking good. A bit over-the-top on his review, but hell, that's how like 90% of these boards write.
The OP wrote an editorial, not a review. I know uneducated bloggers and youtubers have confused the issue for everyone, especially the speak-shit-to-power crew of the last wave. But VD actually knows how to write an old-school real review. With the fundamental difference being: a properly written review isn't about the opinion, it's about the analysis. The analysis is critical, since when a review is well-written, it allows the reader to form their own opinion about whether or not they want to play the game, and to do so regardless of the reviewer's opinion about the game.

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