I have thalassophobia and when I was a teenager I was very scared of going underwater in Morrowind, because the monsters spooked me. So I avoided going underwater at any cost.
If I was going from the Vivec region to Suran, I would make a 20 minutes detour just to avoid traversing shallow waters for only a few seconds. This is what it looked like on the map, going from A to B.
During my detour I was also spooked by some guars on the northern shore of Lake Amaya, because I was also a big wuss outside of water.
One day I decided to toughen up and cross the water at this very spot between A and B (it took only a few seconds). It was scary but it felt like a true accomplishment. My brain gave me an achievement for that.
I was also spooked in Icewind Dale. The yetis were scaring me so much because the first one you encounter is in Kuldahar, which was supposed to be a safe space for people like me, then each yeti in the Vale of Shadow triggers a sudden fight music when they spot you.