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  • You must spread your ancient warrior genes across Poland if you are still there, it's the only way to unfuck their games industry.
    Only their games industry?
    His wife will castrate him.
    The broad plains of Poland are notoriously easy to plow, and a good place for weeds to grow and to farm vast fields of soy that bend to any wind from the west. Yet it is also a desolate place for stout trees. Lads, the seed was spread long ago, but heaven alone knows how well the oak grew there.
    what's the goida reference to? Saw on 4chan early too but dunno what's it means. Google only shows cheese pics.
    limp joke, you fell off
    His output has been noticeably cringe as of late, and I can't believe you are leaving your money with him. But a fool and his purse....
    Good, quality schlock is worth its wait in gold, my Bulgarian brother in Christ. It's all in the delivery, and Gobblecock is a passed master. My confidence is provisionally unshaken. The outlook is looking to be above-average, all things considered.
    Bibbimbop said:
    We are, after all, vat-niks.

    Shit: posted.
    Value: added.
    Case: rested.

    He's still got it.
    Your shitposting quality has dropped through the floor as of the early September offensive. I hope your QA gets itself together moving forward. I have certain expectations and am currently very upset with this sudden failure to meet standards.

    I mean, you got punked by AwesomeButton. AwesomeButton! It's like getting rolled by Karl Rove. Or David French.

    Very upset!
    And speaking of Stallone, Demolition Man is one of the greatest movies of all time. Up there with Starship Troopers.
    A fellow man of culture, I see. Starship Troopers is a case of Heinlein being mocked by Verhoeven being mocked by the deeper wellspring his bugman existence had never tasted. Demolition Man was panned by critics, but is the most cerebral of Stallone's oeuvre, so the condemnation is on them: it was simply beyond their level.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Pearls before swine, fam. Especially ironic in Verhoeven's case since him trying to satirize that sort of meritocratic society through narrative subtext while depicting it in a propagandistic positive light only made its virtues shine more brightly. Only ones that are horrified by it are queers while real men admire it regardless of whether they get the intended subtext or not.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Just like with the IQ bell curve meme: low IQ & high T bros enjoying it as an action flick with a "humanity, fuck yeah!" message, Verhoeven and soyboys like him being the midwits in the middle being triggered by it and high IQ & high T chad enjoyers getting the subtext and nevertheless finding the society being depicted as representing a brighter possible future compared to the soyciety that we currently live in.
    I saw that retarded "let me tell you where you are born" post before you deleted it.​
    No, I won't be proud. Pride is for gays. I am not a better man. I am simply a man with big fingers and a slight hand-eye coordination issue. I meant to post that, and if not for the shitty xenforo interface for smartphones, I would have succeeded.
    Rectified. Don't ever accuse me of being a better man again.
    Bigg Boss
    Bigg Boss
    Rated funny due to making me laugh.
    Every thyme I see your avatar I feel the urge to watch WMBF porn. You are a huge drain on my productivity.
    kongratulations on getting a tag, komrade
    The most elite combination of tags for a vatnik:

    name in white
    zionist tag blue
    vatnik tag red

    Shame I'm only vatnik-adjacent.
    I am now living with HIV. I caught the ejected body fluids of a gay nigger on my face, and now am stunning and brave.
    ur fat
    A horse of course
    THIS! So much this.
    Goodnight sweet prince
    56% in politics, 1% in General RPG, hardly a big loss for the site
    Grauken, 56% in politics is a good thing. Should work on boosting that stat, in fact.
    Rumours of me being Good Nighted by Jewish interests are greatly exaggerated, btw.
    How can you have "Zionist agent" tag and at the same time have jewish wife?
    She doesn't have many relatives in Israel.
    Another case of ironic antisemitism/nazism on codex.
    Life itself is but a meme.

    I really do hate niggers and non-Christian Jews, though.
    You're dead to me
    what a coincidence
    Kalin, bro, don't be such a nigger. You aren't helping things when my son has been homosexualized by Jews and you're showing no empathy.
    Society should be structured like a cup of yoghurt: lively culture, white at the top, fruits hidden at the bottom.
    Don't forget the shitty watery 1% of the top that should be drained away.
    you guys have shit yoghurt. mine always have fruit at the top, middle and bottom while being very tasty.
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