June 2022
I sincerely apologize for not posting in such a long time!
I don't like posting about personal matters on the internet, but I feel I owe you all an explanation.
To make a long story short: I am going through a rough, everything but straightforward, divorce. I am also in the process of moving to a different state.
I am not a fan of people throwing a pity party for themselves, but it truly has not been an easy time. And the development of Corven took a back seat as, I at least hope, most of you will understand.
By no means is Corven dead or cancelled. I simply had no choice but to take this break from development.
My move and, hopefully, the divorce will be done soon. Once I am settled in I can concentrate on Corven again. Please give me a bit more time.
This is my absolute passion project and it will never be cancelled. But again, I apologize for the silence.
I hope you all are doing great and don't have to deal with anything like this. I don't wish it on anyone.
Here's to better days ahead!