he seems superbly qualified for failing horribly at game dev
Holy shit, he really IS a fake it till you make it. All the way to "Chief". I guess his wife saw through it finally.Problem, contractual obligations and all that will still haunt him until he declares bankruptcy.
True, although it seems like he should be able to refund his backers over a couple of years if he chooses to: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mathias-florian-kasper-8a25a5125/
Linkedin:First of all: I am working full time on Corven starting next month already. This is a dream come true and it took many many years to achieve this kind of freedom, to do what I actually want to do as a job.
Arguably the least important consequence is that I have more time for things outside the development itself again, and so we are back on Twitter and Facebook. Links will follow. The original Twitter link is restricted by Twitter for some reason, so it might be a new twitter handle.
Chief Information OfficerChief Information Officer
Sugar Mountain Resort, Inc.Sugar Mountain Resort, Inc.Jul 2017 - Present · 5 yrs 11 mosJul 2017 - Present · 5 yrs 11 mos
Sugar Mountain · On-site
The initial goal was to be done by the end of the year, but that obviously did not happen. I worked relentless on the game, no vacations, nothing, but still I am far from done. I was too optimistic.
After all the experience I gathered over the last 2 years I reevaluated the time it will take me to be done. It will be by the end of 2024. There is no sugar coating it, this is just how it is. I don't want to string you along month by month, I want to be honest.
Lycantic Creator 4 days ago
Quick reminder that the demo can be downloaded here:
website with instructions (incl. dl link at the end):
direct dl link:
Did you ask Stirring Dragon Games?Eli_Havelock There was a backers-only update two days ago, does anybody here have access?
Missed opportunity to have him rubbing his hands together.https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1782768871/corven-path-of-redemption-0/posts/3483005
March 2022
April 15, 2022
I am working on the "Cape of Heroes" area including "Trinsic". Still too soon to show screenshots or a video, but it's coming along nicely. Beside that I was also working on integrating new dialogue, updating the UIX dialogue we had etc.
Short text, a lot of work.
Here is a new backer (Dominus) portrait:
Corven portrait:
Till next time!
Missed opportunity to have him rubbing his hands together.
Still looks better than about 80% of actual RPG avatars.Nothing quite like a drunken Discord discussion to have an industry artist quip up "You're telling me people paid HOW MUCH for AI gen art? I'm in the wrong fucking business, mate."
Then I noticed it.
Someone is using a fantasy avatar generator that uses a base photo. Sure, it looks like a good job at casual glance, but whatever they are using seems to have difficulty when flipped into mirror mode, and keeps certain crop details to provide some hilarity.
That index finger (and the leather stud pattern seems weird, especially on the collar):
Oops, his septum piercing fell out!
(There were other details that make it unbelievable an actual artist was involved.)
This one is the (ah-ha!) topper for bad AI gen with that neck:
Nobody who could put that kind of attention to fabric detail would make such otherwise basic mistakes of positioning and anatomy evident in the sketch phase.
They can learn2code and open their own kickstarters and get 40k+ for nothing.That's probably why a bunch of artists are now out of business. Who needs to do actual decent commission work anymore when a Google Play/Apple Store AI app result is considered passable?
Is even that much required now to nostalgia grift?They can learn2code and open their own kickstarters and get 40k+ for nothing.That's probably why a bunch of artists are now out of business. Who needs to do actual decent commission work anymore when a Google Play/Apple Store AI app result is considered passable?
The 8-Bit Superstar - To reward our most elite backers, we've created a one of a kind reward tier where you can literally star in your own custom-designed C64/PC shoot em up style video game. We wanted to make sure this reward was all about you, the backer, because that is what it's all about for us. We don't want to run a company where we're the superstars, we want to run a company where YOU are the superstars so this reward is our way of expressing the ultimate level of thanks and gratitude to our most generous backers.
Yes, I was refunded without warning in March 2021. This has the effect of removing all your comments from the KS, which I'm guessing was their goal. I know others who also got refunded, mainly to mask out criticism.I wish this cunt would count me as a "cancelled pledge". Talk about being a hypocrite; have those shitters at SDG refunded anyone?
If you are a KS backer, posting constant complaints apparently works eventually. Squeaky wheel.Now we just need to figure out exactly what needs to be said to get a refund when directly asking for a refund will not work.
Florians EX WIFE here. Corv, CorvDragon or whatever the hell he goes by these days.
I AM NOT A FACTOR IN THE DELAY OF THIS GAME AND NEITHER WAS OUR DIVORCE. He filed for divorce meaning it was his choice to leave. "Anything but straightforward" my arse. From the time we filed paperwork to the time the divorce was finalized was 2 months. That's unheard of in NC. I refuse to let him use a divorce that he chose to be an excuse for his delay in producing a product that he has promised those who donated on Kickstarter. I haven't been a factor in his life for the past year as he left the residence in December of 2022. He's been in Boston, Austria and NC as far as I know. He has residences in Boston and here in NC as well because he does indeed work in both states at different times of the year. Again, he's using a divorce that he chose as excuse and I felt the need to state that I am not the cause of the delay.