She learned she dodged a bullet when the guy asked for a divorce. Nigga is a liar and she is probably happier now that is not living with him anymore.what exactly happened here?
She learned she dodged a bullet when the guy asked for a divorce. Nigga is a liar and she is probably happier now that is not living with him anymore.what exactly happened here?
He would tell me that he was constantly working but what I witnessed was the opposite. I am not a gamer, never been a gamer and know exactly squat about game development. But I do know watching youtube is not working on developing a game.Believe it or not, the IP address checks out!
So, CorvsEXQueen, what exactly happened here? If it's too personal to talk about your marriage, what about the game? He worked on this for years and years under various titles after all.
He does indeed have trouble with the truth. Secrets are his favorite.She learned she dodged a bullet when the guy asked for a divorce. Nigga is a liar and she is probably happier now that is not living with him anymore.what exactly happened here?
The man stuck you with an unfortunate username/email address, didn't he?He does indeed have trouble with the truth. Secrets are his favorite.She learned she dodged a bullet when the guy asked for a divorce. Nigga is a liar and she is probably happier now that is not living with him anymore.what exactly happened here?
Based Stalker.I did some googling
Man all that Mossad training finally paid off.Based Stalker.I did some googling
Hrm, just saying, you should check if pepper spray and mace are legal carry in your state.The man stuck you with an unfortunate username/email address, didn't he?He does indeed have trouble with the truth. Secrets are his favorite.She learned she dodged a bullet when the guy asked for a divorce. Nigga is a liar and she is probably happier now that is not living with him anymore.what exactly happened here?
I did some googling. You seem like a fine person, I wish you the best.
What has happened here? Can someone fill me in? I'can't shitpost* without knowing anything and I'm too lazy to read 8 pages of text.
*Well, i can but i firmly believe in quality shitposting![]()
In short: just your average kickstarter drama.
You stupid bitch. You're the one at fault that we don't have this epic TRUE and HONEST ending to the Ultima series. We have no one to blame but you and this proves it.Florians EX WIFE here. Corv, CorvDragon or whatever the hell he goes by these days.
I AM NOT A FACTOR IN THE DELAY OF THIS GAME AND NEITHER WAS OUR DIVORCE. He filed for divorce meaning it was his choice to leave. "Anything but straightforward" my arse. From the time we filed paperwork to the time the divorce was finalized was 2 months. That's unheard of in NC. I refuse to let him use a divorce that he chose to be an excuse for his delay in producing a product that he has promised those who donated on Kickstarter. I haven't been a factor in his life for the past year as he left the residence in December of 2022. He's been in Boston, Austria and NC as far as I know. He has residences in Boston and here in NC as well because he does indeed work in both states at different times of the year. Again, he's using a divorce that he chose as excuse and I felt the need to state that I am not the cause of the delay.
I will take back this comment if you prove yourself not to blame by answering our fair and balanced questions.You stupid bitch. You're the one at fault that we don't have this epic TRUE and HONEST ending to the Ultima series. We have no one to blame but you and this proves it.Florians EX WIFE here. Corv, CorvDragon or whatever the hell he goes by these days.
I AM NOT A FACTOR IN THE DELAY OF THIS GAME AND NEITHER WAS OUR DIVORCE. He filed for divorce meaning it was his choice to leave. "Anything but straightforward" my arse. From the time we filed paperwork to the time the divorce was finalized was 2 months. That's unheard of in NC. I refuse to let him use a divorce that he chose to be an excuse for his delay in producing a product that he has promised those who donated on Kickstarter. I haven't been a factor in his life for the past year as he left the residence in December of 2022. He's been in Boston, Austria and NC as far as I know. He has residences in Boston and here in NC as well because he does indeed work in both states at different times of the year. Again, he's using a divorce that he chose as excuse and I felt the need to state that I am not the cause of the delay.
Well, Corv DID say it was "Anything but straightforward" and by his excuses he decided to make it that way. So now it gets ugly, too.Divorces are always ugly things.
I do not know what YouTube videos he was looking at. I never really saw him watching gaming videos. I know he watched a lot of Joe Rogan, political videos and racing. And again, I know piss about games, gaming and game development. But I do know that I did not see him working in unreal but a handful of times.Now we all know what backers need to say in the KS comments to get refunds.
Wow, I even got played by his excuses that the wife was Done. with his BS pipe-dreaming and told him to shit or get off the pot after the better part of two decades of no delivery. Truth is, as usual, stranger than fiction or Occam's Razor. A few quick questions (with some background of why I ask) since the development was a farce of a money pit even without the huge copyright issues he's facing for what little he took from a $40.6k KS for a "full-time job" over a year.
Do you know what kind of YouTube videos Corv was looking at?
He could have been researching how to have AI make his game for him. The backer portraits were a bit of a sign. The "remixes" of Ultima VI's theme could have been another cranked through AI. Almost nothing was really shown beyond those two items except for the demo and some more landscape screens. If that was what he got in the time from the "Movable Objects Demo" on the site to the KS then there's no way there's ever going to be a full game unless he tries to AI all the content. It definitely explains his nonsense here about all the landscape detailing - he was hoping to have AI put it in the right spots and look right without an extra arm growing out anyone's ass? And always, always, too soon for screenshots or video outside of a generic background.
Do you know if any of the team are real?
Corv went from "we" to "I" and "me" very fast after the KS. Without any social media, profile, or any other links to their other works on the official site or even mentioned by name when a new "asset" drops, it seems like they're just a sort of Pseudo Fake Shemp from the times when Corv actually had a team (like, 15 years ago on UIX - Redemption putzing with the Morrowind engine). The second Corv stopped everything else about the game stopped, same as Corv is the only Discord admin level on the server. The "artist" only seems to make AI art based on AI aesthetics. Do these team members actually exist?
Do you know how much of the KS was spent on actual game development or if he used it for personal upgrades/expenses?
I.e. his "would also be a great gaming PC of course" development PC being used for playing other games more than making his own.
How many times have you edited/deleted this post? I feel like whenever I open this thread, this message is different. There was even a "that is why I love Ultima community" or something like that.Divorces are always ugly things.
Getting the perfect response isn't easyHow many times have you edited/deleted this post? I feel like whenever I open this thread, this message is different. There was even a "that is why I love Ultima community" or something like that.Divorces are always ugly things.
Not to mention that, in the end, he went with captain obvious AND being wrong - at the same time. That's quite a feat.How many times have you edited/deleted this post? I feel like whenever I open this thread, this message is different. There was even a "that is why I love Ultima community" or something like that.Divorces are always ugly things.
How many times have you edited/deleted this post? I feel like whenever I open this thread, this message is different. There was even a "that is why I love Ultima community" or something like that.Divorces are always ugly things.
I do not know what YouTube videos he was looking at. I never really saw him watching gaming videos. I know he watched a lot of Joe Rogan, political videos and racing. And again, I know piss about games, gaming and game development. But I do know that I did not see him working in unreal but a handful of times.
I was told that he had a team that included himself and two other guys. I believe a Frenchman for the music. And a German for the art. I believe they are indeed real. I do not think it’s AI because he had art and music implemented in 2020 before AI was really public.
I do not know exactly where the money went but I do know he purchased a computer, a racing sim setup, tv and he got into crypto.
I did finish the post I was working on while staying married, which is already quite the achievement.