If I have to choose between 1st and 3rd... I don't know, melee combat has been shit in every 1st person game I've seen it, yes, including KCD.1st person is definitely the right choice.
If I have to choose between 1st and 3rd... I don't know, melee combat has been shit in every 1st person game I've seen it, yes, including KCD.1st person is definitely the right choice.
There was a brief segment after the trailer with some snippets of gameplay.
If I have to choose between 1st and 3rd... I don't know, melee combat has been shit in every 1st person game I've seen it, yes, including KCD.1st person is definitely the right choice.
The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go.
A single gameplay demo can't tide them over until April next year.
If I have to choose between 1st and 3rd... I don't know, melee combat has been shit in every 1st person game I've seen it, yes, including KCD.1st person is definitely the right choice.
How can i get immersed in the game with real life Keanu Reeves actually walking around in it?
The next thing you know the game is filled with all kinds of big name stars you will feel like you are watching a edgier version of Oscar.
I mourn for the people who expected anything from Ubisoft with Watch Dogs.I smell here biggest disappointment since Watch Dogs.
For the record, I thought I was posting in the BGIII thread, but the point still stands :DIt's not like there'll be melee duels in a game like this, if you can reach an enemy while sneaking/under gun-fire you should be able finish him off without much effort.
Yeah! Like... how you just cant enter any interior in Witcher 3 amirite!!!Like what ? Game is done in city and will be roling with a lot of cramped spaces. If you have 3rd person camera then you need high as fuck roofs which destroy atmosphere because otherwise camera can't work inside building. It is know problem for decades at this point.
If they would pick 3rd person camera they would have to shy away from most of interiors.
The video and gameplay snipets literally show you stabbing people with scissor arms, being grappled and choked, pushing someone into a wall and judo throwing him over the shoulder, slicing off his arms and stabbing, boxing and punching and whipping someone with a glowing whip.It's not like there'll be melee duels in a game like this, if you can reach an enemy while sneaking/under gun-fire you should be able finish him off without much effort.
Did they change the beginning part of the game again? Or scrap all of those alternative mission outcomes.
I think Dex's betrayal comes after the stuff we saw in the 48 minute demo last year. After all, you only do that mission as a test for Dex, so he can see if you're worth shit. Then later on probably comes this mission that results in Jackie dying and Dex betraying you. Also, should be noted that Dex probably always meant to fuck you over - remember how he sent you to that Maelstrom gang and when you bring up his name, it's clear there's bad blood between them.
Yeah! Like... how you just cant enter any interior in Witcher 3 amirite!!!
Its like you never played W3, or you are just intentionally going completely stupid to protect a false nonsensical excuse for FP pov.Every single one of them has high as fuck ceilings and every cave is a fucking monster of a cave.
This what i am talking precisely about.
Now try to do that to some small china ramen shop and don't make it 10 story mcdonalds
F6 for quicksave.
Better save than sorry nowadays...
The video and gameplay snipets literally show you stabbing people with scissor arms, being grappled and choked, pushing someone into a wall and judo throwing him over the shoulder, slicing off his arms and stabbing, boxing and punching and whipping someone with a glowing whip.
Better save than sorry nowadays...
F6 for quicksave.
Better save than sorry nowadays...
I thought it's obvious that this is from Johnny Mnemonic to Johnny Silverhand, rather than Matrix?I must be the only one that doesn't get the hype for Reeves.
Because he picks roles he gives shit about
Because he played in matrix and playing in CB2077 will give people what they always wanted from him.
Because he is genuinely amazing human being.
Because he is perfect fit for CB2077. Out of all holly stars he would be my first choice to get in game if needed.
Either way CDPR again shows that they are gods of PR. Kyun is right now everywhere.
Either way if they had to go for star power Reeves is the best fit anyone can imagine.