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CYOA - The Miniature World


Dec 11, 2016
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
You shouldn't hotlink images unless you are using an image host. This one has never let me down, in spite of the liberals that both run and plague the site:

or, if you've donated to the codex, you can host pics here.

But yeah, imgur is good and some practical features (like copy-pasting pictures, generating the links, uploading a picture from a link, resizing and cropping pictures)

as for the vote:
A - because I can't resist a bandwagon
A. Ask Charlotte
D. Sir Dwarf the Dumb
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May 29, 2018
Moral Choices

Lady Kay leaves the court of the Khan looking like a fool. She just could not bring herself to say that these people were serfs and so should be returned to Camelot. She knew that such a declaration would stain the soul of Camelot forever. Still the fact remains that her delegation is heading home empty handed. It was impossible to keep the details of such a mission secret as even if she asked her followers to keep quiet, members of the Unicorn clan travelled in and out of the village regularly. And so word got out and those who were on the fence about leaving left.

Lady Kay was left staring at a leger with some accountants. Something she hated doing. Still it must be done. She could hardly wait for the reserves of Camelot to dry out. She was presented with some options.

A. Borrow money from the Khan. The Khan may demand for some concessions.
B. Ask for money from the Khan. The Khan may demand greater concessions.
C. Camelot is a Kingdom with no nobles. Sell noble titles to some rich merchants to convince them to live in Camelot.
1. If this is chosen we should only promote those who buy titles to keep the members of the nobility low
2. If this is chosen we should promote some deserving citizens as well but this will increase the number of the nobility.
D. Ask religions money in exchange for the right to set up a church and preach in Camelot.
E. Steal some from merchants who pass by Camelot
1. This should be done covertly
2. This should be done overtly
F. Steal some from the Unicorn
1. This should be done covertly
2. This should be done overtly
G. Reduce the Regulars and Rangers to 25 and use the savings to fund economic projects. This wont get as much money as other choices.

Before Lady Kay could make her choice the familiar melody sounds and she is transported to the battlescape.


"Lets name him Sir Dwarf the Dumb!"

All the girls look at you aghast "Why would you name him something like that pleb?" Charlotte shouts

"Shut up! Its my choice and I get to name him"

The cat turns away from Ako's chest and looks at you and gives you a long hiss.

"Welcome Sir Dwarf the Dumb!" you shout out.

The girls have no choice but to accept though they sometimes just call the cat Dwarfy or Dumby instead of its full name.


You asked Belle if it were possible for her to ask for reinforcements from her family and she was more than happy to. It looks like a lot of the family resources are focused on her and they were hoping she would carry the next generation. She meets up with the group and pulls up video from a practice match she had with her new troops. It looks like she was provided with a smaller regiment of 5 cavalry troops this time. They carry much lighter armor than the Sisters of Power and have spears instead of lances. Of course being lighter they are also much faster. It looks like they would be ideal as scouts or flankers. They could even be used to reinforce far away areas using their speed.

Not to be outdone Hikari also brings out her screen and shows her reinforcements. At first you are wondering what is happening as all you see is her archers standing their ground against an infantry regiment bearing down on them. As soon as the infantry make contact they are charged by a huge animal the size of a man. It looks like a dog with two heads. He kills a few infantry and terrifies the rest and get shot down by the archers who are now at point blank range.

Hikari looks at you and says "Praise me"

You immediatly pat her head and say "Hikari is awesome. Your the best partner I could ask for!"

Hikari does not say anything back but you can tell she is happy. If she were a dog her tail would be wagging.


And so the day of the exhibition match beings. Given that its a friendship match between Sunburst and Valiant , two rival academies, it even makes its way into some of the more obscure tv channels and your parents promise to watch. Your professor asks you if you were replacing anyone in your team and shake your head no. Truthfully you never even considered it. Your team stand side by side at the front of the class and Ako and Riko cheer for you. Dumby is there as well shaken by Ako and forced to support you as well.

The cat just looks at you with half closed eyes. You think he said "Good luck loser"

With those final words you are taken to the battlescape and engage your vision.

You see the familiar city gate except this time it has a flag on it with the crest of arms of Sunburst academy. Instinctively you know you must protect that. On the other side of the field is the city gate with the flag of Valiant academy. The rules are made clear in your minds eye. The winner is the side that brings the flag to the other side of the field. If no one has done this after 15 days then the winner is the side who has killed the most troops. Your troops are given their 8 days of rations and you test out that yes the flag can be moved if you wish it.

The battlefield has a large river cutting thru it diagonally. There is a singular bridge that spans it in the middle with a road leading up to it. You are unsure if the river can be forded in other places. It looks like there are forests to either side of the bridge and some hilly terrain as well.

You think to yourself how best to deploy your troops and those under your command.


May 29, 2018
We will be trying something different today. I will be providing you with a map shortly and you will tell me your initial deployments and movements. We will then switch back to a narrative based approach but you will also have the opportunity to move your troops on the map or give them orders as long as you tell me in addition to the choices you make. Here is the map its the best I can do. I apologize :(


Sep 12, 2013
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
Deploy Hikari's forces to the woods near the Bridge. Hidden and ready to ambush
Deploy Belle's cavalry Behind the woods close enough to the road to provide backup.
Deploy Charlotte's Troops to hold our side the bridge.
Deploy our own troops to the hills. Check or a ford.
Put our flag in the middle of the forest
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Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
As for the battle, I like Grimgravys ideas. They align perfectly with what I would have suggested. We obviously need to move the flag with us. If the enemy has some fast cavalry, like what Belle got, then that could be used to swoop down on the enemy flag and capture it.
Something we need to keep in mind if we get a shot at it.


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Deploy Hikari's forces to the woods near the Bridge. Hidden and ready to ambush
Deploy Belle's cavalry Behind the woods close enough to the road to provide backup.
Deploy Charlotte's Troops to hold our side the bridge.
Deploy our own troops to the hills. Check or a ford.
Put our flag in the middle of the forest


Feb 11, 2009
C2 also with grimgravy's plan but i suggest one alteration: We should use Belle's new fast cavalry to scout the river for any other possible crossings. If any opportunity presents itself, they can pick our flag and rush to the goal.


Sep 12, 2013
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
C2 also with grimgravy's plan but i suggest one alteration: We should use Belle's new fast cavalry to scout the river for any other possible crossings. If any opportunity presents itself, they can pick our flag and rush to the goal.

Yes! Using the light cav to scout for river crossings is a good idea.


May 29, 2018
C2 also with grimgravy's plan but i suggest one alteration: We should use Belle's new fast cavalry to scout the river for any other possible crossings. If any opportunity presents itself, they can pick our flag and rush to the goal.
the river spans the entire map.... I kinda need a direction of where they are going....


Sep 12, 2013
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
The side away from the hills. Our dudes should be able to search that area.

I want to steal from the Unicorn but don't think it's a good idea to piss off our neighbor.


May 29, 2018
I think I got the gist of what you guys want. Update incoming.

I just want to explain how I will be running this. There will be flashpoints in the updates where you will have choices again. However the choices will only involve troops and their reaction in the immediate areas. There will be troops outside those flashpoints and I wont move them unless you tell me to. That is not to say idle troops cant have flashpoints of their own as the opponent is moving as well and could come upon them.

Lets take the Sisters of Power for example. Thevye been placed behind the forest. I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone that they will be mostly idle in this update as the battle is just starting and they are pretty much at the starting point so none of the choices will involve them. However you can still move them as you wish. However if they do stay there and the story unfolds the enemy may come to them and generate a flashpoint for them with choices involving them.

I hope I explained that well. I kinda want to deviate from the standard choices as well because as a story teller its more fun for me if you guys actually discuss your choices rather than just put some letters.

Edit: Oh shit i dont think I wrote well last time. The winner is the side that takes their opponents flag and brings it to their home base. (where your current flag is located)
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May 29, 2018
For Sunburst!

The sound of the cheering and clapping fade away as you are transported to the field.

"For the honor of Sunburst!" Cries out your professor.

You begin your war council with your team and decide just how it is you would capture the flag of Valiant and drag it towards your city gate. Once initial dispositions are set you move out. The number 15 is emblazoned upon the mist. You can only hope that the girls heed your advice in this battle.

Belle strikes first. Being mounted her troops are the fastest you have available. True to form its not even mid morning and the regiment of the Sisters of Power are in position behind the forest. After all its just a short gallop from the city gates. For lack of better things to do half of them dismount and prepare a makeshift basecamp in the forest for your flag. Even with the extra work they are remounted before any of the other troops are in position

The mounted scouts however have a slightly longer ride and shortly after midmorning they arrive at the river and begin their mission. Shortly after midday they are rewarded as they spot a ford. It leads from your side to the small pocket of land in front of the hills on the other side of the river. Supposing you could get your troops across there is a possibility that the hills will hide you from the view of the enemy. That's your only cover though as the rest of the land in that area is flat.

A scout points to the air and shouts a warning. The rest of the scouting party looks up and sees some flying objects. It seems like horses but with wings. The scouts are not sure they can get an accurate tally from this far away but it looks like there are 5 members in the flying band.

"Eggy - baby. We have company" purrs Belle.

How do you advise Belle?

A. Advance and ford the river hopefully we can hide from the flyers and continue on
B. Advance and ford the river and charge the flyers if they land
C. Stand your ground and meet the flyers where you are
D. Advance.... to the rear and get out of dodge (tell me where they go if no choice is given they will head back to the position of the Sisters of Power)


Hikari arrives next at her position without incident. Her army has been given the honor of transporting the flag and her lead blade master takes up this duty. The blade masters deposit the flag in the middle of the forest and move out. Her archers move to the edge of the wood and keep watch over the river and the bridge. Her new dog happily plays in the forest and munches on an unfortunate bunny rabbit. Your own forces pass by their position on their way to your destination.

A few hours later they spot movement. The rangers have a hard time describing it as their keen eyes have never seen something like this before but from what you can understand there are two human sized objects that can only be described as Iron Golems running towards the bridge. They have a rather portly fellow following them and gasping for air. It looks like they are armed with wicked looking halberds and shields. The Golems get to the bridge before Hikari can react.

Further back about half way between the bridge and the enemy gates her rangers spot a formation of hoplites with a large monster of a man leading them. He looks to be 7 feet tall and is armed with a heavy shield and something that can be best described as a hammer. Or maybe a club. Or just a big stick to beat people with. They seem to be holding.

"Partner we may have a problem here. Enemy forces have taken the bridge"

What do you advise Hikari to do?

A. Stay put and watch
B. Engage with your archers
C. Engage with your blade masters
D. Leave
1. Take the flag with you
2. Leave it in the forest


Charlotte is plodding along at her usual pace. She is trying to keep her army together which means that her swordsmen and dwarves move at a slower pace. Luckily her army is moving along a well built road aiding her movement. Around halfway to their destination she hears the warning from Hikari. Her troops were too slow.

What do you advise Charlotte?

A. Keep going and charge at the troops holding the bridge.
B. Link up with Hikari but do not engage
C. Keep moving forward but do not link up with Hikari or engage.
D. Retreat (specify where)


Your own army has the furthest to travel among all the forces. It is passed midday and your army has just climbed the hill when you hear the warning from Hikari. You have not had the chance to scout for a ford yet but you are able to use your high ground to gain a better view of the battlescape. You can confirm the reports of Hikari. You personally don't see the troops reported by Belle but they would be too far away for you to see anyway.

With your perch you can see the enemy flag waving proudly at their gate. There doesn't seem to be anyone there but closer to you on the opposite bank you see a formation of Crossbowmen protected by a unit of soldiers armed with plate mail and tower shields standing in front of them. You just know its going to be a pain to bring them down with archery. If you had to guess there are about 20 crossbowmen and 15 of the other soldiers in front of them.

What would you command of your troops?
(since this is your own army ill let you guys specify what you want them to do)

What an eventful first day you think to yourself.


May 29, 2018
Man spotted leading the Hoplites.



Nov 3, 2004
Copenhagen, Denmark
Codex 2012
Not keen on the hippogriffs. Not sure how to respond, but thinking we can go unnoticed on a hill, from something from above seems... optimistic.
Leaning towards either B or C
I'm thinking C for now, but might be swayed.

As for the bridge, of course we should burn it. :obviously:
I guess that's a B with a twist.

And Charlotte should link up with Hikari.

I think our own troops should go towards the ford. Except for Lady Kay, who I think we ought to send help Hikari with burning the bridge, and picking off enemies from afar.


Feb 11, 2009
Turns out it was a pretty good idea to take the flag with us else their flying units would grab it and capture it easily.

My plan is to force a fight somewhere in the triangle between our forest, our hills and the bridge. Our Knights Exemplar, the dwarves and possibly the doggie should be the ones to fight the golems and the hammer dude. Our regular infantry along with Charlotte's soldiers should have the advantage against the hoplites. Kay along with half our archers and half of Hikari's rangers should prioritize the small dude that came with the golems. Blade Dancers and the rest of the rangers should hang in the forest to protect the flag. Sisters should be ready to flank when the engagement starts.

And here is my vote:
D for Belle. Retreat towards the forest.
A for Hikari.
B for Charlotte.
And we should split our troops. Leave half the archers along with 10 regulars on the hill, and move with the rest towards the forest's edge on the side of the bridge.

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