opened one random manual on random page. player's basic rules. page 21. tell me again how it's fun to have to go check the spells table every time you level up. turn a few more pages and you see more and more tables, for the most disparate effects. it's maddening. every time you level up you also must check the class table for hps, and check the stat modifier table and find your constitution's in there. every time. few more pages, about the fighter:
Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level
why? why those numbers? what's the logic behind? the numbers mason, what do they mean?
then the rogue, every level it gains a different feature, so you have to check THIS table to see the name of the feature, and then go check another section to understand what that actually means, and i'm ready to bet your left testicle it's going to be another tablefest of ass pulled numbers.