God damn it, I had just eaten too!
About the older editions art, I won't deny 2e has a lot of very good art, but like Excidium, I like a lot about what came before.
I really like how the monster in this cover appears. The purple skin tone, the shadows, the humanoid shape that doesn't seem quite right, all add up to a pretty cool effect. Speaking of shadows, I really like the use of color, lights and shadows in some of that older art:
This cover from the 1st edition of CoC may be a bit amateurish, like all this art, but at the same time seems to set the game's theme so well...
The use of lights in this scene looks almost as psychedelic as the scene itself. The presence of mushrooms here also seem to be a kind of recurring theme in a few of those older modules.
Another very interesting aspect of the early D&D art is that is sometimes is pretty... whimsy, I guess you could call it:
(note this one is from early Gamma World)
(and this one from Chivalry & Sorcery)
Finally, touching the subject of monsters, I can't help but think the older illustrations had a bit more... personality, maybe?
By the way, I really like that the osr is bringing some of thatold drawing style back in the RPG market. I thought that DCC RPG in particular was very well illustrated.