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DA2 has leaked

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May 8, 2003
Konjad said:
FO:T is a squad tactics game. Let's say, purely for argument's sakes, that it was called FO3. Should it then be trashed for failing to live up to the FO and FO2 standards?




Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
DA2 is the sequel to DA1. And, it plays like it.

Only am retart who loved DA1 so much and gave it 10/10 would turn around and give DA2 a 0/10. It's bullshit. Plain, 'ol fashion.

Of course, the Codex hates it. It's a BIO game. And, it plays like one.

But, BIO didn't lie, misoinform, or made shit up. If you bought/played/stole DA2, you knew exactly what youa re getting unless you are willingly ignorant.


Aug 11, 2010
Konjad said:
Game is good, I know that, you know that, other people here know that but most of them will never say that out loud and risk having their KKKs taken away

DA 2 is best RPG since Final Fantasy 7


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Volly is right. You don't get into DA2 and expect it to be anything else than what it is unless you have a damaged brain or if you are severely misinformed.

Is it good for what it is rather than what it could be? No, not really. There are interesting plot elements (at least for Bioware) but that's about it.

I played some more DA2 today and my score still stands at 4/10.


Aug 5, 2004
The combat has definitely gotten worse, even though, at it's core, your characters still do mostly the same things.

- Camera's neutered. It doesn't zoom out nearly as far and it can't be detached from the character you're controlling (apparently console users can detach only while aiming a spell or ability. PC doesn't even have that, though.)
- Most fights, including "trash" ones, involve enemies spawning out of thin air all around you. This isn't even limited to situations it would make sense for (being in a wilderness surrounded by darkspawn, fighting shades, fighting assassins, etc.), templars in full plate will do this.
- Party AI is very apt to just charge off and hit something, whether or not they have tactics on.
- Basically every hit (by you and by enemies) briefly staggers the target, rather than just special skills.

So in actual battles, it's very hard to see everything that's going on. You only have a view of a small part of the battlefield - the overhead camera doesn't tell you anything cuz it's so close to the ground, so you need to use an over the shoulder view and live with a good view of just one part of the battle. That means when dudes spawn and surround you, something that happens a lot, you have to be constantly glancing at the minimap to notice, and even then, that only tells you that there are new enemies, not what they are. If something dangerous like a mage who casts that damn iceball spell or a backstabbing ninja spawns in a location you can't see by just spinning your camera, things get ugly fast.

It's also pretty hard to notice when your tank derps away from the rest of the party because it saw an elite mook whose face it wanted to bash in. Or worse, when a mage does it.

You'll eventually get used to noticing that you're being surrounded, and when you see it, you'll want to reposition your party so there are front lines again. Easy, right? Well.... if one or more of your characters is being hit a lot, he won't be able to move. Or heal, or... well, you get the picture. It's often suicide to just leave your guys together where they are, you really do want to fall back to a choke or something... and that means going down to 3 characters, which sucks pretty hard too (and forget about reviving whoever you sacrificed, his body's right in the middle of all the bad guys, remember?)

Some of these things, like your party AI tarding out, can be managed with more diligent babysitting than you're used to in IE games/DAO, but that's still a pain in the ass. And a spawn in the wrong place or at the wrong time will just flat out kill you, because the new camera and the new staggering makes it impossible to react appropriately.

DA2 starts out pretty damn easy and someone who just picked up the game may not notice any of this (there are spawns from the getgo but they aren't dangerous at first). Eventually, though, you'll face enemies which are strong enough to really rub the interface issues in your face.

Playing hard difficulty BTW. On nightmare there's friendly fire, which adds a new issue: You have to carefully aim AoE attacks with this new camera. Ugh.


Mar 7, 2011
The game is a rank piece of shit. What is wrong with people that they accept mediocrity because they refuse to apply any sort of objective standard in the first? Are you joking Zed when you agree with Volourn, who basically makes a moot point regarding the ability to judge based on hype experience, and then give the game a 4/10. Just call it a piece of falsely hyped shit, it's not hard. This whole jaded bit is fine, but you can acknowledge the invitation to false expectations based on pre-release hype without having actually believed it to be the case. This game is seriously on par with Arcania.


Aug 11, 2010
No one plays DA 2 because it's so shit and kodex hates it so much that it has 27 pages and over 30k views :smug:


May 12, 2009
Exmit said:
No one plays DA 2 because it's so shit and kodex hates it so much that it has 27 pages and over 30k views :smug:
Kinda like with rotten pics. It's so bad you come back for more. :smug:


Jan 9, 2010
Pyongyang, Best Korea
So I actually procured the game and got to the end in normal. Not going to bother with any DLC, even if it's free, for obvious reasons.

Let's see, the combat is a very shitty action port of the one we had in DA:O, the tactical elements are reduced to resource management and positioning. The AI is pretty darn bad and, as someone mentioned previously, demands constant babysitting. I don't really know why but my rogue behaved like a fucking tank even after tweaking the AI options - by the end of the game I was just using CTRL+A(ll) to focus fire mobs and AoE which illustrates just how neutered the combat has been, or has it? I reckon DAO was a bit of an AoE spamfest as well. Plus, some boss fights have a semblance of WoW mechanics in them, good or bad, you decide.

Right, so, the new abilities are actually a bit better, even if some trees are fairly useless when you first invest in them, which is rather painful when it takes quite a bit of time to level up. The PC's companions refuse to use any armor other then their own, which can be upgraded in various ways(including opening shitty containers in the middle of nowhere), a very dumb mechanic which kept my inventory cluttered with plate armor and the likes I had to haul back to town and sell. The inventory management isn't terrible(like in ME for the xbawks) but is still quite limited. Interacting with companions is a bit of a pain at times as most are pretty damn shallow, as expected, even if some do actually have interesting side quest lines if only for the ability to murder family members.

The dialog wheel, as expected, is downright shit. Plenty of times I got the PC to say something which wasn't intended plus the limited dialogue options dulls the, at times, poorly written dialogue even more. That being said, the whole plot is a lot more tolerable than in DAO even if rather predictable, with the token duel, serial killer, foreign threat, backstabbings, rivalries, etc. Bioware did a fairly decent job at emulating choice, a second playthrough would probably shatter the illusion, though, but it wasn't as obvious as in DAO. I guess not being "teh chosen1!111" helps quite a bit. Like in DA:O, however, BioWare abused the cheap anti-elven racism and the whole mage-demon connection gimmick a bit too often - in DA2 there are very few issues being discussing beyond how bad magic/humans are, the first being the crux of the plot. The coherency of the dialogue is cringe worthy at times, as when my character, along with fellow NPC companions, which was a blood magic user kept ostracizing others for dabbling in it. The game did recognize at time that the PC was a magic user, for some non-consequential plot dialogue, but even then it was assumed that the PC was averse to blood magic, despite actively pursuing it. Pretty retarded. Let's not even dabble in how some events don't trigger in certain NPCs, which end up saying some pretty retarded shit.

The urban environment although not the best does beat shit like NWN in the OC, it's definitely a strong point in a game that suffers from a lot of linearity and copy-pasta dungeons. There are like 4/5 dungeon types total, but the city is fairly pleasant even if it'd be nice to see it developed further as time goes by seeing as the game spans across a few years.

Bottom line, the game is not challenging or robust and suffers from the classic BioWare shallowness, but it's decent if you're into ego-stroking, interactive storytelling - or if you just love cheap fantasy writing. This isn't a criticism per se as, for example, I'm pretty much a plebeian when it comes to recognizing proper writing so I didn't mind having a bit of mindless fun, switching my brain off for a few hours.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
"DA2 is exactly what BIO said it was be."

http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic ... /4827188/3
Seb Hanlon said:
The final implementation for auto-attack on console is actually a toggle in the options menu, if I recall correctly. You don't have to open the radial menu every time. This may not be present in the demo build, but don't worry, it's there in the final game.
That's a blatant lie, Vols. And he said it two weeks ago. And earlier in that thread you had Laidlaw from six months ago saying that consoles would have the autoattack option. Really missing it, arent'cha?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
/v/'s take on the matter.






Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Vault Dweller said:
Like I said many times before, judging a game based on what it's called, based on what it says on the box, based on what the developers, marketing, media claimed it to be, based on what you hoped it would be serves no fucking purpose whatsoever
Yeah I'm terribly sorry, I don't know why I confused you with someone else. Because, as all your reviews show, you have always reviewed games in a complete vacuum, without ever mentioning developers' quotes, and you certainly never drew any comparisons to other games. And of course you never compared Arcanum to DAO.

This would also be a good time to mention I do agree that judging the game ENTIRELY on blablabla serves no purpose, but I also find completely ignoring EVERYTHING, including the fucking TITLE OF THE GAME ITSELF to be pushing it a little too far.

Vault Dweller said:
Or, better yet, let's look at MotB. It's a NWN2 expansion yet I don't think it's a faithful expansion that builds up on the NWN2 gameplay core. If I recall correctly, many NWN2 fans were disappointed.
We all know you're not stupid, so stop pretending please.


Mar 7, 2011
A strike to the heart of the issue. DA2 deserves no sympathy, nor any developer that inflects their games with a false sense of promise and potential.

Multi-headed Cow

Holy crap this game is bad. I should have been taking notes, but instead I'll post some chatlogs of flabbergasted DA2 play.

4:32 PM - Multiheaded Cow: BE STRONG!
4:32 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Also
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: My warrior with two-handed sword teleports the last like 5 feet to a target in combat.
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Swing sword back, TELEPORT 5 FEET, SWING FORWARD
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: ANIME!
4:33 PM - Bro #1: Seriously?
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Yep
4:33 PM - Bro #1: Like, that's not a glitch, that's his power?
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Not even a power
4:33 PM - Multiheaded Cow: That's standard attack
4:34 PM - Bro #1: But it's intentional to teleport and definetely not a bug?
4:34 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Does that EVERY SINGLE TIME you are closing the distance in combat.
4:34 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Yep.
4:34 PM - Bro #1: Fuck.
4:34 PM - Bro #1: I can't cope with thi.
4:34 PM - Bro #1: this.

5:35 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Hahaha
5:35 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Just said no to a quest
5:36 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Got it anyway
5:36 PM - Multiheaded Cow: BIOWARE!
5:37 PM - Bro #1: The illusion of choice.
5:37 PM - Multiheaded Cow: What's hilarious is it wasn't yes yes yes like with the dwarf.
5:38 PM - Multiheaded Cow: There was a SURE! answer with a green check mark icon, and a no fuck off answer with a red X.
5:38 PM - Multiheaded Cow: You choose that, and the person says "lol ok i'll just put this in your quest journal then shall i"
5:38 PM - Multiheaded Cow: QUEST UPDATED

5:45 PM - Multiheaded Cow: What the hell
5:45 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Was Anders this flamingly gay in DA1?
5:45 PM - Bro #2: not that i remember
5:46 PM - Bro #2: hahahahahahah
5:46 PM - Multiheaded Cow: I didn't remember this either.
5:46 PM - Bro #2: i don't remember any big gay things in awakenings
5:46 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Bioware must have decided FUCK, PEOPLE LIKED ANDERS? TIME TO PUT A DICK IN HIS MOUTH
5:47 PM - Bro #2: "in fact, put a dick in everyone's mouth!"
5:47 PM - Multiheaded Cow: HURRAH!

6:00 PM - Multiheaded Cow: I love how Isabella's ass and tits are hanging out.
6:00 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Honestly, you see her asscheeks flapping in the breeze
6:00 PM - Bro #2: nnnggghhh
6:00 PM - Multiheaded Cow: It's like they had that bit in ME2 where Miranda bends over a table and the camera swings behind her ass, and decided YOU KNOW WHAT, THIS WOULD BE BETTER IF SHE WASN'T EVEN WEARING PANTS

6:09 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Some dude just said "Those slaves were worth a hundred sovereigns a head", while half the funding for A BIG TRIP INTO THE DEEP ROADS WITH TONS OF PEOPLE is 50

6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: God fucking DAMN
6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: THE COMBAT DESIGN
6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: I kill the guards and start beating on the slaver
6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Enemies respawn at the end of the hallway which I entered from and start attacking my caster and ranged dwarf from the rare.
6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Rear
6:11 PM - Multiheaded Cow: POSITIONING? PISH POSH
6:12 PM - Multiheaded Cow: IT JUST DID IT AGAIN

6:14 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Hahaha
6:14 PM - Multiheaded Cow: When a combat animation starts, you can move out of the way to take damage
6:15 PM - Multiheaded Cow: So this boss with a two-handed sword can do 0 damage to me since I can step back, he swings, I teleport forward and slash, repeat

And some pictures:
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59467 ... 062E20CA3/ Anders when did you start loving penis so much?
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59467 ... EBA174DCD/ It's not quite Shepard's retarded grin but it's close.
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59467 ... 6E549828E/ DERP
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/59467 ... 8E8049940/ This fucking writing.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Multi-headed Cow said:
6:00 PM - Multiheaded Cow: I love how Isabella's ass and tits are hanging out.
6:00 PM - Multiheaded Cow: Honestly, you see her asscheeks flapping in the breeze


May 8, 2010
Sorry to rant, but this serious "good-for-what-it-is" relativistic opinion gets to me after a while. Anybody is still free to like it and all; I won't begrudge them that - I'll admit myself that 'Twitcher 2 may very well turn out to be shit, but I'll still probably roll in it for a while regardless.

Since I've only tried some of the DA2 demo, read up on it in credulous places and some not so credulous, and seen a few live streams, allow me to weigh in with the grossly uninformed opinion of someone who doesn't want to spend $60 to further elucidate himself... and forgot to pre-order it on TPB.

Vault Dweller said:
Why? Because reviewing games on their own merits vs what you thought they should be is an impossible task?
Like I said, games should be reviewed and judged based on what they are, not on what they should or could have been. It's a very simple statement, no?
Very simple alright, but bereft of merit itself - albeit a convenient cop-out. There's no such thing a truly objective critical review ("based on what they are"), despite any number of pages worth of arguments to the contrary trying to cite subjective consequents as tautologies, like "the writing is as good as such-and-such other game I already hold in high enough regard, or some other guy does who I think is right." Or whatever the argument of the hour is.

If you judge it only on what it is, why not adopt a frame of reference that matches the marketing press release - unless it's a complete and blatant lie, that is. Or better yet, it is what it is, therefore I give it 10/10, a masterpiece unto itself. It's as insipid as Mike Laidlaw's response to the cutscene where your in-game sibling dies. I.e., we weren't striving for a touching moment, therefore we succeeded in good storytelling. Or... succeeded in not failing at storytelling of some nondescript kind.

BioWare didn't exactly hide the complete direction they were heading in with DA2, but why should that let them off the hook? Of course they're free to make their game any way they wish, or change course if that's the way the wind is blowing. But is a review going to be for people who liked ME2, were on the fence about DA:O, liked any other certain type of game - or is it going to be for some waifu-obsessive fan looking for confirmation that their signature uber-awesome edition was worth it and not to cancel their pre-order? I've yet to really see how it makes up for dropping any pretenses as an RPG, and spiralling into "Action" RPG territory, except without any exciting action part. But as a wise man once might have said, that's just like my opinion, man.

Not "dumbed down" or anything like that, but welcoming. Like starting the game, your character walks up, says something kind of over the top, and immediately starts exploding Darkspawn. I haven't set my decks at all. I haven't spent points.

What it does, is it lets you get into the game and go, "Okay, cool. This is what their combat is like. I get that." Then the next thing you do is build your character.
They don't even have the decency to tell you upfront that it's the exaggerated prologue, and that you are in-fact *immortal* despite having a variable health bar. Just try to die - you'll be automagically healed before that can happen, and it's not your sibling working any magic to do so. It doesn't stay that way when you soon have your awesome might stripped away, and hopefully the Seeker's "bullshit" is enough to let the player put two and two together, but from then on you get the relative disappointment of increasing your stats in disconnected dribs and drabs, while selecting a few abilities here and there. IIRC, one of the rogue's first "real" abilities is jumping away out of the fray. Fun in a trench of dirka-dirka-Derpspawn.

And about looking for other sources of information on a game. All I can say is hopefully more are upfront about what their biases are. I don't pirate or condone it, but I can see why a lot of people look for a "demo" nowadays.

tl;dr: So to conclude this frothing at the mouth, does this mean that all reviews are worthless and you should be as subjective as possible? Hardly, but who wants to hear that it's good for what it is. Take a stance. Choose a career. Choose life. Rewatch a 15 year old movie rather than play DA2 any day of the week.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Sceptic said:
Vault Dweller said:
Like I said many times before, judging a game based on what it's called, based on what it says on the box, based on what the developers, marketing, media claimed it to be, based on what you hoped it would be serves no fucking purpose whatsoever
Yeah I'm terribly sorry, I don't know why I confused you with someone else. Because, as all your reviews show, you have always reviewed games in a complete vacuum, without ever mentioning developers' quotes, and you certainly never drew any comparisons to other games. And of course you never compared Arcanum to DAO.

This would also be a good time to mention I do agree that judging the game ENTIRELY on blablabla serves no purpose, but I also find completely ignoring EVERYTHING, including the fucking TITLE OF THE GAME ITSELF to be pushing it a little too far.

Vault Dweller said:
Or, better yet, let's look at MotB. It's a NWN2 expansion yet I don't think it's a faithful expansion that builds up on the NWN2 gameplay core. If I recall correctly, many NWN2 fans were disappointed.
We all know you're not stupid, so stop pretending please.

Multi-headed Cow



Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
DLC decrypt tool is out, Multi-headed Cow.

All DLCs and signature edition items are working 100%. Check out site out.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
racofer said:
DLC decrypt tool is out, Multi-headed Cow.

All DLCs and signature edition items are not working 100%. Check out site out.


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