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Vapourware Daggerfall Unity isnt Vaporware

Miles Davis or John Coltrane?

  • Miles Davis

    Votes: 49 29.7%
  • John Coltrane

    Votes: 48 29.1%
  • Kenny G (kc response)

    Votes: 68 41.2%

  • Total voters


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Daggerfall Unity 14.1.png


Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
Too lazy to check if this has been solved but it is unplayable for me due to what they did to the quick travel system. Instead of just making a jump and having the appropriate amount of time passed it just drags the character overland in a fast forward kind of way.
The first time I absolutely didn't expect it and I fell off a giant rock I climbed up first and died, the second time the game just overloaded and crashed eventually. Maybe it couldn't take 50x speed but I didn't want to stare at it all day and it doesn't even show an ETA. Isn't there a way to put this back the way it was in the original? I'm not finding anything in the advanced options menu.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Too lazy to check if this has been solved but it is unplayable for me due to what they did to the quick travel system. Instead of just making a jump and having the appropriate amount of time passed it just drags the character overland in a fast forward kind of way.
The first time I absolutely didn't expect it and I fell off a giant rock I climbed up first and died, the second time the game just overloaded and crashed eventually. Maybe it couldn't take 50x speed but I didn't want to stare at it all day and it doesn't even show an ETA. Isn't there a way to put this back the way it was in the original? I'm not finding anything in the advanced options menu.
Are you playing the gogcut?

Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
Here's my overpowered character class. It does require save editing to get all the advantages and disadvantages. I run Levelup Adjuster and set the modification for stats to be 50. The stat maximum is set to 200.

Name: War Mage,

AdvancementMultiplier: 0.5,

HitPointsPerLevel: 30,

Strength: 50,

Intelligence: 50,

Willpower: 50,

Agility: 50,

Endurance: 50,

Personality: 50,

Speed: 50,

Luck: 50,

PrimarySkill1: Destruction,

PrimarySkill2: Restoration,

PrimarySkill3: LongBlade,

MajorSkill1: Alteration,

MajorSkill2: Mysticism,

MajorSkill3: Thaumaturgy,

MinorSkill1: CriticalStrike,

MinorSkill2: Dodging,

MinorSkill3: Illusion,

MinorSkill4: Jumping,

MinorSkill5: Running,

MinorSkill6: Streetwise,

Paralysis: Immune,

Magic: Immune,

Poison: Immune,

Fire: Immune,

Frost: Immune,

Shock: Immune,

Disease: Immune,

ShortBlades: Normal,

LongBlades: Normal,

HandToHand: Normal,

Axes: Normal,

BluntWeapons: Normal,

MissileWeapons: Normal,

UndeadAttackModifier: Normal,

DaedraAttackModifier: Normal,

HumanoidAttackModifier: Normal,

AnimalsAttackModifier: Normal,

DarknessPoweredMagery: ,

LightPoweredMagery: ,

ForbiddenMaterials: ,

ForbiddenShields: ,

ForbiddenArmors: ,

ForbiddenProficiencies: ,

ExpertProficiencies: ,

SpellPointMultiplier: Times_3_00,

SpellPointMultiplierValue: 3.0,

SpellAbsorption: Always,

NoRegenSpellPoints: false,

AcuteHearing: true,

Athleticism: true,

AdrenalineRush: false,

Regeneration: Always,

RapidHealing: Always,

DamageFromSunlight: false,

DamageFromHolyPlaces: false
Just pick critical weakness paralysis while being a high elf. Your level up speed increases a lot and your racial paralysis immunity trumps the critical weakness. An age old exploit that still works.

And yeah I got it from gog I believe.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Just pick critical weakness paralysis while being a high elf. Your level up speed increases a lot and your racial paralysis immunity trumps the critical weakness. An age old exploit that still works.

There's no need for that since you can edit the save to create the perfect character.
Mar 15, 2014
Too lazy to check if this has been solved but it is unplayable for me due to what they did to the quick travel system. Instead of just making a jump and having the appropriate amount of time passed it just drags the character overland in a fast forward kind of way.
The first time I absolutely didn't expect it and I fell off a giant rock I climbed up first and died, the second time the game just overloaded and crashed eventually. Maybe it couldn't take 50x speed but I didn't want to stare at it all day and it doesn't even show an ETA. Isn't there a way to put this back the way it was in the original? I'm not finding anything in the advanced options menu.
Just deactivate the mod entirely (it's called Travel Options). With the mod installed fast travel (the game's original mode) will be used if you chose "rest in Inns" (or how it's called in the game). If however you chose to "camp in the wilderness" or just click on a place somewhere in the green (an aspect I find awesome) it choses the mod's automated walking mode and brings you there.
If you use Travel Options together with Basic Roads it gives you an extensive network of roads and paths you can use. I'm just learning to play with it myself at the moment and while I see your point (you can fall off cliffs and sometimes you get stuck) it makes the world more believable in my opinion. There are also chances to run into beasts or highwaymen for example. Still buggy, but an interesting mod.
Performance: I noticed that the GOG cut is ridiculously hardware hungry. I'd suggest to throw out that DREAM-mod entirely. Playing with this mod enabled the game crashed for me too when I used the automated travel mode. Plus it looks ass.
Last edited:

Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
Thank you. I always camp out so that's definitely it.
Does the overworld actually have creatures now though? It used to be completely deserted apart from town NPCs, guard spawns when committing crimes, and a low chance of encounter when resting, but that was it.
Mar 15, 2014
Thank you. I always camp out so that's definitely it.
Does the overworld actually have creatures now though? It used to be completely deserted apart from town NPCs, guard spawns when committing crimes, and a low chance of encounter when resting, but that was it.
Yes, there is a chance monsters or human enemies get spawned when you use the automated movement option (as far as I know there is also such a possibility without the mod). You can change that spawning possibility in the mod's settings. There are no neutral encounters as of yet though. I'd love that.


Aug 26, 2011
"Basic Roads" along with "Hidden Map Locations" and "Quest Offer Locations" (mainly for "Prefer Nearby Quests" option) create an alternative for the default fast travel. Makes you open the map, use the compass and plan your route to the next quest destination. Nearby Quest thing helps to inherently fill the map (it's kinda cool to see your exploration progress), instead of ping-ponging all over the continent. Plus you actually get to travel in the wilderness and interact with random encounter system.

Speaking of random encounters, the vanilla ones are kinda lackluster and always hostile. There are a few mods on nexus that change those, I'm currently checking out "Warm Ashes".

For dungeons I really liked: "Drafty Secret Doors", you get a sound cue when you're near one, no more looking at walls; "Dungeon Loot", makes all those bookshelves/crates lootable; "Red Brick Replacer".


Jun 14, 2019
You can use the free Steam version of Daggerfall to run the Unity version.
More details here: https://www.dfworkshop.net/using-steam-release-of-daggerfall-with-daggerfall-unity-updated/

Using Steam Release of Daggerfall with Daggerfall Unity – Updated!​

Posted on June 11, 2022 by Interkarma

The Steam release of Daggerfall has been updated and is now compatible with Daggerfall Unity “out of the box”. This is great news for Daggerfall players of all preferences. Not only is the classic release on Steam now patched for a better experience, it’s a free and convenient way to get the game files needed to run Daggerfall Unity.
These steps are for Windows only but you can adapt to another platform. You’ll just need to copy over the files installed by Steam to your platform of choice after step 1. Alternatively use the DaggerfallGameFiles method for a curated copy of game files compatible on all platforms.


Jan 17, 2015
Has the GOG crew improved their version of Daggerfall Unity?
Or better off downloading Daggerfall Unity vanilla manually?


Play a reimagined version of the all-time RPG classic from The Elder Scrolls series. Daggerfall Unity – GOG Cut brings this amazing experience to modern gamers. It has been made possible thanks to a whole team of passionate creators working under the banner of Daggerfall Unity.

  • GTX660 (or equivalent) and higher with 2GB of RAM
  • 4 GB
  • Intel i5 (or equivalent) and higher
  • Windows 7 or greater

Firstly, it runs EXTREMELY poorly. choppy and slow. and beyond that, strangely, the first character i created made it through the into cave no problem, but LITERALLY every single character after that cant even damage the imp and dies right there, every time, all the time. so the game itself is not very great either. on that first character that managed to make it through, the game was very ugly and a pain to navigate for the little bit i played, which mostly consisted on running to every single building in a city, because no one in town would be nice enough to give me directions to the one i needed. dont waste your time, pretend to play a game instead, it will be more fun.

GOG Cut comes with some problems.
1. I have two PCs, one a bit more powerful than the other. On the more powerful GOG Cut runs fine, even with slowdowns. On my other PC it just crashes. They both have plenty of RAM and 6GB/8GB GPU.
2. Loading times are ... abysmal on both systems.
3. It presents some challenges with mods and core updates. Not sure how/if this will be handled.
4. More difficult to personalise the cut
5. (this is personal) I would have included some additional mods that would have made a nice difference overall.

None of the problems seems to occur in my manual installation.
Still, I think this is a huge undertaking by GOG and people that never played Daggerfall should jump on it (if it runs on their systems...).

I don't think any thought put into this choosing particular collection of mods: it isn't particularly stable or performance-friendly. Frankly, you'd be better off just downloading Daggerfall Unity vanilla and piecing together mods as the need arises, because this "cut" does a disservice to the game.


Jul 5, 2013

GOG Cut is not recommended at this point​

I highly recommend not to get the GOG Cut. It was "fine" when it was released back in June, but GOG hasn't updated it since its release. Since then, Daggerfall Unity has been updated several times, receiving bug fixes and changes that mods released recently depend on. The mod scene had indeed been updated and changed since last June.
GOG Cut's version : 0.13.5
DFU's current version : 0.14.4
GOG also hasn't shown any sign of willing to update. The "curator" of the GOG Cut hasn't received any news either. I tried reaching to GOG, without success.
The advantage DFU has over the other Elder Scrolls titles is that the mods are easier to install and manage. It's simply a matter of dragging and dropping the mod file. You rarely have to worry about compatibility and, when you need to, they can be sorted automatically.
To install DFU : https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2360
Jwlar has compiled a list of mods by themes :

In the end, it's better to play a stable and updated release of DFU by installing it yourself and grabbing the mods that interest you easily, than playing an outdated one.


Aug 27, 2019
Here's my overpowered character class. It does require save editing to get all the advantages and disadvantages. I run Levelup Adjuster and set the modification for stats to be 50. The stat maximum is set to 200.

Name: War Mage,

AdvancementMultiplier: 0.5,

HitPointsPerLevel: 30,

Strength: 50,

Intelligence: 50,

Willpower: 50,

Agility: 50,

Endurance: 50,

Personality: 50,

Speed: 50,

Luck: 50,

PrimarySkill1: Destruction,

PrimarySkill2: Restoration,

PrimarySkill3: LongBlade,

MajorSkill1: Alteration,

MajorSkill2: Mysticism,

MajorSkill3: Thaumaturgy,

MinorSkill1: CriticalStrike,

MinorSkill2: Dodging,

MinorSkill3: Illusion,

MinorSkill4: Jumping,

MinorSkill5: Running,

MinorSkill6: Streetwise,

Paralysis: Immune,

Magic: Immune,

Poison: Immune,

Fire: Immune,

Frost: Immune,

Shock: Immune,

Disease: Immune,

ShortBlades: Normal,

LongBlades: Normal,

HandToHand: Normal,

Axes: Normal,

BluntWeapons: Normal,

MissileWeapons: Normal,

UndeadAttackModifier: Normal,

DaedraAttackModifier: Normal,

HumanoidAttackModifier: Normal,

AnimalsAttackModifier: Normal,

DarknessPoweredMagery: ,

LightPoweredMagery: ,

ForbiddenMaterials: ,

ForbiddenShields: ,

ForbiddenArmors: ,

ForbiddenProficiencies: ,

ExpertProficiencies: ,

SpellPointMultiplier: Times_3_00,

SpellPointMultiplierValue: 3.0,

SpellAbsorption: Always,

NoRegenSpellPoints: false,

AcuteHearing: true,

Athleticism: true,

AdrenalineRush: false,

Regeneration: Always,

RapidHealing: Always,

DamageFromSunlight: false,

DamageFromHolyPlaces: false
Pick lots of weaknesses next time, fast leveling is really rewarding.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Here's my overpowered character class. It does require save editing to get all the advantages and disadvantages. I run Levelup Adjuster and set the modification for stats to be 50. The stat maximum is set to 200.

Name: War Mage,

AdvancementMultiplier: 0.5,

HitPointsPerLevel: 30,

Strength: 50,

Intelligence: 50,

Willpower: 50,

Agility: 50,

Endurance: 50,

Personality: 50,

Speed: 50,

Luck: 50,

PrimarySkill1: Destruction,

PrimarySkill2: Restoration,

PrimarySkill3: LongBlade,

MajorSkill1: Alteration,

MajorSkill2: Mysticism,

MajorSkill3: Thaumaturgy,

MinorSkill1: CriticalStrike,

MinorSkill2: Dodging,

MinorSkill3: Illusion,

MinorSkill4: Jumping,

MinorSkill5: Running,

MinorSkill6: Streetwise,

Paralysis: Immune,

Magic: Immune,

Poison: Immune,

Fire: Immune,

Frost: Immune,

Shock: Immune,

Disease: Immune,

ShortBlades: Normal,

LongBlades: Normal,

HandToHand: Normal,

Axes: Normal,

BluntWeapons: Normal,

MissileWeapons: Normal,

UndeadAttackModifier: Normal,

DaedraAttackModifier: Normal,

HumanoidAttackModifier: Normal,

AnimalsAttackModifier: Normal,

DarknessPoweredMagery: ,

LightPoweredMagery: ,

ForbiddenMaterials: ,

ForbiddenShields: ,

ForbiddenArmors: ,

ForbiddenProficiencies: ,

ExpertProficiencies: ,

SpellPointMultiplier: Times_3_00,

SpellPointMultiplierValue: 3.0,

SpellAbsorption: Always,

NoRegenSpellPoints: false,

AcuteHearing: true,

Athleticism: true,

AdrenalineRush: false,

Regeneration: Always,

RapidHealing: Always,

DamageFromSunlight: false,

DamageFromHolyPlaces: false
Pick lots of weaknesses next time, fast leveling is really rewarding.

Why when I can save edit my character to get the same results?


Aug 27, 2019
Here's my overpowered character class. It does require save editing to get all the advantages and disadvantages. I run Levelup Adjuster and set the modification for stats to be 50. The stat maximum is set to 200.

Name: War Mage,

AdvancementMultiplier: 0.5,

HitPointsPerLevel: 30,

Strength: 50,

Intelligence: 50,

Willpower: 50,

Agility: 50,

Endurance: 50,

Personality: 50,

Speed: 50,

Luck: 50,

PrimarySkill1: Destruction,

PrimarySkill2: Restoration,

PrimarySkill3: LongBlade,

MajorSkill1: Alteration,

MajorSkill2: Mysticism,

MajorSkill3: Thaumaturgy,

MinorSkill1: CriticalStrike,

MinorSkill2: Dodging,

MinorSkill3: Illusion,

MinorSkill4: Jumping,

MinorSkill5: Running,

MinorSkill6: Streetwise,

Paralysis: Immune,

Magic: Immune,

Poison: Immune,

Fire: Immune,

Frost: Immune,

Shock: Immune,

Disease: Immune,

ShortBlades: Normal,

LongBlades: Normal,

HandToHand: Normal,

Axes: Normal,

BluntWeapons: Normal,

MissileWeapons: Normal,

UndeadAttackModifier: Normal,

DaedraAttackModifier: Normal,

HumanoidAttackModifier: Normal,

AnimalsAttackModifier: Normal,

DarknessPoweredMagery: ,

LightPoweredMagery: ,

ForbiddenMaterials: ,

ForbiddenShields: ,

ForbiddenArmors: ,

ForbiddenProficiencies: ,

ExpertProficiencies: ,

SpellPointMultiplier: Times_3_00,

SpellPointMultiplierValue: 3.0,

SpellAbsorption: Always,

NoRegenSpellPoints: false,

AcuteHearing: true,

Athleticism: true,

AdrenalineRush: false,

Regeneration: Always,

RapidHealing: Always,

DamageFromSunlight: false,

DamageFromHolyPlaces: false
Pick lots of weaknesses next time, fast leveling is really rewarding.

Why when I can save edit my character to get the same results?
Well that's cheating. It gets boring quickly.


Dec 1, 2019
...and you love it like the rest of us, you wierdo
Yeah, but it feels like indoctrination. I've seen that throne room with the lever and the bridge so many times my brain now fondly regards it as a second home.

Mind you, this is Daggerfall Unity with its upgraded map that always marks the exit. I cannot imagine how it must have been for those without the mana for mark and recall in 98.

They probably spent so much time inside that when they if they ever got out it wasn't as themselves, but merely as an extension of the dungeon.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
...and you love it like the rest of us, you wierdo
Yeah, but it feels like indoctrination. I've seen that throne room with the lever and the bridge so many times my brain now fondly regards it as a second home.

Mind you, this is Daggerfall Unity with its upgraded map that always marks the exit. I cannot imagine how it must have been for those without the mana for mark and recall in 98.

They probably spent so much time inside that when they if they ever got out it wasn't as themselves, but merely as an extension of the dungeon.

well for me back then it was wednesday, since i was used to even harder stuff then Daggerfall (C64 RPG's with discswapping and handdrawing maps and taking notes) so fully mapped dungeons was a blessing.
Last edited:


Jul 5, 2013

Daggerfall Unity 0.14.5 Beta


Getting Started​

If this is your first time installing Daggerfall Unity, please visit Installing Daggerfall Unity and Other Information for help getting started.


This release is an improvement update for Daggerfall Unity with bug fixes and performance enhancements. Version 0.14.5 is intended to be a stable beta for general play. If you experience new issues with this version, please report to Help & Support on the Workshop Forums.

Mod Compatibility​

If you find a mod not compatible or broken by this release, please contact the mod author on Nexus or Released Mods on forums.

Featured Changes​

andrew-raphael-lukasik - Terrain and Foliage Performance Improvements #2421 #2436

Two key changes provide faster terrain and foliage generation while player is exploring Daggerfall's overworld. The first is enabling [BurstCompile] for existing jobs. Burst is a compiler that translates IL Job code into native code. As the terrain system runs heavily on Job code, this is a nice boost to loading times and when streaming terrain. According to the author, Job code is about 10x faster and loading times are around 20% - 40% faster.
Before Burst (about 5 seconds total work)
After Burst (about 0.4 seconds total work)
The second change is refactoring wilderness foliage billboard mesh generation to use a a Burst-compiled multithreaded setup. What this means is that setting up foliage for new terrain chunks is several times faster and takes less time from the main thread.
Before (about 260ms)
After (about 30ms)
These are very nice changes and will benefit everyone with faster loads and smoother terrain streaming. Congratulations to Andrew for all the hard work on this one!

Numidium - Remove Stutter When Switching Weapons Between Hands #2394

Another performance improvement. When switching weapons (default H key), DFU would previously reload weapon images every time. This was to keep memory use low as weapon animation textures could take up a lot of memory, especially if modded, but introduced a stutter when switching hands as the new weapon textures had to be converted on the fly. Numidium has added a caching scheme so the two equipped weapons remain cached, removing the stutter.

Interkarma - Allow Renaming Buildings on Automap 1f56eef

You can now double-click on named building labels on the automap and edit their name. You can use this feature to track the quality of a store, or just make an important note.
To remove the name edit, double-click label again and delete your custom text. An empty label will revert to the original name. Label tooltip will always display original name.

General Fixes & Improvements​

  • Update set_jump and set_grav commands to display correct default values in help #2409
  • Fix flying enemies fall damage #2431
  • Fix text in multiple quests #2413 #2414 #2424
jefetienne & argonius2
  • Add Joystick "Back" Button binding #2407
  • Exclude modifier keys from being used in AnyKey methods #2437
  • Improvement: Mod compilation error message #2432
  • Fixed regression where City watch lost its human sounds (HALT) #2412
  • Added a "generator" customization point for PopulationManager #2419
  • Raise SyntheticTimeIncrease at end of vampirism infection to fix unintended item decay and constant effect time jumping d454a83
  • Resync permanent Item status at pickup time for slain Foe 3ed8ce6
  • Continue loading game even if one or more quests fail to load b8c553d
  • Clear quest-related corpse markers after quest ends 703c665
  • Do not select "Generic Temple" as a random faction for Person resources 91fc7ae
  • Allow certain quest messages popups to only display one time ffe906a

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