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From Software Dark Souls 3

Surf Solar

cannot into womynz
Jan 8, 2011
Pray tell what exactly is "improved" in terms of mechanics?


Jun 7, 2012
Seeing Aldrich eat the soul of Gwen when you enter the fog gate.. oh man pure lore ecstasy.. I can't wait to see the videos when people dig more into the implications and lore of this game and the references to DS1/2
Was that a cutscene? It didn't trigger for me. If not I completely missed it while freaking out.


Jun 15, 2009
1) covenants: they're so lazy there's actually 2 pairs of covenants that are literally the exact same but with changed name (and changed invasion area in one case), one is a covenant built around the glitch in DaS1 that sometimes made you spawn as a red phantom when you were summoned through a white sign... except it's about 3 orders of magnitude more stupid than said glitch. it will be dead within weeks. it's like they weren't even trying. not one PvE focused covenant like the Abyss in DaS2, not one "let's try something cool" (and fail miserably... but at least try) like the gravelords or rats.

They are lazy and they dont work, the sun bro works as expected its extra rewards for coop on boss, but the dark moon blade , wolf , aldritch covenants, i never get summoned ever. In fact i only saw a darkmoon blue phantom once in unattended graves location, that after 56 hours of play. If you want pvp the only way is join rosaria fingers covenant and place a sign past the pontiff boss room , people are duelling there all the time , using cleverly that place as a small arena :



Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Just a side note - Gold Coins are ultra rare, you find only like 8 of them in the whole game, and they last only a minute or so. Are you fucking retarded FromSoft?


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
For anybody using a dex build; I have an assassin char and after getting the katana I switched to it and ditched the estoc but I have seen quite a few invadaders using the estoc (probably because of the insane backstab bonus) but which is the better weapon for pve?
I am quite happy with the katana do far (love how it stunslocks) but some players swear by the estoc because of its reach or the rapier because of its speed....anybsuggestions?


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
For anybody using a dex build; I have an assassin char and after getting the katana I switched to it and ditched the estoc but I have seen quite a few invadaders using the estoc (probably because of the insane backstab bonus) but which is the better weapon for pve?
I am quite happy with the katana do far (love how it stunslocks) but some players swear by the estoc because of its reach or the rapier because of its speed....anybsuggestions?

Estoc is great because of the stagger / speed. You can basically roll around like a jack ass and constantly punish your enemy with 3 thrust combos. It's almost impossible to break those hits without rolling back. The reach on it is insane.. but it's PVP weapon.

In PVE you are much better off with larger weapons with bigger hits. Bosses are health spunges and many enemies have cheat Stamina and are uninterruptable. I used the Estoc up to around Anor Londo then ditched it for a Katana. (Two Handed, Wear a Green Crest shield on your back or ditch shields entirely)
Many unique Katana's including Dark Drift don't gain their big dick dex scaling until you upgrade (Dark Drift at level 3 or 4 gains C scaling in Dex but that is a huge twinkling investment)

So yea.. you are mostly on track.. Keep your weight load under 50% and you should be smooth sailing until NG+. If you are using Uchi and don't like it, try swapping into Dark Drift or Chaos Blade when you can.


Jun 7, 2012
What's with everyone using some bullshit air cut sword for the Yohrik fight?


Jan 17, 2008
gimmick boss fight is gimmick boss fight; all from soft games need at least 1 (or in this case, like 3)


Jun 7, 2012
No, yeah, I got that when I saw them doing 5+k per hit. I just want to know why. I did that fight sing coop and it was just instalocking him with 2 of those swords while I was just dancing around.


Jan 17, 2008
Oh you mean why do they even 'resort' to it when it can be done normally? People still fap over storm ruler from DeS I guess. I dunno man, dark fanservice 3 I guess. Same shit I bitched about a few pages ago where it's getting ridiculous and harming the overall game experience.


Jun 7, 2012

Without going all Dark Souls Elitest here..

You lose the right to complain about boss fight difficulty when you co op.
Co op is a difficulty tuning metric. If you are inviting 2 phantoms to your game don't expect a challenge.
I haven't complained about difficulty, just expressed sadness from having to rush content using coop due to lack of time to git gud. In two different threads.

So what's the deal with the air cut swords then?


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli

Without going all Dark Souls Elitest here..

You lose the right to complain about boss fight difficulty when you co op.
Co op is a difficulty tuning metric. If you are inviting 2 phantoms to your game don't expect a challenge.
I haven't complained about difficulty, just expressed sadness from having to rush content using coop due to lack of time to git gud. In two different threads.

So what's the deal with the air cut swords then?

There's no question that fight is a cheese cake. Even without the sword The Onion Knight will essentially fuck that boss solo on NG if you do his quest line.. So?

That is every Dark / Demon Souls game ever. It's a staple of the series.


Jun 22, 2013
I would also argue that 3 ranks among the best of the series. Each game has their high moments but 3 is easily the most consistent.

I loved Dark Souls up until the Lord Vessel: the openness of the world upon arriving at Firelink, the shortcuts featured in the Undead Berg, the pressure of delving into dangerous areas such as Blighttown or the Catacombs knowing that you would have to work your way out.

Dark Souls 2 was the most inconsistent title in terms of level design, though the weight added to the combat was my favorite addition to the series (Bloodborne notwithstanding). My no shield duels against Fume, Alonne, Sinh overwrote my blah feelings toward the OC.

Dark 3 has great level design, but forgoes trying to have a crazily connected world. One thing that stands out to me right away is that its "filler" monsters are the best of the series. The dagger wielding humanoids in the catacombs are fantastic, as are the the serpent-humanoids in Archdragon Peak.

Bosses are more style than substance and the weighted feel of the combat was surely missed, but at least this is different and not more of the same. One thing I am thankful fore is that the amount of insta-rape grabs the bosses have is pretty minimal, also it's very hard to get combod to death (which was only really annoying/relevant in Bloodborne).

The vistas and music are incredible. Looking forward to the DLC. I really really hope they introduce "levels" in the DLC a la Demon's Souls that are crazily connected. The Chalice dungeons were a mistake. Also, I would love, if for at least once, they would restrict bonfire warping and made you work your way into and out of a dangerous area.

Dark 3=Dark 2's DLC>Bloodborne>Dark 1>Demon's>Dark 2

was I the only one that thought Dark 1's DLC was p. shit? also, I haven't played Bloodborne's DLC yet so I can't comment on that


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Yeah, I completed my first run of the game tonight. Some thoughts:

1. The game honestly feels like it forgoes having its own identity in favor of just being Soulsborne: The Greatest Hits. It takes bits and pieces from each other game in the series and just kinda mashes them together to make a new game and hopes that the final result works.
2. The fanservice, which was already at pretty absurd levels with Dark Souls 2, is now off the bloody charts. Some of it is neat and clever, most of it just obnoxious and tired. Feeds into the same issue mentioned above.
3. I stick by what I said earlier: normal enemies are just a pain to fight now for the most part. Hit too hard, too quick, and too erratically, stagger you too easily, and too much of a bitch to deal with in any way other than just stun-locking them to death.
4. Game does feel incredibly linear compared to Dark Souls 1 and 2, but the level design and atmosphere is a definite step-up from Dark Souls 2.
5. Weapon Arts: Interesting concept but I didn't find myself using them much, and only a handful of them are different enough to seriously affect your playstyle.
6. Bosses: Mostly acceptable, but nothing really stand-out, which is a major let down. The second-phase schtick also gets incredibly tiresome.
7. No interesting new characters. Most the cast is fan-service, and what isn't is pretty bland.
8. I swear something like a third of the armor sets are just re-used shit from Dark Souls 1 and 2. There's fan service and then there's just being lazy.

Even comparing the faster pace of the combat to Bloodborne is doing Bloodborne a bit of a disservice. Sure, in that game enemies moved quickly and would often spam attacks, but you could usually move just as quickly as they could, their attacks were clearly telegraphed before they made them, and you were actively encouraged to be offensive via the game's healing mechanics, and could often stagger them out of combos if you hit hard enough. In this one it just feels like it wants the game to be fast and frenetic, and on the other hand the mechanics of poise and enemies randomly getting infinite poise mid-combo just encourages you to turtle and roll spam around like it's The fucking Witcher.

I'm glad this is the final game in the series, if this is seriously the direction they wanted to take it in.
So a better sequel to DS1 than DS2 and Bloodborne doesn't count because why do you own a console posting on RPG Codex. P.much what I was looking for in DS3.


Mar 20, 2011
It's cool that this game is good and all, but let me whine about how this final game in the series reminds me too much of another good game and how Miyazaki is a hack fraud fanservice asshole shitler.


Barely Literate
Apr 9, 2016
Wish the darkmoons weren't just a copy of the Blue Sentinels. I'd rather invade the guilty than spend time praying someone has Way of the Blue equipped.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
I like the way DS3 revisits the location/people/concepts of DS1 far more than DS2. Appropriate way to close out the series. Curios as to what they do next assuming it is the last 'Souls' like game. It's so popular a format I'm not sure why they'd abandon it. I don't think it'll be Kingsfield, either, as Kingsfield is simply Dark Souls in 1990's tech.


Sep 4, 2014
Dark 3=Dark 2's DLC>Bloodborne>Dark 1>Demon's>Dark 2

was I the only one that thought Dark 1's DLC was p. shit? also, I haven't played Bloodborne's DLC yet so I can't comment on that

That's reassuring.

I though Oolalith was decent but the rest of the DLC areas weren't that good some of them were just a carbon copy of what was found in the base game too). The bosses save that DLC from being bad though. It has four boss fights and I think all four are phenomenal.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Don't really understand complaints or problems with Champion Gundyr. Maybe I just got lucky, but from the descriptions in this thread I expected some kind of unstoppable endless-combo rapetrain, but ended up killing him on the second try with relative ease. He has long combos, but with significant pauses between attacks, doesn't deal that much damage, and doesn't really have dangerous gap closers. I even switched from a Butcher's Knife to a Profane GS to check if a very slow weapon would make it harder, still won handily.

Am I missing something here?


Oct 21, 2015
He has long combos, but with significant pauses between attacks, doesn't deal that much damage, and doesn't really have dangerous gap closers.

This was exactly what I wanted to point out after really paying attention to his attacks on NG+, that although some combos are formed of a lot of attacks, the pauses between those are quite large. Don't get the complaints now either.
Dec 28, 2012
Just when I started to slowly get used to the game it fucks me over again. Since I somehow missed the red eye orb and wanted some pvp, I tried some invasions and the watchdogs covenant. In the latter I got summoned ONCE in 5 hours, symbol flashing and nothing happens. In invasions 90% of the hosts are so laggy that you can pretty much forget straight duels. At one point I invaded and my character was in T pose all the time and the host could not damage me :lol:

This. Servers suck dick. FROM fix pls.

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