Forest Dweller
Smoking Dicks
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- Oct 29, 2008
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Didn't someone mention that there can be raping sprees going on at the shelter? So other characters get to do it, but you don't? That's fucked up.
It's about using fucking common sense and our history. People didn't join in groups because they wanted it. They joined in groups because they fucking were forced as there were no other ways to live.
Humans are apes, we are social creatures to the point social interaction is a need ... social groups didnt happened because sentience, they happened because there was a clear line of evolution that dictated such behavior, a lot of animals also are social creatures outside apes and their behavior is not caused by intelligence but engrained behavior.
The point I tried to make is that if order ceased we suddenly dont degenerate to murderous cannibalism rapists or such idiocy that usually comes in survival stories, the lack of control may allow some individuals to simply act on their anti-social behavior and like we did millennia ago we just murder the motherfucker, humans ARE aggressive but also pack creatures, just because centralized government ceases to exist will not change that, its not "the man" that forces the "law" into society ... what society we have is the result of millennia of social evolution, not something forced unto humans.
Also we have countries with no armies, even if they are small armies are not required to enforce law (as you fuckwits Americans keep proving its a general bad idea), that is the POLICE job ... even a fucking militia is a ORGANIZED force, a mob is not but even a mob just highlights human behavior into iinstinctively banding into a common goal and a mob doesnt think, it just reacts.
You arent a special snowflake, if you think you are "above" the rest of us because "you think" ... then you are not human, we might be sentient but we also have instinctual behavior that will get the best of us no matter how hard one think he can hold unto "reasoning", if you see a crowd running away your instinct will be to follow them , not because its smart but simply because its what everyone is doing.
How come? You do know thats not how suspension of disbelief works, right? it is entirely possible to accept dragons and magical rings, but not unbreakable wooden doors.i find that incredibly funny. seriously, the dead coming back from the grave didn't, the acoustic guitars weighting almost as much as heavy duty sewing machines didn't, the turn based combat (which is completely bonkers as far as suspension of disbelief goes) didn't, but the guy in the wheelchair being slightly more useful than a brick did.Davis building a watch tower and fixing a fence better than the rest of the members of the shelter actually broke my suspension of disbelief. Ah well.
it's also entirely possible to accept guys in wheelchairs building stuff that would be outright or nearly impossible. i just find it funny that it was the thing that broke your disbelief, despite there being plenty of internally inconsistent or unrealistic (or both) things before you rest for the first time and get to assign jobs on board the next day.How come? You do know thats not how suspension of disbelief works, right? it is entirely possible to accept dragons and magical rings, but not unbreakable wooden doors.
There was attempted rape in the original script to Day of the Dead.Remember all the rape scenes in the Romero films? Weird, me neither.
The room is empty now. Remnants of food and drink clutter the place. THE FAT GENERAL is asleep, snoring loudly, one of his pudgy arms is draped across MARY HENRIED’S lap. She is trying to move out from under without waking the man. She slides on the floor...a few inches...a few inches more. GASPARILLA snorts and rolls over. His eyes pop open, focus on MARY, and a smile pushes his fat cheeks back.
Well, hi there, y’all.
Mary looks down at the man, repulsed and afraid. Suddenly he grabs her LAB COAT. She pulls away and he crawls after her, his belly bouncing along the floor. BUTTONS POP and the coat falls open. He reaches for her blouse. It tears away and for a moment he gets a chubby handful of bare breast. He dives into her but he’s unconscious before his face reaches her chest.
MARY pulls herself out from under his dead weight. Shivering, she clutches her blouse together and hurries out of the room.
Hahaha, not only that, my PC is the one that does the abortion.
I am no special snowflake. Problem is that you don't have proof that in case of sudden goverment failure (ruling power keeping things in check) people will be working together and will not screw each other out and i have almost any conflict or disaster that happened to prove it is oxymoron like i said.
I am no special snowflake. Problem is that you don't have proof that in case of sudden goverment failure (ruling power keeping things in check) people will be working together and will not screw each other out and i have almost any conflict or disaster that happened to prove it is oxymoron like i said.
Catastrophic and long-term failure of central government would most likely lead to something akin to Fallout - people organize with varying rate into small communities or tribes providing various amounts of protection and cooperation for mutual benefit. Of course aggressive parasitic groups ("Raiders") might form, but they are essentially the same, a colaborating group banding together for protection and a common goal (survival).
But even those small groups will already have certain rules people will have to follow, and breaking them will likely have consequences brought upon the offender.
From that eventually larger societies might form again, how fast probably depends on availabilty of ressources (again I think the general depiction in Fallout isn't that far off).
"Everyone on his own" is an unlikely state to exist for extended periods of time in a widespread fashion.
Is there more to this game than looking for supplies to hoard every mission?
there's at least three distinctly different endings, not counting game over.Elhoim i still didn´t finish this game but i´m curious. how many endings have this game?? counting game over and permutations if it have it.
No, its not, unless it is stated that there are different laws in that world that allow for a man in a wheelchair to move as freely as a man that doesnt need one. The world depicted on Dead State's also entirely possible to accept guys in wheelchairs building stuff that would be outright or nearly impossible.
Its not sci fi, its survival. The natural disaster doesnt need to be explained in this genre, and its usually better if its not. After all the narrative is not about said natural disaster, its about people trying to overcome it in some way. The narrative just asks you to accept it at the start.As for dragons... a dragon explained with magic is acceptable, because magic (which includes magical nanites) is a wildcard. a dragon explained via science is only acceptable when the science is sound. it's the same for zombies.
So this game is all or mostly just combat? Eh.
AoD is also extremely grog and cargo cult whereas Dead State is less so. Even less than Wasteland 2 apparently.
yes, it is. just like huge storefront windows that are unbreakable and cannot be entered through do not need to be explained separately, or you being unable to move ingame objects in order to block doors, despite several such barricades being present in the game doesn't. it's a matter of consistency. davis behaves just like other allies with the explicitly stated exception that he cannot go outside. of course it would be better if it was more lifelike in that regard, and he had individual time modifiers and conditions on an individual basis, but as i said, relatively huge amount of work for minor effect.No, its not, unless it is stated that there are different laws in that world that allow for a man in a wheelchair to move as freely as a man that doesnt need one. The world depicted on Dead State hasnt.
it tries to extrapolate the effects of stuff that seems somewhat possible on society at large, which is one of the more pristine flavors of sci-fi (unless you wrongly equate sci-fi with spaceships and lasers).Its not sci fi, its survival. The natural disaster doesnt need to be explained in this genre, and its usually better if its not. After all the narrative is not about said natural disaster, its about people trying to overcome it in some way. The narrative just asks you to accept it at the start.
imitation of systems without proper understanding. since the games in question are still prefectly playable games, not dysfunctional cargo cult replicas, it is essentially roguey's way of making "games i don't think are good" look less subjective.Roguey, please explain (and I actually mean this - not even trolling here, just genuinely confused) what the hell you actually mean by 'cargo cult' when applied to games?
It's about using fucking common sense and our history. People didn't join in groups because they wanted it. They joined in groups because they fucking were forced as there were no other ways to live.
Humans are apes, we are social creatures to the point social interaction is a need ... social groups didnt happened because sentience, they happened because there was a clear line of evolution that dictated such behavior, a lot of animals also are social creatures outside apes and their behavior is not caused by intelligence but engrained behavior.
The point I tried to make is that if order ceased we suddenly dont degenerate to murderous cannibalism rapists or such idiocy that usually comes in survival stories, the lack of control may allow some individuals to simply act on their anti-social behavior and like we did millennia ago we just murder the motherfucker, humans ARE aggressive but also pack creatures, just because centralized government ceases to exist will not change that, its not "the man" that forces the "law" into society ... what society we have is the result of millennia of social evolution, not something forced unto humans.
Also we have countries with no armies, even if they are small armies are not required to enforce law (as you fuckwits Americans keep proving its a general bad idea), that is the POLICE job ... even a fucking militia is a ORGANIZED force, a mob is not but even a mob just highlights human behavior into iinstinctively banding into a common goal and a mob doesnt think, it just reacts.
You arent a special snowflake, if you think you are "above" the rest of us because "you think" ... then you are not human, we might be sentient but we also have instinctual behavior that will get the best of us no matter how hard one think he can hold unto "reasoning", if you see a crowd running away your instinct will be to follow them , not because its smart but simply because its what everyone is doing.
Lol. Yes. "Milenia of social evolution". Try to remove police force. It is unthinkable to any country even sweden. Because everyone knows no one will be safe then. People would then gather in groups and try to fuck other people (so called organized crime) and without police force they would only grow and grow.
Take for example Mexico. Country like any other and yet there is now there almost civil war were thousands of people die yearly.
I am no special snowflake. Problem is that you don't have proof that in case of sudden goverment failure (ruling power keeping things in check) people will be working together and will not screw each other out and i have almost any conflict or disaster that happened to prove it is oxymoron like i said.
Take a look at africa where sometimes govs menage to fail and see how bandits walking from one village to another village to pillage and rape is not really rare. That is your "social evolution" for you. Nothing changed since stone age. In case of lack of power keeping things in check people will use each mean necessary to have better position than someone else. So goody goody people are just weakest members or that world.
imitation of systems without proper understanding. since the games in question are still prefectly playable games, not dysfunctional cargo cult replicas, it is essentially roguey's way of making "games i don't think are good" look less subjective.
The point is that having an organised police force (or equivalent) is as a product of our primate ancestry. Hobbes made the same point many centuries ago, and he gets misinterpreted in the same way by most scholars today - he isn't arguing that humans are intrinsically nasty motherfuckers who would all murder each other without an authoritarian government, he's arguing that authority relationships (including government) are a fundamental part of human nature. Of course humans start murdering/raping the fuck out of each other when government collapses - that's because humans without social heirarchies are ill, damaged creatures like the animals in a zoo with shitty, tiny enclosures. It's like cutting off a dog's leg, watching it bleed out, and saying 'lol, dogs can't even maintain their blood supply without intact arteries, so they're obviously intrinsically bleeding to death'.
Humans formed social heirarchies - fuck, humans have the concept of social heirarchies - for the same reason that chimps do. I.e. because that's how primates (and dogs, and many other species evolved). Yes, create conditions in which government breaks down or isn't possible, and humans will start displaying abberant behavior (just like ants will do if you create conditions in which the queen and spares suddenly die, or cannot be maintained). But you're really stretching the idea of 'natural state' if you're specifying conditions in which a species cannot utilise its basic evolutionary survival instincts (which, in all primates, includes not only group dynamics, but political power). If you had a permanent shift, instead of a natural disaster (like the Romero films on which the game is based) then there's a very good possibility that humans would go to shit - not because we're intrinsically mass murderers/rapists, but because we've been deprived of the evolutionary/instinctual mechanisms that lets us benefit from aggression while simultaneously mitigating its drawbacks.