Even without stash tabs these prices are taking the piss. For anyone who actually sticks with the game, might as well consider stash tabs a mandatory $60 purchase. I know people say you only need a quad but they're full of shit. Then on top of stash tabs you have lootboxes, battlepasses and all sorts of cosmetic monetization.
This is the most MTX expensive set in the game and the cheapest I've ever seen on special comes out to $87.50. GGG is so fucking greedy that their transmog system is based on consumables. They don't even let you permanently unlock the skins you're buying skin transfers for. Without swiping your credit card or grinding league challenges, your character will look like absolute shit.
Very disingenuous of you to include something like a cosmetic for your stash and the portal as part of the set, when most sets in the shop lack that component entirely and it's not something you are wearing on your character. Furthermore, you can't wear Wings and Cloak at the same time. It's one or the other and if you're buying both, then it's really your choice to get that extra. A set is just that = the armour pack. Everything else simply shares a theme with it.
It's also disingenuous of you to say that the least expensive set is 90bux, when you get a free set ON TOP of the points value with every 60bux+ supporter pack.
The particular mtx in the screenshot cost double of the usual price, because these are combo mtx. It's a discontinued system to provide value for duplicates, when buying the mystery box. GGG since has switched to a true "no duplicates" system which puts a hard cap on how much you can spend on the box until you get every mtx from it. Calling these gacha is a stretch, since most gacha feature only 1 single desirable prize which you can't obtain otherwise. Meanwhile the mystery box features multiple mtx which people want and all of them become available for individual purchase 3 months later.
Finally the Skin Transfer consumable which you mention is only 20bux for a bundle of 50. If you absolutely must transmog every visible piece of your equipment, it's 5-6 uses total on a character and in the Softcore Trade league people tend to upgrade each slot twice or thrice at most. So you get either 3 full characters to skin every league or one single character for 3 leagues in a row. If that is too much for you, then you're the stingy greedy faggot in this case, not GGG.
This type of post again comes up time and time again. You poorfags just can't let it go. You realize this is also your own greed showing for wanting more for spending less? You even deride the free "battle pass" that lets you earn mtx for simply playing the game. You just want shit to be shoved in your ass. And you post this in the D4 thread, which will have a much more aggressive monetization including pay2win with a 100% certainty at this point.