Stephen Turner: No Truce With The Furies
Trying to describe No Truce With The Furies to an audience is probably the hardest thing I've done in a while, not counting the last 3 months when I was training to be an English teacher for foreign students (trust me, the Past Perfect Simple is not that simple in practice). That said, I love a good challenge, so here goes nothing!
NTWTF is an isometric CRPG set in a hyper-realized/fantasy world, where you take the role of a cop who battles his foes with conversational skills and his inventory is a memory palace comprised of itemised thoughts. And as long-time readers know, I do love a good detective story in my games.
There's something hugely ambitious No Truce With The Furies, taking familiar gaming mechanics and dressing them up in something unexpected. It sounds bizarre on paper, but once you see how it's all put together, it's actually far more accessible than you'd think. Hopefully, this one finds an audience beyond the niche crowd because everything about the game, from concept to artwork, is clearly a winner.