You encounter a check you want to pass, you put points in the respective skill.
It's not rocket science.
So, this game is played backwards? You first fail and then retry?
That's fine. Except I already said that the checks I had left of the list were not possible with my stats. I couldn't assign enough skill points to pass them.
Point is, I had points left over. I could have used them in any skill, but I didn't need them.
Thank you for the lesson in how to play a genre I played for like almost the length of your life, captain rocket surgeon.
Most failed passive checks are silent, you never see that you failed.
Right, so how does that help me to know where to put the points? Or figure out what's the logic.
OK, say I missed a ton of these invisible checks and I could've passed them if I spent all my points... but, I saw no reason to spend them.
Say you have no checks left that you can do and still have points... where do you put them?
The logical way to me is to either spread them evenly, or "roleplay" by putting them in the skills derived from your main stats. Which makes them even more useless (at least it looks like that) since those skills are already high and hardly need more points.
In a second playthrough, when you kinda know what you need, sure. Then maybe you'll also hit those invisible checks.
Current year garbage indeed.
Indeed. I acknowledged you can "roleplay" against them, but yes the "current year" themes are all there. I think they only missed climate change? Even if I didn't feel like the game had an agenda, the themes ARE there.
Also in the other thread I admitted that I maybe there's no agenda and I'm just not reading it correctly. But hey, whenever you have the option to go against, it always feels to me like it's done in a sarcastic way and the developers are wagging their finger at you.
Very possible I am brainwashed by the Codex, however, again, the themes are there and I don't care for them. I don't see the need for them. But as I said, I appreciate that at least they're part of the game. With a few exceptions where they throw in random communist crap in discussions where it really didn't seem warranted. Is it just for fun because the game is "ZANY"? Maybe, but I hate communists! Kill all commies!
Oh yeah, and I do appreciate that you can indeed play an asshole (even if the devs judge you).