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Divine Divinity is the best shit game I have ever played

Nov 29, 2016
The amount of detail that went into the world is staggering.

I think Divine Divinity is still one of my favorite games to explore for that very reason. I wish I could play through it for the first time once again. The fact that you can find the battleground from the intro cinematic near Aleroth or solve a hidden puzzle in the cemetery that is hidden in plain sight...

My favorite part that is missing from a lot of games is that you can stumble into a lot of story-important locations like the
doctor's house or the cursed abbey
without being told to go there by anyone, and find out various story implications for yourself. It reminds me of
randomly finding Torian Kel in Arcanum and learning the backstory behind the Derian-Ka and the Hand of Moloch by complete accident.
This makes exploration feel so organic and natural, but it seems that few games allow for this kind of nonlinear uncovering of their storylines, unfortunately.


Apr 4, 2018
Montréal, Canada
Hi everyone,

Recently registered to this forum, I am a RPG/Isometrical RPG love. I like to to some let's play (when I have time because we all know that Time is the worst enemy of RPG lover).

I recently started to play Divine Divinity (I never finished ti when it was released in 2002) and I decided to do the adventure with a melee fighter who knows a little bit of magic. I just finished the damn catacombs and until now, I really like the game (even the French translation is great quality).

However, choosing skills are more complex than I think, even for a fighter. I unblocked lockpick + repair (1 & 2) but I don't know what else I should take. I love the fact that you can personalize your build with other class skills. I was thinking: is it a good idea to have freeze spell to immobilize enemies and hit them as fast as possible?

Any advice for a starter would be welcome.

Thank you :)
Nov 29, 2016
Hi everyone,

Recently registered to this forum, I am a RPG/Isometrical RPG love. I like to to some let's play (when I have time because we all know that Time is the worst enemy of RPG lover).

I recently started to play Divine Divinity (I never finished ti when it was released in 2002) and I decided to do the adventure with a melee fighter who knows a little bit of magic. I just finished the damn catacombs and until now, I really like the game (even the French translation is great quality).

However, choosing skills are more complex than I think, even for a fighter. I unblocked lockpick + repair (1 & 2) but I don't know what else I should take. I love the fact that you can personalize your build with other class skills. I was thinking: is it a good idea to have freeze spell to immobilize enemies and hit them as fast as possible?

Any advice for a starter would be welcome.

Thank you :)
Yes, the freeze spell is a good idea. So good it trivializes the entire game.
Nov 29, 2016
This is one of my preferite games. I am wondering, are they planning an hd release?
The game already looks gorgeous with the widescreen patch (which the GoG version of the game already comes with), especially in outdoor scenes with clouds casting shadows, puddles having reflections and rippling when characters move through them, etc.
May 4, 2017
Lithium Flower thanks, I will be retrying divine divinity soon

abnaxus what's the spot? I don't wish to spoil the game to myself because I forgot almost everything apart from a few details that are hatched in my mind even if 14 years have passed since I've played this.

I even remember that I was a teen and I interrupted playing this to go to Croatia.

By the way, if I don't remember wrong there is an axe you are asked to find by an orc inside the first (?) dungeon. Is it good for late game?
Dec 17, 2013
The thread title sucks. Divine Divinity was a quality game. It didn't do anything in a groundbreaking way maybe, but the overall product was very enjoyable and in a medium meant for entertainment, that has to count for a lot.

Unfortunately, Larian lost whatever they had with DD with the new OS games.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Hi everyone,

Recently registered to this forum, I am a RPG/Isometrical RPG love. I like to to some let's play (when I have time because we all know that Time is the worst enemy of RPG lover).

I recently started to play Divine Divinity (I never finished ti when it was released in 2002) and I decided to do the adventure with a melee fighter who knows a little bit of magic. I just finished the damn catacombs and until now, I really like the game (even the French translation is great quality).

However, choosing skills are more complex than I think, even for a fighter. I unblocked lockpick + repair (1 & 2) but I don't know what else I should take. I love the fact that you can personalize your build with other class skills. I was thinking: is it a good idea to have freeze spell to immobilize enemies and hit them as fast as possible?

Any advice for a starter would be welcome.

Thank you :)
You can learn spells (and then improve them) from spell books, so you don't need to invest level up points as much (or at all) into spells. You can find spell books in the loot or at merchants (both randomly). Merchants get a new inventory every time you level up, you can save before talking to them and then reload if they don't have any spell books. If you have the patience for that. Any book shelf has a chance to produce a spell book as well when you loot them, though the chance is low.

The lightning spell is good against trolls iirc, hell spikes is a very good spell as well (with >=3 points in it, at 5 it's very powerful). Freeze is best on a melee weapon. Early on, when you have to kite more and/or run away from powerful enemies, using a bow and that skill that increases your range of sight (elvensight?) is fairly useful, so you can shoot at mobs that are so far away that you don't aggro them when shooting at them because they can't see you.

Some skills are no-brainers, enchant to use charm slots, alchemy to combine healing and mana potions into restoration potions etc. Poisoning weapons is also a very potent way to deal damage especially early on, so keep all empty flasks and the like so you can fill them with poison when you find some poison barrels. There's this trap skill that summons scorpions which will make short work of everything in the game. Don't use that skill unless you don't care that you won't get XP for things killed by those scorpions.
May 4, 2017
No, from what I know you get xp from the stuff killed by scorpions. In fact there is a certain point in the game where I've found enemies that were way too strong for me (5 levels or more) and I actually used the scorpions to level up.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
No, from what I know you get xp from the stuff killed by scorpions. In fact there is a certain point in the game where I've found enemies that were way too strong for me (5 levels or more) and I actually used the scorpions to level up.
I thought I'd remembered you didn't get any XP but you're right, after investigating I found out that you get half the XP for scorpion kills, so some might be willing to make that sacrifice. Especially considering how XP gains work in that game it might not be that much of a sacrifice anyway.
May 4, 2017
Story spoiler
are you able not to abuse scorpion cheese right after you get imprisoned in the dungeon by the prince\prince lackeys?


Apr 4, 2018
Montréal, Canada
Hi everyone,

Recently registered to this forum, I am a RPG/Isometrical RPG love. I like to to some let's play (when I have time because we all know that Time is the worst enemy of RPG lover).

I recently started to play Divine Divinity (I never finished ti when it was released in 2002) and I decided to do the adventure with a melee fighter who knows a little bit of magic. I just finished the damn catacombs and until now, I really like the game (even the French translation is great quality).

However, choosing skills are more complex than I think, even for a fighter. I unblocked lockpick + repair (1 & 2) but I don't know what else I should take. I love the fact that you can personalize your build with other class skills. I was thinking: is it a good idea to have freeze spell to immobilize enemies and hit them as fast as possible?

Any advice for a starter would be welcome.

Thank you :)
Yes, the freeze spell is a good idea. So good it trivializes the entire game.
Got it. Good to know. But I guess everything is good to try when you are a melee fighter. When should I unlock the "enchanted weapon" skill? Do I need this before being level 10?

Anyway, that's a real pleasure to play that game.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Story spoiler
are you able not to abuse scorpion cheese right after you get imprisoned in the dungeon by the prince\prince lackeys?
Never used that skill even once because of XP penalty. Very strong tools against anybody: lvl5 hell spikes or strong poison+bow+kiting or sword with freeze enchantment.


Sep 5, 2010
Hello everyone. It seems I picked a good time to (finally) play DD since this thread has been resurrected. I am also doing a warrior build like Ramenos but I am trying not to focus on magic too much (or at all?) I am guessing alchemy is a no brainer for any character but what about identify? 150g is a lot at the start of the game so it would be worth getting a few points in it but I am guessing that, as with any RPG, at some point in the game money becomes irrelevant so it would just end up being a wasted skill.

I am still exploring the catacombs and I found a crapload of axes down there. I am usually biased towards swords in most games so I haven't decided yet what weapon to focus on.

Last but not least, I am playing my DVD version so I do not have the resolution mod. I am playing this in the 800x600 and everything looks fine.

edit: It seems I can change the resolution from some config exe. yay.

Also, 1/1 durability items? Pls.
Last edited:


May 26, 2016
I remember DD had some jarring difficulty spikes, like wading through entire battlefields mowing down Orcs left, right and center, only to be one shotted by some random boss somewhere.


Apr 4, 2018
Montréal, Canada
Hi everyone,

Recently registered to this forum, I am a RPG/Isometrical RPG love. I like to to some let's play (when I have time because we all know that Time is the worst enemy of RPG lover).

I recently started to play Divine Divinity (I never finished ti when it was released in 2002) and I decided to do the adventure with a melee fighter who knows a little bit of magic. I just finished the damn catacombs and until now, I really like the game (even the French translation is great quality).

However, choosing skills are more complex than I think, even for a fighter. I unblocked lockpick + repair (1 & 2) but I don't know what else I should take. I love the fact that you can personalize your build with other class skills. I was thinking: is it a good idea to have freeze spell to immobilize enemies and hit them as fast as possible?

Any advice for a starter would be welcome.

Thank you :)
You can learn spells (and then improve them) from spell books, so you don't need to invest level up points as much (or at all) into spells. You can find spell books in the loot or at merchants (both randomly). Merchants get a new inventory every time you level up, you can save before talking to them and then reload if they don't have any spell books. If you have the patience for that. Any book shelf has a chance to produce a spell book as well when you loot them, though the chance is low.

The lightning spell is good against trolls iirc, hell spikes is a very good spell as well (with >=3 points in it, at 5 it's very powerful). Freeze is best on a melee weapon. Early on, when you have to kite more and/or run away from powerful enemies, using a bow and that skill that increases your range of sight (elvensight?) is fairly useful, so you can shoot at mobs that are so far away that you don't aggro them when shooting at them because they can't see you.

Some skills are no-brainers, enchant to use charm slots, alchemy to combine healing and mana potions into restoration potions etc. Poisoning weapons is also a very potent way to deal damage especially early on, so keep all empty flasks and the like so you can fill them with poison when you find some poison barrels. There's this trap skill that summons scorpions which will make short work of everything in the game. Don't use that skill unless you don't care that you won't get XP for things killed by those scorpions.

Thanks a lot for all of these advice.

PS: sorry for the missing word on my 1st message, my French autocorrect likes messing with me when I speak English by deleting sneakily words... =)


Apr 4, 2018
Montréal, Canada
Hi again,

This game is much more harder than I imagined for a melee fighter... But I like that!

The problem is the lack of clue for some quests. There are 2 quests where I am kind of blocked:

1) The coward knight hidden on a farm: he said an assassin is looking for him, not far, but I did not find the guy. Where is he???
2) Find George murder: maybe I did not click "everywhere" on his house, but I have no idea where I can find this guy.

I am currently level 11. Can I do these quests? If yes, some clues would be great :). I just arrived at General Alix castle and helped everybody overthere.

Thank you!


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
1) The coward knight hidden on a farm: he said an assassin is looking for him, not far, but I did not find the guy. Where is he???
Close to where the knight is hiding there are fields of some farmers. The assassin is in an orchard in the middle of those fields.

2) Find George murder: maybe I did not click "everywhere" on his house, but I have no idea where I can find this guy.
You have to inform Mardaneus that Georg has been killed. You'll find the murderer way later in the game in Verdistis.


Apr 4, 2018
Montréal, Canada
Hi again,

Was able to resolve some quests yesterday but I am facing a weird issue. I spoke to Ralph (located south of a Castle). He gave a quest and I tried to enter his room. He told me not to and locked himself on his room. I just ignored it and continued playing for some time. Came back like a few hours later and this dumb guy is still locked on his room.

I am just wandering: will I be able to finish his quest if he stayed on his room? Is there a way to put him out? I don't want to load an old save...

Thank you.


Aug 17, 2006

I'm not going in there.


Sep 30, 2014
Finally managed to finish this game, here are some thoughts:

Quite charming game, I like setting and Larian humor here, I found my self chuckling quite frequently, and few times bursting out laughing.

There was lots and lots side quests to do, and most nicely made, and many had Larian humor in them, if not most.

Soundtrack was superb (Rip Kirill), several times I just stood still while listening good music.

Combat unfortunately consisted spamming potions, especially during boss fights, which wasn't so enjoyable. Being able to CC some bosses so easily was frankly odd.

But overall I enjoyed my playthrough, and I can recommend game for people who have played Larian's recent games, but not this one just yet.


E: I don't play RPGs for combat, so keep that in mind.


Aug 2, 2018
New Hampshire, USA
Sooo.... rumor is Larian is going to remaster this masterpiece? I'm playing through it again, what a trip this game is. Ironically Divine Divinity is closer to Baldur's Gate than BG3 ever could be.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Hey! Can someone tell me what the fuck the DOS The source Saga is: https://af.gog.com/game/divinity_original_sin_the_source_saga?as=1649904300

I notice it has
Level Editors*

I believe I originally bought https://af.gog.com/game/divinity_original_sin_enhanced_edition_collectors_edition?as=1649904300

It had: Patch (Editor) (gog-10) -> (gog-11) 38 MB
I seriously doubt that is a level editor and I'll take a look in the forums but off the top of my head I just doubt it. Level editors are probably crap but hey I'm always interested in what the fuck that shit is. So someone let me know.

Steam shows this:

Leads me to believe its just a bundle of DOS 1 & 2 with some editors or some sort.
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