I really like the game, but at this point, I can't consider the review scores and the reaction any thing other than a mass psychosis.I'm still only getting to play it (in co-op so it requires some coordination), so please help me here.
From what I've seen everything about this game is DOS1 but slightly improved or changed. And DOS1 was a fine game but nowhere near the best PC games of all time. Plus it's a freaking tactical turn-based RPG with isometric view and significant challenge. How is it even close to being a mainstream hit. It's currently has better reviews than Skyrim and Mass Effect 2, blockbuster games with state of the art graphics and music aimed at a very wide audience.
Does it mean it enough to just polish and iteratively improve any game to get people to love it? Would Grimoire become a mainstream hit if dev didn't rush it and improve the game?
You just described the contemporary understanding of how RPGs should play.What the fuck kind of person would want a 6 person party with this combat system and then half the other mods are "free stuff for everybody"
I guess destroying every last vestige of choices and tradeoffs, they could have just made a mod that just lets you get every single skill and also have every single companion be voices in your head you can quest and romance with
Quite OP actually - completely eliminating needs in crafting, thieving, and even buying something was just an OPTION.how op was lucky charm?
I think it was bad for game that you get epic equipment from barrels lol, so it was rightfully nerfed.
Hahaha thats awesomeAlso, in case anyone missed it, you get +2 Lucky Charm from being Drunk.
So find a loot cache? Bring beer.
Am I the only chump who bought the artbook? Couldn't see people talk about that.
in ryker basement:
didnt kill him, shadowly infiltrating his house. I have opened the door... was all the fuss about extra pyramid? Anyway there are a number of ancient artifacts everywhere. On the shelve closest to entrance there is one that can be activated - starts to glow. Other wont. Is it a puzzle or something forgotten? Anyone can give me a hint?
Also what are the recipes for uograding runes?
I have like half a dozen small masterwork runes (9% dmg bonus) (courtsey lucky charm), while only a single masterwotk rune (11% damage bonus) any way to upgrade them like with potions?
People rarely talk about the art books, unless they're artists, with other artists, even if they're awesome. I personally love art books and my GF loves them even more, so if I could've, I would probably have gotten a physical D:OS2 art book.Am I the only chump who bought the artbook? Couldn't see people talk about that.
https://twitter.com/fiddlecub/status/893522657286684672I'm the Red Prince (the lizard), but I'm dtf the dwarf.
https://twitter.com/fiddlecub/status/896111286328545280I would like to introduce my beloved Beast. A wonderful character to write - and further proof that dwarves are sexy.
It's amazing to me when people create fan art of the thing you make. I hope people love Beast enough to make fan art. Also: erotic fan art.
A few thoughts from the last few days of playing: We made an awesome and surprising thing. It's OK to play on easy. Dwarves are sexy.
I am so used to playing DOS:2 on easy for testing purposes that I forgot just how hard it was on normal!
It appears Mass Effect: Andromeda has had a greater impact on the cRPG world than anticipated.
Or freaks, furries and other weirdos have always existed but before the internet they didn't know of each other. Now they discovered they're not alone and because of muh open society they're no longer feel they have to hide their freaky inclinations.
Or freaks, furries and other weirdos have always existed but before the internet they didn't know of each other. Now they discovered they're not alone and because of muh open society they're no longer feel they have to hide their freaky inclinations.
The same can be said about RPG fans in general.
So Larian took up the Bioware mantle. Oh lord.
https://www.divinity.game/ said:You'll recruit up to three companions to help in your quest, each character as detailed as your own, with their own origin stories and motivations. We’ve built a dynamic relationship system between you and your party members: expect all shades of friendship, rivalry and yes, even romance.