Brought it to somewhat mainstream attention =/= bad game.
Nobody is saying that because its not easy to admit that this is the main issue..Nobody is saying it's bad because it got mainstream attention, lololololol.
Failed to beat the tough version of the fight in my solo game, but did beat it in the game with my brother. Both games on Tactician. The difference was that in the game with my brother, the leadership companion was tankier and had higher leadership. With 17 leadership, gear bonuses and the protective bubble, you can reach very high resists and then the big mofo barely damages you - except for the leadership character who doesn't get his own leadership bonus and has to tank hard.I'm still not quite sure how I managed to beat the fight in the most difficult setup. That kraken alone can probably kill any level 20 character per round.
With some help in the easier setup of the fight, I could see this working out well - more cannon fodder to target for the kraken and the... real boss.
But that is not a fair judgement...because they did learn from the past on various issues. The story/writing is far better from the first, the content has more consistency in quality and doesn't do a massive drop after the first act and it's generally more polished all around - especially compared to the initial release of DOS1. Also the voting in the codex showed that in general people consider it good-very good not "passable". That's only a vocal minority.I don't think the issue is whether it is good or not in general. I think the KKKonsensus is that it's passable. The problem is they didn't learn a thing from D:OS1 and slapped on the same kinds of obnoxious design decisions that undermine the whole game, but also sloppily bolted on additional systems that nobody wanted and only serve to further sour the experience, like the armor system.
Turn based RPGs weren't really something that needed to make a large comeback, after we designed systems to let this stuff be done strategically and in real time simultaneously (like Pillars of Eternity)I don't know what you guys are so whiny about but DOS2 is the title that will be remembered as the one which brought turn-based RPGs back in the spotlight.
But sure, it sucks, I guess. ELEX and stuff
There are status effects that are applied through armor.I think the combat could be vastly improved if armor made certain disables weaker instead of nullifying them entirely, more disables worked through armor like slow and there were more immunities to deal with so everything couldn't be solved with physical damage spam to knockdown loop.
It's very salvageable in my opinion, but I fear that Larian is way too happy of what it is in this flawed condition.
Yes, absolutely. Or instead of weakening, allowing chilled, burning, poison and shocked through armor, but not frozen or stunned.
I've come to like that you can't just stun/knock down/freeze/charm/chicken/cripple everything in your path.
But I see little reason that the other, weaker effects shouldn't work through armor.
However, it is indeed unlikely to see changes like that being made outside of mods.
I also wish Scoundrel wasn't almost entirely useless without daggers. You can use like 3 abilities without daggers. And in many cases for no real reason.
Makes it far less worthwhile to invest more points into Scoundrel than you need for Adrenaline, Cloak & Dagger, Chloroform and that rather worthless exploding trap.
Of course every character needs one point for The Pawn, but other than that...
At the very least, they should add spears to the supported weapons as they are also Finesse based.
Something wicked is coming... he has been here before, and the power left him with a taste for more...
There's just nothing to do but endless fighting fighting fighting
I said it's going to be more of the same, but with more padding first!
Something wicked is coming... he has been here before, and the power left him with a taste for more...
I always cringe when someone brings up that damn cheese vendor.
Patch 4 is coming soon!
Hello everyone,
We’re working hard on our next update, fixing issues that have been reported and improving the gameplay where needed. While we don’t have a specific date just yet, it should be releasing sometime next week!
Changes will include:
- Improvements to mod support within the game. Mod sync issues, duplications and situations where mods would not update correctly should now be resolved.
- A large overhaul in GM mode Music and Mood panel. Plus we added support for multiple regions on the same level.
- The Tarquin bug fix (previously fixed in Patch 3 for new games) will now also apply to existing save games.
- A bug which caused the tooltips for inventory items to flash has been fixed.
- We added more journal entries that cover some of the more unusual choices you can make during gameplay. (Though we did not cover the killing of Alexandar with a painting)
- And lots, lots more!
The full list consists of over 500 items bullet points which is why it’s taking us a bit of time to test. Follow us here or on twitter/facebook to keep apprised of when we launch the patch and remember to leave feedback in the forums! It’s where we get our inspiration from for things to include in the next updates.
The Larian Team
Maybe it's just me, but I think the story is a lot more interesting this time around, and by that I mean this time I actually know more than 10% of what's going on.The game is still very much a glorified combat simulator, with rpg elements sprinkled on top, but with weaker exploration, quest design, half-assed story and content in general.