Almost.all the nerds bought it day 1
I'm not very far in at all, but I'm already pleasantly surprised. I figured it was going to fall between "okay" and "pretty good," but it's already "pretty good" and has potential to be amazing.
The character system is expressive and VERY clear; there are many options yet you'd have to deliberately try to make an uninformed decision. Blackguards, I'm looking at you and your three discrete tabs of mystery-requirements (yeah, yeah, RTFM, but I did, and that doesn't mean they didn't seriously fuck up... especially since it's either that or three prebuilts you can't tune.)
The combat, though... I can't remember the last time a system presented so many options, and naturally-occuring synergies, right out of the gate. And so kinesthetic for Iso TB! With a rogue-type and a fighter-type, it has a sense of physicality that rivals many action games. Kind of comes off as something between ToEE and the clever bits of DA Origins (which for all its faults is a decent enough example of giving a some feel / activity to non-spellcasters.)
Outside of combat... well, the writing is "serviceable" and the PC vs PC discussions feel odd in single-player (especially when it comes down to roshambo) but using a rain spell, out-of-combat, to put out a burning ship is the kind of thing sorely missing from most games.
For an easy, and early, example, it was perfect: just obvious enough to spur you back into that mode of thinking. I've tried the obvious thing in enough games over the years to learn that it usually ends in disappointment... but it was really communicated well there, without beating you over the head with it.
(Out of curiousity, DOES an npc beat you over the head with it, if you don't just walk up and do it on reflex? I guess it'd be appropriate there, as long as they don't keep it up for the rest of the game.)