Is that butthurt J_C? How many days past, and you still can't let it go? You need to control your angst.
Tact, diplomacy, self-awareness, the ability to comprehend when your personal issues are that alone (personal). Qualities a wise(r) person should strive to possess.
I comprehend how in your universe of youtubing, attention whoring, pseudo-journoing mediaesque carnivals posting only to say "idiot" is standard practice. But this is not Youtube. Why don't you try stomping your foot down a bit, see if that helps. If all else fails, you can also involve my mother, there's a thought
edit: I'm on a break and am aware you lack the sufficient grey matter, so allow me to explain this further to you. In a conversation that yet again did NOT involve you (you fucking attention whore, twice you do this), you inject the fruits of your pathetically average intelligence. Which amounted to what, lol, typing one single word...
Now, in anticipation to your pathetic attempt at a counter-argument/your snail IQ being unable to grasp it: No. Unlike you, i tend to explain myself prior to swearing. As i have above. Something you (again, just like that other thread) failed to do. Hence the above, as i do sympathise, in terms of
youtube attention whoring 'where you're coming from' and all that.
So please, help yourself. I've made the suggestion before, you should really attempt to stick to a 'ground' where you, the consoletard above and the millions of people you two relate with could congregate. You already frequent such 'avenues', so why not take the final step and restrict your attention whoring persona to those and those alone.
edit2: /cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck