I'm afraid Roguey is only half-right.. meta is always meta, granted, but the EE really is easier. There are new weapon types added that make (most of) the old ones pale in comparison*, along with various slight changes in ingame mechanics that allow for plenty of cheesing through everything even if you come to it fresh
* worse still that the way they function makes them favourable for both melee and caster builds
Personally speaking (lately it seems i need emphasise the obvious..), picking the EE is a no-brainer. But in case you're wondering:
+ adequately..ish re-worked loot tables. Hand picked in many instances of note, though you still get RNG, never mind the advertising
+ sounds/musical scores are finally fixed, you can enjoy your DTS or equivalent sound output minus the deafening echo bug persistent in the vanilla throughout. No, am not exaggerating. Was that bad
+ most important of all, continuation of bug fixing and polishing. Major difference, and it's still ongoing i think
+ the new editor (imminent in the Larian sense of the word)
may allow for some more freedom in editing/removing previous hardcoded restrictions
- story progress/dialogue is (did i say personally speaking) even worse than the original. Plenty of editing to fool you into thinking it's been improved, but actually? Extra, overly long explaining of the obvious/served with more sauce, gating when before there was none, main story remaining with as many plot holes as it did in the original
- noticeably more streamlined in select locations/progression chokepoints. The lamp really is held for you now. Ludicrous if above the equivalent of a snail's IQ
- introduction of ..elements.. we usually see in other genres, and should have been happy to leave them just so. I mentioned
weapon types wands above, along with other more subtle types
= pacing is almost as bad as it was. Minimal improvement that fails to alter the big picture. Past Cyseal remains .. past Cyseal