My wife is successful (with my editing/advising help), I was successful when younger (not as successful as I should have been thanks to too much EotB et al!) then forgot to die despite having ruptured appendix for > 18 hrs (hospital mix-up) though it fried my kidneys. Two transplants later on disability raising my kids. When they were little had more time to play PF and people asked me to test stuff for them so I did. It's fun. Some of those hrs probably just leaving it on all night who knows? It's my hobby.
That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard lol.
Also I have 2 kids, and a wife, and a relatively demanding but very flexible job with hours. If what you said is true, you're some loser on disability and you spend all your free time playing those shitty pathfinder games over and over lol. If your 'sons' exist, do you think they will be disabled dysgenic losers like you? lol
Absolutely pathetic life story, a step above being an angry incel but still pathetic.