So about 2 months ago I got 3 months of gamepass for 1 dollar, and about 1 week ago I realized I hadn't even played anything with it. So I started looking for anything to get my moneys worth and found this. First impressions were: oh god this is everything wrong with modern gaming.
Terribadly coded launcher demanding my email address, with barely functioning inputs.
Then, the launcher threw ~10 different popup adds at me for various SUMMER HORDE MODE SPECIAL, DLC NOW RELEASED, each of which had to be open for a few seconds before the button to close it was enabled. But whatever, go into options, turn off all the stupid depth of field and film grain and other bullshit graphics (at least FOV is default to 90). Mouse sensitivty in menu is hardcoded to be superlow, and the settings only impact in game look speed, not menu cursor speed. But fine whatever, I ain't no quitter. New game sucker, at least the opening cinematic can be skipped.
Ok, first weapon found is chainsaw, lets pick it up! "Press tab to view codex entry for chainsaw" followed by teleport to mandatory tutorial area so I can learn how to chainsaw enemies (walk up to them and press c, much hard, definately can't be done in regular map). Fine whatever, first secret item: Forced to stand still for 5 seconds after picking it up because otherwise I might not pay 100% of my attention on the long ass pickup animation.
Continue playing. Realize I move at super slow speeds, while the enemies are zooming around like crazy. Maximum shotgun shell capacity: 16, when most enemies take 2 shots to kill. A few secrets hidden in weird corners of the map requiring blind platforming around corners and on lava floors. 90% of the time there are invisible walls on seemingly traversable platforms, throwing you into the abyss.
Admittedly, the game shaped up a bit after the horrible first impressions, but it still has a looooot of bullshit, but at least you can make glory kill animations almost instant. I am dying quite a lot though, feels like enemy projectiles and attacks come out lightning fast, and since they keep spawning in all over the place it's really easy to get flanked and gibbed by strong enemies that didn't exist 5 seconds ago. Weapons also feel super unreliable, especially the micro missiles which sometimes feel like they're doing incredibly amounts of damage, and sometimes feel like they're utterly useless.
I also question the fact that there's a hub level to get upgrades in, but only like 10 maps, and then you don't even visit the hub between every map.