Let me blow your mind: Don't perform the executions, if you don't like them.
The point is, NuDoom is good for what it is (I kinda sorta like it, as I said, as it was a good Doom mod, and Doom mods are crazy). Brutal Doom's "balance" is built on a smart use of executions as both eye candy and they give back some amount of health: in nuDoom they extended it to give the player back health AND ammo. This gets two objectives from a design standpoint: you have to lessen the need for handmade placement of ammo and supplies (it's still done, of course, but it's far less) and also lessen the need for sustaining combat encounter designs. Someone in the thread asked why there are the easy to kill zombies: they are nothing but combat pinatas to shore up the player if needed with ammo&health inside a combat encounter. It's a non-Doom design, and again I do think it's an evolution of a mechanic that other shooters had (I dimly remember it being a thing in several Eastern Euro shooters).
And to be honest, DOOM Eternal looks more and more as a refinement not of the original Doom, but of Doom mods. Brutal Doom's approach to gore and executions, Demonsteele's mobility, extra weapon gimmicks.... I swear someone in the dev team got a good and long look at the Doom Community accomplishments and started, well, stealing ideas for a AAA game. That can't be bad.
The bad things on the video are, well, the music, but I guess they can't fire the guy or something, and the sound design. It's chaotic and not in the good sense: it seems that you are forced to visual recognition and planning 'cause the music isn't a blood-pumping support but an annoying electronic droning and the monsters do not make enough noise\distinctive enough noises to let you plan. You have to see them perform an attack an' shit.
Gun noises are bad but , well, maybe they'll start copying Doom mods even in that. Can't wait when they get their hands on Russian Overkill.