I hate the gameplay because of how fucking in love with its gimmicks it is. I just know, I can just envision these dweebs sitting around planning things out and probably some latent homosexual came up with "LOL THIS WOULD BE FUNNN!" or some egomaniacal bitch made animator was like, "Why would I make these beautiful fatality animations if you're just gonna rocket launcher right through them?" So because of those tyrants you must endure the Doom Eternal gameplay loop. Do you need health? Glory kill a stunned enemy. Do you need armor? Light them on fire. Do you need ammo? Go Leatherface on the schmuck.
Now this wouldn't be bad as some optional thing, maybe a way to spice things up. The problem is, it's not optional. In fact, it's intended that you play this game the way they want you to play it and that's by being some turbo autist that has to MANAGE RESOURCES. Now I know some people like this system but those people are braindead mooks and let me tell you why.
This system, this loop, it is the nucleus of everything bad here in Doom Eternal. The zombies you see wandering around all the time during a gauntlet battle, they're not there for any reason but to be a mobile medkit/ammo crate. They serve no other purpose. Do you know why this gameplay loop exists in the first place? Because the developers here have zero fucking clue how to do item placement and pacing. This all goes to map design. You see in real Doom, the maps were like labyrinths and elaborate mazes. This let them put things around the place thoughtfully and if you didn't use what you were given well, then you'd properly eat shit. In this game because if they went that traditional route (assuming they could make a map that didn't suck) then you'd almost always run out of ammo because... huzzah, the encounter/enemy placement is fucked. In fact, there is no real enemy placement. The way you fight enemies is by entering a room and then hearing Mick Gordon's BLOCK ROCKING BEATS play telling you it's COMBAT MODE now. You'll proceed to face wave after wave of enemies like you accidentally entered a Survival mode, and the enemies themselves vary from Revenants and Mancubi to Hell Knights and Arachnotrons that spawn in from who the fuck knows where. Because you can't chainsaw anything bigger then six feet, you're forced to run around most of the time like a moron to RIP AND TEAR some zombies and keep the fight going. Don't worry about what ammo you need because they drop all the ammo except BFG. There are item pick ups scattered around and medkits of yore, but they seem like a novelty placement than anything else. Because you'll go through an area most of the time once ever you don't have to make a mental note on where they are. Just run over it, if you pick it up then good and if you don't then oh well proceed through the gate of no return as always.
And then there's how tedious shit is outside of that accursed loop. Gauntlet style fight, run through corridor/platform section, repeat. This is the bulk of what you're doing in this game. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. This wouldn't be too much of a problem if 1) the combat gameplay loop mentioned above wasn't total goatshit and 2) the platforming didn't suck dick. I don't know who asked for this platforming thing. Maybe it was a sick Make-A-Wish kid who pleaded that they put platforming into their next Doom game even if everyone else that is going to live on has to suffer. If that's the case I hope an Archvile brings that punk back so I can personally dropkick them in the teeth. Everyone knows the platforming is gay, no need to drone on about it.
I also don't like the 37 progression systems they stapled on here. Runes, suit upgrades, weapon mods, mods for the weapon mods, mods for the mods of the weapon mods, some other shit I stopped noticing after 3 hours and just clicked at random. I'm playing Doom you pussies, just give me a super shotgun.